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Everything posted by CharlieH

  1. Paid here without an issue. Didnt Prayut state that schools should not withold ANYTHING from this payment and if they did they should be reported at once.
  2. Teal Estate forum more suitable for this than General. MOVED
  3. Comment on Moderation removed along with response exchange comments.
  4. Many off topic and grammar police posts and responses removed. Title edited.
  5. Errm..... Solar sails have a maximum speed which is 10% the speed of light, which equates to 18,600 miles per second or, 67,100,000 mph. Solar powered spacecrafts are able to travel faster than conventional rocket fueled spacecrafts due to constant light pressure being applied to the sail propelling it forward.
  6. Reported post and responses removed. Please do not make derogatory generalisations.The post will be removed.
  7. A good representation of the hopes and dreams of many coming to Thailand without due dilligence ???? ! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSedNGFnq/
  8. Discussed i other topics in the TRAVEL FORUM MOVED.
  9. If that was an opening post I would PIN thatto the top of the forum as a beacon for all the fresh fish !
  10. Happy to say the marriage hasnt failed but it has had its moments. The first relationship (not marriage) failed but later I came to realise it was actually a total misunderstanding and regretted that one. I moved to the outskirts of her village after 2 years together in rented accomadation. Never had any problems here and happy to report the family have been good as gold. Having been on this board 11 years and in Thailand 17 years I consider myself very lucky compared to many of the stories I have seen. If I had my time over again, no I wouldnt have moved here, no I wouldnt have built what I did etc. I would have given more thought to infrastructure travel access and convenience and probably gone to a different location. The sad part there is we all change as we get older and priorities are different to how we thought and felt 20 years ago. I think its easy to reflect back over the trials and tribulations this country puts you through. Everyone is wiser in hindsight ,
  11. One of the reasons I chose to live up country was to stay away from some areas and well trodden paths of alot of these characters that do tend to give the rest of us a bad name. Where I am, I rarely see other Farangs unless its on a shopping trip to Makro etc. I dont frequent bars or similar venues as I dont drink. When i do see another one I usually smile and nod and keep walking. A few times over the years I have helped them in the Post Office when they were having difficulties but thats about it. There was one in my village, i forget how we met, but we would sort of check on each other about every 2 weeks, have a coffee and natter and go our seperate ways til next time. Sadly he had a AAA and died age 62. Now I know a few others as time marches on and see then every few months for a catch up.
  12. (Tried the roll ons and found most of them sticky, Only one (for me) was Dove. Then I found a good spray on which Was better. 150ml so lasts a good while.
  13. Surprised that the usual fallback position of "if you werent here it couldnt happen" .so its your own fault wasnt used. That whole thing was doomed from the start. No way a Judge could or would make a positive call unless he wanted to retire !
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