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Everything posted by CharlieH

  1. Tollong misinformation and the responses to the removed posts all removed.
  2. The problem is, wherever you may go, there you are ! Geography doesnt always correct the issue.
  3. Not as cheap ad the $500 houses in Japan rural areas ( if your into that kind of thing)????
  4. Well, regulars and old hands probably know which bridge this was born under. 3/10 for effort. CLOSED.
  5. By all accounts there is currently a world shortage and 2nd hand are fetching stupid prices and new mors than x2 if you can find one. IF you can find them be prepared for a shock. ????
  6. Reported trolling comments/posts removed. The persistent trolling comments by certain posters is becoming very tedious, persist and you can enjoy a long holiday.
  7. Was doing ok until I read that ! Reminded me this time of year of that Autumnal smell and kaliedascope of colors as the leaves change and fall.The stiff breeze of cold fresh air turning the face a rosy pink and your beathe provides that steamy mist as you walk n talk through the park.
  8. Nope ! Dont touch that or any alchohol. Each to his own???? Had a day yesterday though when I could have quite easily done someone ham in shear frustration! ! Doesnt happen very often but communication issues sometimes can be testing.
  9. A number of off topic posts removed. Please do not discuss pirated editions.
  10. Reported conspiracy post removed. Post with broken links removed.
  11. Paid here without an issue. Didnt Prayut state that schools should not withold ANYTHING from this payment and if they did they should be reported at once.
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