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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. If Comrade Kamala wins, I'll go straight to a gold shop and spend all my money on gold. The price will shoot up.
  2. It'll also bring about the end of the USA, planet earth, mankind, and the universe. How do I know? Morning Joe and CNN tell me every day. LOLOLOLOL!
  3. Bernie Sanders pointed out that Kamala is flip-flopping to get votes and that she hasn't changed her radical left (Marxist) positions. She has lied so much that who would believe what she says? Even Morning Joe hasn't said that the new flip-flop policies are really hers. Kamala gives word salads when she is asked about her policies. If the flip-flop policies were really her new positions, why does she never explain her new policies with specifics? She just gives word salads instead.
  4. So far there have been no suitable possible female Presidents. Hillary Clinton is as corrupt as any human being can be. Comrade Kamala is brainless. She couldn't even spell AI to save her life.
  5. He wasn't convicted of rape. You watch too much CNN/ABC/MSDNC. They convicted him in their studios.
  6. Conspiracy theories will continue to abound when you have a government that you can't trust. Indeed, sometimes what is called a conspiracy theory by the government is actually true. Do you remember that the FBI's involvement in the "Laptop from Hell" was called a conspiracy theory by the Biden-Harris regime? It turned out to be true. The "Russia! Russia! Russia!" hoax was called a conspiracy theory by the same regime. It turned out to be true. There are other examples.
  7. I don't know about her claims. But when a disaster film appears it is often based on secret government projects or on possible natural disasters. In my opinion, the US Military most probably has a secret project to try to manipulate the weather through satellites as part of warfare. Surely, someone in the US Military has thought about finding a way to flood China with a mass of hurricanes and has got funding for it. ... You may have watched the film "Geostorm" made in 2017. In the end, the project "Dutch Boy" went badly wrong and nearly destroyed mankind.
  8. I don't know about her claims. But when a disaster film appears it is often based on secret government projects or on possible natural disasters. In my opinion, the US Military most probably has a secret project to try to manipulate the weather through satellites as part of warfare. Surely, someone in the US Military has thought about finding a way to flood China with a mass of hurricanes and has got funding for it. ... You may have watched the film "Geostorm" made in 2017. In the end, the project "Dutch Boy" went badly wrong and nearly destroyed mankind.
  9. I don't know about her claims. But when a disaster film appears it is often based on secret government projects or on possible natural disasters. In my opinion, the US Military most probably has a secret project to try to manipulate the weather through satellites as part of warfare. Surely, someone in the US Military has thought about finding a way to flood China with a mass of hurricanes and has got funding for it. ... You may have watched the film "Geostorm" made in 2017. In the end, the project "Dutch Boy" went badly wrong and nearly destroyed mankind.
  10. He's obviously not a very bright fellow. But on the bright side, he won't be lonely anymore. He'll soon have lots of new "friends" for the next (X to XX) years.
  11. It is very difficult to discuss anything with the expats supporters of the Radical Left Dem-Marxists because all they know is what ABC/ CNN/ MSNBC/New York Times tell them.
  12. It is very difficult to discuss anything with the expats supporters of the Radical Left Dem-Marxists because all they know is what ABC/ CNN/ MSNBC/New York Times tell them.
  13. Also, don't forget this. I have 26 cats and I know the feeling...
  14. Ignore the nasty comments here. You can turn your health around by learning about what foods to eat/drink and avoid, and make sure you exercise and do easy love / stress-removing meditations, such as those at HeartMath.org. There are also many helpful stress-removing videos on YouTube, of course. You'll be back in full health again. Don't worry! Remember - food, exercise, stress.
  15. Maybe watch ABC/CNN/MSNBC a little less often. You've clearly been brainwashed by watching these channels for many years.
  16. I never have insurance for anything because I believe the insurance company will find a way to avoid paying. I don't trust insurance companies.
  17. Investigate for yourself. Don't rely on the anti-Trump, pro-Swamp, Dem-Marxist media for information.
  18. Here's another person who has been brainwashed by the Dem-Marxist media: "Trump is a threat to Democracy, to mankind, to the planet, and to the universe. If there is more than one universe, then he's also a threat to all universes. He's that dangerous!" LOL! By the way, the US is not a Democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic. The Radical Left don't seem to know this.
  19. This assurance comes from the person who kept saying that the border is secure.
  20. Today will be exciting! All the Dem-Marxist-supporting expats here will rise up in fury and spit fireballs because you have said something negative about Comrade Kamala and the Swamp backers. "No, it's Trump's fault! He's Hitler! He'll bring an end to Democracy on the planet. ABC, CNN, MSNBC have said so!" LOL!
  21. My wife and I and 26 cats live perfectly well for 10 to 11000 per month.
  22. Where's the money to pay for their Medicare, Social Security, etc., going to come from? Both are in trouble already.
  23. The new Haitians have a temporary legal status as I understand it. They can be deported if this status doesn't change by the time Trump becomes President. He has to deport millions of illegals because there's not enough money for them. Even FEMA hasn't enough money to help the hurricane victims. The money's gone to help illegals.
  24. Why be nasty to a fellow poster? It's a beautiful day today! Every day is.
  25. The Police in Bangkok, Phuket, and Pattaya will be very unhappy about this. Many will be thinking, "But, but, how will I fund my wives' shopping trips abroad if I can't extort money from the bars? What about the payments for the family's 3 Mercedes Benzes? How will I pay them? Oh, poor me!"
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