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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Agreed. I could see trouble and possible personal injury if on the motorbike and hitting the sharp end of that ramp. The proper fit is getting rid of the ramp and designing the drive to exit level to the street.
  2. As an American somewhat knowledgeable about US history, I acknowledge the wrongheaded active political interference in other countries, the same as I would condemn other countries actively trying to throw US elections (yes, tip of the hat to recent US elections). That said, I also support US national assistance through cooperative programs. Do tell, did the USA providing the COVID vaccines influence Thai citizens view of the U.S.? I certainly hope so as, in my view as a citizen, this was the best of American ideals at work. Was it done primarily for interfering in Thai internal affairs? I think not, so if you see accusations, put on your thinking cap. Is it possible? Yes, and history bears this out but … Is the specific allegation valid … hmm. I have no involvement in Thai political affairs but I do hope to see a Thai citizen directed democratic government serving the people.
  3. Just a personal observation. My first flight to Thailand was in 2009. The affect of those Thai traditionally dressed stewardess’ was meaning ful to me. Thai Air should be viewed as a great potential asset in tourism. Of course that relies on being competitive in the market place and unique in the travel reflecting on Thai culture. Thailand, my first trip to SE Asia and now my only global residence.
  4. A cited mistake throughout history has been reformers moving too quickly before bringing the stakeholders along at a moderate speed after doing a lot of educating as to the reasoning, need for the change. Alienate too many in the beginning and good luck with the desired/needed reforms.
  5. Next month marks 12 years retired in Chiang Mai living along the 3rd ring road. During 2009 & 2010 I came 4 times, a month for each visit. I traveled around Thailand to see where I might settle. CM had 5 universities and I thought I might want to continue working with students (western history or conversational English). There are other Thai areas I think I could be happy living but CM seemed to check all the desires. Raised in the Philly metro area, I prefer to live outside Bangkok and am partial to the mountains over the beach for “home”. Granted, either stay in or leave the area during a month of the smoky season.
  6. Raised the same question in my mind. Could it be that the police arrived without a Search Warrant?
  7. When I first retired to Chiang Mai in 2011, I knew an American who had a business. I wanted help in arranging a new car purchase, getting the necessary bank account, etc. He allowed me to ask one of his bi-lingual employees to help. This came down to arranging a specific time so as not to interfere with his business. No problems and I paid her a "tip" of 1000 baht for each time I needed her (usually no more than half a day).
  8. Wise App on my iPhone. After initial setup with security needs satisfied, then the banking info. once set up ... once a month they take directly the amount I request from my US bank and transfer it directly into my Bangkok Bank Account. Matter of minutes. I have used the monthly income method since retiring here in 2011.
  9. Hmm, AI is a promising, evolving technology but it is not there yet (never mind the inherent dangers being pointed to currently). I use Google translate for a rough idea of what is being said in print but it too is still developing. I would lean toward a very well educated human translator knowledgeable in the two languages being translated if important. That is someone very familiar with not only words but also the cultures of both languages. That, currently, is still the edge over AI (while it is increasingly "learning" to do much the same. But, I say ... rough and ready, ... Google works. Anything needing critical translation ... well that is where I make my recommendation.
  10. Retired 12 years here in Chiang Mai. Love the city but ... last year we spent the month of April in Koh Samui. This year we spent the month of April in the USA. I am voting "with my feet" resulting in lost revenues for the Chiang Mai region. Next year ... perhaps Vietnam. lao Cambodia as my This Wife and Daughter have never been ... and we need to escape to cleaner air.
  11. Much as the idea of, "Big Brother" with eyes on us all the time is an offense to me ... Well, here you go. We read of many instances where CCTV has shown what really took place. Altercations, like this one, robberies, police malfeasance or outright abuse. It's a mixed bag, as is much in life, I suppose.
  12. I eat breakfast then between around 14:00 - 16:00. I fear the sipping of red wine in the evening and a sedentary retirement may may have something to do with the weight. Retired at 66k, now close to 80k. Exercised 3 times a week before covid, now naught. have been looking for exercise room with pool available but have not come across a place at the price I can afford here in C.M..
  13. I would suppose metabolism plays a part. My digestive system in very slow.
  14. When I first arrived I know to buy the Mamasan a drink when I ordered for myself and then look at the bill as soon as it was placed in the cup. Then you know to walk or better what to expect. I was shocked ... shocked I tell you that the dancers were so poor they could not afford panties! Ah, memories in my old age ...
  15. Agree with your last sentence (been there). The extra people thingy is usual, although in this case the friends should have appeared upon first meeting. When we met 7 years ago, yes it was out to a Thai restaurant, three of her girl friends and 11 year old Daughter came so ... a meal for six and as is culturally expected I knew I would be paying. As I had done my cultural reading, I knew what to expect and what to be watching for .... Fine experience as I was approved by her group. In fact one cute friend leaned over to her and said, if you don't want him ... I do. Ha! She is 26 years my junior (OK, I am ancient but still!), traditionally raised, no tattoos, etc. Married for several years and happy camper.
  16. To chill for a short time with friends. https://www.panviman.com/ I a not in anyway associated with them but, had I funds, I would consider a short chill stay. I live in Chiang Mai so this is a domestic recommendation. Air has cleared, place is up on Doi Suthep. For a 50th, I think I would be tempted to visit Nam … beach or up in the cooler hills. Happy mid-century mark!
  17. Love my Aeros. At age 76 I figure driving here is a sure test for Alzheimer’s as all brain cells must be functioning or you are dead meat. Twelve years driving here and counting. Ironically, was involved in an accident during recent trip to USA. A bus, turning clipped my front fender when he entered my turn lane.
  18. Always exceptions but I tend to agree with you. My Thai girl (registered marriage) is 26 years my junior … but then at my age of 76 she is no teenager.
  19. Agreed. There has been some writing as to the result of the online, independent business folks becoming more and more isolated socially. In business the American Chamber, Rotary, Expat groups (not all are oriented to bar stools). Your recommendation is valid.
  20. Claim the South China Sea ... "in a bid to maintain stability in the region". Dictate to Hong Hong, "in a bid to maintain stability in the region". See stability and peace. None of this democracy instability ... far too messy. Thomas Hobbes ... as long as the government provides social stability and peace the citizens have no right to institute new government (see it is not just the PRC that has this philosophy). Now contrast with John Locke's outlook ...
  21. So stated when Germans, and Irish and Italians and, etc. immigrated to the USA. Each new wave was met by resistance. The KKK, some forget, stood firmly opposed to negroes, Roman Catholics and immigrants.
  22. Agreed. We all have our role in society. mine was as a history educator. Thus, I became aware of this previous statement on immigration from even before the founding of the USA. Anti immigrant attitudes and laws are part and parcel of US History. Sad so few know some of their countries history ... it leads to repeating mistakes.
  23. SAme here. I am in Chiang Mai. Just had compressor, dryer, hoses, radiator fan replaced. Flushed and recharged coolant. Also driver door lock fixed, 2002 Honda CR-V. Great mechanic, fare prices and speaks fluent English.
  24. Thanks. Read through definitely not applicable. Total annual income about $33K before deductions (includes SS). So, there is a reason to have joined millions of working middle class Americans retired in a lower cost country. As confirmed by a recent visit to the USA, I cannot afford to be retired in my own country (OK, maybe a rusted out trailer in Arizona or Florida).
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