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Everything posted by CharlieH

  1. So, give an example of this, not everyone knows exactly what these are or how they are used.If you are going to compare them, help people understand and give examples.
  2. A forum for general interest & discussion topics related to Thailand only CLOSED
  3. One universal language to avoid misunderstandings and ease communication of all people. Remove all religions. (Guess that would make the perly gates redundant?) As its probably the single most cause of conflict death and war.
  4. I tried to catch fog this morning.......Mist ! What do you call a nervous Javelin thrower?.... Shakespear What did the digital clock say to the Grandfather Clock ? Look Grandpa no hands ! Everyone knows where the Big Apple is, But does anyone know where Minneapolis
  5. I generally do not tip , unless its just rounding up the bill to make it more convenient for me as I hate messing with change. The eception to this is if the service I received was also an exception then its whatever I feel at the time.
  6. Reported personal attack removed. Obsetve forum rules please.
  7. I am not posting this because it's something I personally believe in, let's get that out of the way first. This is something I came across and as they say there can be a grain of truth in every "theory". That's how many of these gain ground and are subsequently elaborated on and distorted and then the "conspiracy Theory" is born. Here is one I came across today and I was curious what others make of this, is it possible to some degree? are things really being evolved in this way ? It goes like this, Facebook, Instagranm, Whats App have all updated the small print to allow them to access many aspects of your personal life and details. This has been going on for over a decade but quietly and surely increasing in its depth of the information gathered and how. Why ? well because of A.I artificial intelligence has been growing faster and is telling the developers what it needs etc and then implements that across the platforms. The idea a while back where there was a function to see how your face would change in 10 years, this was a learning tool for facial recognition software. Many A.I functions are being tried and tested this way as more and more interact with the Social Media platforms. Then we have Covid, this in effect has pushed even more toward online activity and so the ball continues to gather its momentum and info gathering. They can (apparently) now access you, your bank account, your messages, your deleted messages, and even monitor you from any devices around you ! Truly the Big Brother scenario. Ok, so, what is your take on this ? is this being blown out of proportion, is some of it possible and its just being enhanced to suit a conspiracy agenda ? Who knows, but IF any of this is true then it does not bode well for privacy or lack thereof etc for the generations behind us. What are your thoughts? do you even care? many often say "they can watch me all they like, got nothing to hide" which is of course true, but how would you feel if you tried to do something or go somewhere and you were confronted with "sorry your info says this, NO ! your not doing that etc. Scary or laughable ? Did you know many of the "Customer Service" chat lines are actually A.I. now and not manned by people at all. I have encountered this atleast twice.
  8. Some streets in Petchabun woke up to a few feet of water in their homes this morning !. The river in Town is not far off bursting. The locals near my village are actually fishing from the roadside and hunting for frogs etc.
  9. Living in Phetchabun and having HAD the AZ vaccine from the local authority any such rumor is nonsense ! I certainly have not heard any such negative chatter.
  10. Thought that was going to end " put your head between your knees and kiss your arzz goodbye" ...lol ????????????
  11. For those that dont actually understand sarcasm, here is a very simple example.
  12. Majority (90%+) of communication is non verbal, emphasised by expression, tone, body language. You can take a sentence and change its meaning comlletely just by how its actually said and expression used. Very difficult when only words on a page, as the saying goes, "its not the mouth it came out of, its the mind it goes into". With sarcasm, I would say its xomething like 99% tone and expression and very difficult to convey accurately, throw in the mix multiple languages and its probably a waste of time even trying. Move all of that to a topic of multiple pages and posts by multiple people and languages, dont read from start to finish, just dive into one or a few posts in succesion toward the end and its unlikely you would ever see it or pick up on it.
  13. If Apple made a car, what would be missing ? Windows ! Worst pub I ever went to was called The Fiddle. It was a vile Inn. What do you call a woman who just burns all her bills ? Bernadette. What does Santa pay to park his sleigh ? Nothing, its on the house !
  14. Depends on volume of orders to handle, how they are processed and where they are sourced from. So many variables, inc drop-shipper sales.
  15. In order to stem/stop any possible misinformation this topic is now CLOSED. All drugs have side effects and Ivermectin is no exception. Many people have been hospitalized and at least2 have died in the US as a re4sult of indiscriminate ivermectin use. Bottom line: research is underway, until the data is available this is of unproven benefit and it does have dangers. That is the basis for this closure.
  16. A few "Dad"style jokes........ A new medical name for viagra, "mycoxaflopin" My parents always told me to make little things count. So I,m teaching Maths to dwarfs. I swear to drunk i"m not God. But seriously, stay in drugs,eat school and dont do vegetables. My son is a man trapped in a womans body. He"ll be born in December. What you call a Dinasaur who uses cheap toilet paper ? .......Megasoreass
  17. Thanks to those who contributed. Closed
  18. Quite popular in our town. We have one place that kind of specialises in them.Alot look like invalid carriages but some are not bad.The local Vet uses one alot.Hers is a 3 wheeler. Seem to be all Chinese kit from what I have seen. Bound to be other dealers around, check the motorcycle shops ! What area are you in ? Might help .
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