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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. I am beginning the reading of Project 2025. You? It is available for download from the internet.
  2. A while ago, my bank would not do an international transfer form required by Bangkok Bank in NYC … so I changed to Wise … recently Wise started using an intermediary company to take the funds from my account when I asked for a monthly transfer … the change resulted in my bank saying no, cannot do. Long and short of it, I now do a direct monthly wire transfer into my Bangkok Bank Account here in Thailand. Fast, efficient and does not cost me more than a Wise transfer did so … Recommend doing a direct wire transfer.
  3. Sad response by the red ant. Suggest we ignore.
  4. Very clearly stated.
  5. Quite so. Nonetheless my Absetee Ballot will be mailed voting for the political party having a documented record of favoring the working middle class over the party putting forth the policies of Project 2024. I will vote in opposition to a current candidate who is anathema to everything I support. I have studied far too much history to do otherwise. I fully face that if the majority of American citizen voters do not reject Trump and his old, I will have lost my country.
  6. Personally, I would seek out a Nose, Throat and Ear Doctor. They will take a look. Discharges sounds like a definite infection. But the Doctor could find a growth (s) causing the long running issue. At the onset of any sinis issues, I irrigate continuously by flooding up one nostril and out the other with saline solution (plastic bottles for eye contact lense).
  7. If only … Bernie gave voice to the working middle class justified frustrations/anger … just at Trump is perceived to be doing. Hugh difference was Sanders had the documented record of fighting for the middle class as opposed to Trump’s lip service and incompetence in leadership/ statesmanship. Defeat the Trump Party and I am ready to turn attention on the rich and famous in the Democrat Party. Sanders was shafted and no, I did not vote for Hillary.
  8. Damn those unskilled laboring peasants. Wait, what? You mean the working middle class thinks they are better off voting Democrat rather than Republican? What a thought! That said, as a Democrat voting, I have plenty to criticize the Democrat Party on but … first I need to cast my vote in opposition to a man abhorrent to what my forbears built in the USA from before its founding and drive a stake through the heart of the current Republican Party.
  9. H, yes, the importing of votes. Except you cannot vote if you are not a citizen. Care to look at the process of becoming a citizen?
  10. Whoa! You are stating that what is taking place in NYC (with Southern Governors having proudly dent bus and plane loads of immigrants to NYC purposely as the same as “dozens of other cities”? Hoisted on your own petard there.
  11. So, it is the best and the brightest that are not having Visas processed … OK, let’s take a step back. Where is the acknowledged labor shortage? It it in the fields demanding higher education? Or is the shortage in areas needing manual labor? I just raise the questions for consideration. The “they are getting free, taxpayer services” charges for another day as there are publicly available documents fro creditable academic studies that we would need to review to see if these accusations are indeed valid.
  12. See, a bit of critical thinking. Stating fact is not the same as promoting. Was also true with the cotton debate in their time. Focus on the issue … is there an agricultural labor shortage? If there is how to address the shortage. We’ve been here before. Might want to visit the history of the Eisenhower Administration and immigrant labor just as one snapshot.
  13. Thing is the existing laws are not addressing the new reality since those laws were passed. New immigration legislation is needed and both Republicans and Democrats hammered out a bipartisan bill to address this (after both parties have kicked the can down the roads for decades). OK, bipartisan attempt that the President had agreed to sign and … don’t do it says a Donald J Trump. Bill dead …
  14. Yes, wise for Trump to duck as, in answering questions demanding a direct answer, he’s got nothing. Never mind the personal attacking, which I would be opposed to ( how many prostitutes have you been with in total ). Rather, would you tell us your plan for deporting immigrants, which of the Project 2025 proposals do you support. Will you truly move to replace the experienced career federal government bureaucrats? Will you declare an end to support for Ukraine?
  15. You have my attention. Please cite what has been delivered that you see as a negative and the projected billing. You will want to include the bipartisan bill dealing with concrete needs passed by Republicans and Democrats in Congress and signed by the President.
  16. The 10 year old rice just sold?
  17. Agreed. Bewilders me, comments of 40k monthly spending. I retired here to enjoy a comfortable (no Mercedes, no private swimming pool) working middle class retirement. We (family of 3) have no trouble spending the income retirement 65K baht+ every month. 2 old but maintained cars, motorbike, new 3 bed, 2 bath house (16,965 baht monthly). No complaints but such low spending quotes would have me living … well, at below the level I would enjoy.
  18. Thailand was one of five countries I looked at to retire as I determined I could not have a comfortable working middle class retirement in the USA. My sustainable monthly retirement budget was set at $2400.00 USD ($1570 of that this year is from earned SS). Thailand got the bid as I also leaned Buddhist, could receive excellent medical care at a fraction of USA cost (although other countries will let you join their national healthcare systems by paying the premium), and … damn you Suzi Wong, I love the Asian female look.
  19. And then the money saved from defense spending will be passed on through services to the working middle class. You know, like it was with the ending of the Cold War.
  20. Slapped only one time in my life and I share for the humor. First Wife, US and not too long after we were married. Sleeping soundly and I got slapped, out of the blue hearing the words, “you better not”. She had been dreaming and saw me with another girl. Ha! Nice to be loved … well, it lasted 4 1/2 years.
  21. Naturally, Tug, I hope you are correct. I am losing hope as I see far too many Americans deciding on perception and emotion rather than documented evidence and reason.
  22. So, equally the tax cuts, primarily benefitting the wealthy and corporations was vote buying and equally unconstitutional and illegal? You will not many Americans having lost any confidence in the SCOTUS.
  23. I am happy for you, never having had a cold where your sinuses caused balance issues. That said, no one should disagree that the debate was a disaster for Biden. Americans are literally currently between a rock and a hard place. My wish would have been neither the President nor the felon be the nominees but that is the choice facing me.
  24. Ha! Well, I certainly would trust Jill Biden, PhD giving those words over Melania Trump (“extraordinary ability” in her field Visa), but then that is really not as important as other matters right now for Americans and the western democracies, IMHO.
  25. I can only speculate, Mike. Seems to me she is still alive due to having secreted the list or other information to keep her safe.
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