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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. While I consider myself as an old friend of China in respect for its long history, the current PRC claim to sovereignty over most of the South China Sea is a serious over reach and a detriment to China taking a rightful place as one of the world’s leading nations. In this regard, I support international freedom of the seas international flotillas demonstrating that China’s claim to the South China Sea be rebuffed. If another nation claimed sovereignty over any area within the 200 mile zone from China’s coast, I would defend China’s right to sovereignty within the zone.
  2. Far too many in my home country thinking the same way.
  3. OK, a little bit of time avail le so, I’ll ponder. It is mostly a memory now but from my first visit to Thailand the girls always treated me as the “boyfriend” and would introduce me as such. Yep younger, yep holding hands. And now the girl is 26 years younger and we still hold hands even being married some years. One of the best ties with Thailand.
  4. Thank you for reminding us that we had a Senate Bill addressing immigration with Republican a Democrat support that was ordered to be stopped by the Republican Party majority in the House of Representatives at the behest of Trump.
  5. Sorry, I am not familiar with your area. After wearing glasses to correct nearsightedness since fifth grade, glass, the plastic lens, contacts, bifocals I went in 2017 to Rutnin Eye Hospital in Bangkok (Asoka/Montri area). Had my natural lens removed, multi focal prescriptions lens implanted. “TaaDaa” glasses only for close up work … computer/reading. At age 77 dealing with “floaters”.
  6. Yep, 77 and buying a house on contract (yes, Wife’s name) knowing full well I most likely not live the full 15 years to house paid off. But then, enjoying being present in the moment as is taught …
  7. Have to agree with your advice.
  8. Good for you … but then, it isn’t all about you … is it? I take 7 pills a day as a result of an inherited cholesterol issue and resulting heart issues. Question is … do we say it is for each individual to deal with or is healthcare best dealt with as an American society? I am for finding a way forward as all other Democratic, capitalist countries have done.
  9. The end result of the Republican Party’s, Trump and McConnell (R-KY) arranging the current SCOTUS which declared the 50 year old Constitutional Right over this personal healthcare need to be reversed. An action that will live in infamy.
  10. I would be one of those. You see, I can think of many considerations not just jumping on “an” issue that one of the major political parties want to emphasize.
  11. Very funny, if it were not reflective of so much ignorance. Please do keep pounding on this as those of us demanding control over our own healthcare needs not be subject to you making these decisions for us. Those states with this decision being placed on the ballot in November will overwhelmingly reject your very limited outlook on the subject as expressed in your post.
  12. Great! Keep pounding on this.
  13. This I can comprehend … although I am saddened that the way you say this condemns me, I allow that you only mention to make a point about Trump.
  14. I am a bit confused, Andre. You state (and I agree with) that others on the right have not come forward to offer themselves as representatives of the right … and yet condemn the left for destroying America? Appears to me, you are correct in citing the refusal of others to step forward as the result of having Trump. Then again, the Republican Party was offering other attempted candidates (Haley comes to mind). Without either Biden nor Trump it certainly would be a far different election.
  15. So are we kin? My Quaker forebears founded Meeting Houses in Salem, Newton, New Jersey. Eastlack, Thackara, Edwards, Cooper, Newbie, Collings, Webley, Lippincott …
  16. I retired to Thailand in 2011, so Visa based on Retirement. Met my now, Thai Wife in 2017. Only switched to Visa based on Marriage last year. Many remain here on Visa for Retirement while married to a Thai national.
  17. I am thinking trade is a vital interest?
  18. To each their own … the CNN comment caught my eye. A fellow Scout Master made this reference. My counter was simply that CNN was preferable to the Fascist News Network of Faux Entertainment (court finding reference here). I wish you well but advise you to be ready to denounce the findings of those who research and teach history, neither Trump nor his followers are going to be happy with recorded history. Perhaps you will favor joining others in history in attempting to control what is recorded or taught.
  19. So, about a million baht a year brought in to Thailand. And then it is all spent here. I am thinking that tax is collected on all sales … including the gas for the car and motorbike, which also bring to mind the registration tax. As a U.S. citizen, I am not going to worry until I have something to worry about. Worse comes to worse? I am free to seek retirement elsewhere, perhaps where I am allowed to join the national healthcare scheme.
  20. Nor would IVF. I’m thinking the “missionary position” being the only normal, regular way in your mind?
  21. And you are aware that rare but present medical conditions can develop after conception. Very, very rare up until delivery … the Mother and her medical advisors not me, nor any other person making such a critical medically based decision.
  22. Agree. Fortunately, there are a host of reasons not to support Trump. My family personal healthcare decisions are but one component.
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