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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. I fear dealing with the ignorance is the price of attracting the tourist dollars/pounds/yuan/ etc.
  2. I am done with this … if I was ever open to a radical Republican House minority holding me hostage … Pay the damn bills as required by the U.S. Constitution (how is that for “original intent”!). Then, yes let us see your Republican budget! The President presented his in March … where is your concrete proposal for addressing spending … what do you want restricted? Cut? What tax raises do you propose to pay for the difference in income and spending. Put up or get the hell out of the way of those of us that want progress not BS!!!
  3. Good to know the 2017 Republican tax reduction primarily benefitting the wealthy and corporations did not add to the income shortfall.
  4. ??? Right to make their own decisions concerning pregnancy medical care ...
  5. The greatest privacy protection most of us have is that no one cares about us … because they cannot make money off any reporting about us.
  6. Ha! My Wife was 37k when we met … yikes! 41K 6 years later. Then again I arrived in Thailand 12 years ago at 66K and now clock in at 80K!!! Fat and happy.
  7. You have an ally in wanting equal treatment of the retired working middle class.
  8. Economic refugee, in reverse. I cannot have a sustainable monthly working middle class retirement in the USA on my $2400.00 USD total a month ($1526.00 of that from earned Social Security … based on my working life income). So … fairly significant pension? I have joined millions of other working middle class westerners retired to lower cost countries. You have issues with my statement of fact?
  9. Currently biting my tongue after a 41 year career as a U.S. educator. Middle school, high school and retired as Professor Emeritus of History and International Programs.
  10. Possible ... but I think that would go against the treatment of past coup leaders. Thailand has a long history of dealing with political/social unrest through coups, then trying again to allow greater political/social freedom. In the end, Thailand leans toward the Chinese government model of not letting political/social unrest getting too far out of hand.
  11. Returned from USA on April 24, the 2nd half of a RT ticket. Korean Air agent at Dulles checked with supervisor. As I have a valid Visa for reason of Marriage (until February 2024) and Return Permission stamp ... no issue.
  12. I did experience an air conditioning condensation issue on a domestic Chinese flight in 1997. Think it was a DC-3 because you literally walked up the aisle. We left the airfield where it was unbearably hot and humid. As we gained altitude rolls of fog began to pour into the cabin from overhead (no smell of smoke so of little concern). It was like the "Twilight Zone" as the Stewardess walked toward the front of the plane and disappeared into the fog!!!
  13. In my Thai beginnings I noted, it was a pleasure to work with a professional …
  14. That answer, if I recall correctly was (translated into English): I am who I am … I will be who I will be … and, … I am who is hath sent me … Yahweh, Elohim, Adonai …
  15. And in a related matter, Biden has been accused of theft of the 2020 election. What a crook! While I have voted, rarely, for Republican candidates in the past … congratulations current Republican Party … you have driven me to be a staunch opponent. You any anyone supporting you currently are anathema to all things American I wish to hold dear (not directed at poster here as I am thinking we think along the same line).
  16. True. I drink my healthy fruit juice in the form of grapes as wine. Drs. have said the red wine is healthy for my heart both physically and mentally.
  17. I did experience the paranoia when I tried weed. I’ll stick with sipping my two glasses of red wine in the evening.
  18. I have used the 65,000 baht brought in monthly ever since retiring here in 2011. No issue as long as stated above it is noted as FTT by Bangkok Bank. Rather than having my SS + direct deposited in Bangkok Bank, my SS goes into my U.S. bank. Monthly I daw $2400 USD through Wise into my Bangkok Bank Acct. I have never had an issue following what is stated above. By the funds first going into my U.S. bank acct. I can demonstrate they are not “current funds” coming to Thailand. C. Mai.
  19. Returning to Thailand recently on a RT ticket. Korean Air agent looked at the ticket being one-way, called over the supervisor who saw the O Visa and Permission to Return and there was no issue. Both entering the USA(Wife and Stepdaughter holding 10 Year USA Visas), we went through both US and Thai I migration as a family traveling together. No issues in either direction.
  20. Related but not right on point. I retired to Thailand in 2011 coming with the O-A Visa after establishing I had no police record, no dread disease and finances to support myself. Thailand later added the health insurance requirement for O-A Visa holders for reason of Retirement. I rationalized this as simply a tax as, due to health pre-existing conditions, the insurance would not be paying. I have recently changed to an "O" Visa for reason of having a Thai spouse. We have just returned from a trip out of the country. Both e tiring the USA and re-entering Thailand we went through Immigration as a family traveling together (requirements already cleared). Fast and efficient with no longer being required to buy useless health insurance with a high deductible with exclusion of pre-existing conditions.
  21. True of far too many of my countrymen. Result? Dangerous, oft misguided military actions with young waking up in a country they know nothing about. MAGA?!
  22. I have handled things this way. What comes to Thailand, stays in Thailand so I have a Thai Willstating anything I possess in Thailand, goes to my Thai Wife. My financial accounts in the USA lists my two Sons to share 50/50 as direct beneficiaries. As I own no real property in the USA and am not a resident of any U.S. state, I am thinking there is no need for a Will nor “probate”, etc. My Sons will be subject to the inheritance income laws of the USA and Kentucky where they both reside but as the amount is under the reportable amounts I think they will be exempt from taxes on their inheritance.
  23. Interesting reading of history. There are however, other interpretations to Thai history ...
  24. When I first retired to Chiang Mai over a dozen years ago I was told that the saying went that Thailand farang were mostly known as “missionaries, mercenaries and misfits”. While Reading here, I must give some credulence to that idea, my experience has been meeting many folk retired, annual visitors and vacationers. I’m thinking it is certainly a mixed bag but would think the mix could be found elsewhere as well. For myself and several retired in Thailand, it was the ability to enjoy a working middle class retirement unavailable in our home countries. We have been out priced at home and are being “outsourced” for retirement.
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