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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. Why didn't they just sentence him to eternal damnation?

    How can a court sentence you to incarceration beyond the legal maximum? Does someone get out of bed in the morning and genuinely sentence someone to 1700 years in jail?????

    The Thais are a Buddhist country and reincarnation is the philosophy there. 1700 years is equal to about 20 or so lives. Since the judge realized after the fact, that the cop may be reborn in another country, he reduced it back to the span of one human life in case he's judge again in his next life, and his fellow prosecuters chastize him for letting a criminal escape. Therefore, it's a simple strategy enforced in order not to lose face. biggrin.png

    But surely he must have come into his current life as a lesser person than his last one if he came back as " a corrupt cop" What was he before?

  2. Guess they were making an example of him to deter all the other police who may be tempted to take some tea money. Nice to see they got this one bad apple out the the barrel before he corrupted another member.

    Nope they got 1 cop who wasnt passing it on to his superior, and thats all, then in a display by the courts, to show the masses, how they deal with these "one off" corrupt Policemen who do this.

    Yep incredible Thailand, cripes if they just locked up all the Police it would be easier!!

  3. Ever notice that the people from countries who have the best standard of living in the world never brag about it?

    You don't ever (or very rarely) hear any Swedes, Norwegians, Finnish, etc..., or anyone else bragging about how amazing their country is.


  4. .

    Nice to see that my University rated in the 'top 50' in the world.

    As a complete aside ... I topped the State in quantitative analysis (no BS) ... and I would trade that distinguishment for the ability to learn the Thai Language in a heart beat.

    I find that soooooooo hard to do (everyone's brain is wired differently) ... thai language is so hard and I have tried! Oh ... BTW ... I continue to try.

    But the best I can do is 'rote learn' the Thai words and phrases.


    Lucky you I spend all day trying to learn a word and tomorrow .........................its totally gone, another example is all my life I thought I could do a marathon or soemthing but again after 2-3 minutes running get stitch terribly and NO it doesnt go away worst thing is Im not exactly ancient at 48. Drives me nuts at times and people here who blather on about not learning ought to realise this, lets see the same people excel at Bricklaying or something. Fact is if everyone could learn easy the world would be very different and those linguists would be crap bricklayers.

    Of course there are the lucky few in life who seem able to pick up anything and do it be ot bricklaying or rocket science.

  5. Look you guys are letting your imagination take over, This wasn't Niagra falls, it was a typical meandering Thai mountain stream. Sam understood several things; that he was able to take her out of the stream if necessary, that the situation she was in was a good representation of actual dangerous situations found in many rivers. He knew there was an area of calm shallow water just passed the stretch of faster water, he knew his daughter was a good swimmer, and I am sure that if he felt her life was actually threatened at any time he would not have hesitated to pull her out.

    Nope he has already stated you werent there only he knows

  6. this reminds me of a similar problem I had back in the west when I had a lemonade run.

    one particular attractive single lady had run up a large bill and I needed paying.

    I normally sent the help but he was too scared to ask for settlement of the bill.

    anyway, one saturday morning I went to the door myself. I knocked and sure enough she came to the door in a house coat.

    when I asked for the settlement of the bill (40 pounds) she pulled the house coat opened and asked me,

    " Can you take it out of this?"

    I was quiet for a second as I had a look and pondered her proposal. I replied,

    "Don't you have anything smaller?"

    She promptly paid me but never bought from me again. Shame.

    Should have told her she could do it in installments!!

  7. They're only "victims" of their own greed and stupidity.

    Anyone who gives brass to some anonymous bloke who just calls you out of the blue deserves little sympathy...

    My thoughts... Exactly!

    How did these people manage to accumulate enough money to be tricked so easily?

    Many dumb people get money, example 1 .Thai family owned land next to the beach a 100 years ago, now its called Pattaya and the descendants just sold it to Mr developer lets say 8 years ago.

    Just timing and luck, but the land owners could be as thick as sh!te.

    Uk Lottery winner ( Yob) wins 8 million £ all is gone in the next few years, opportunity of a lifetime blown out he window

  8. I said it here once that Westerners are Comiting more crime in our Dear Thailand than Africans,or any other country,some people call me names and insulted me,today WHAT IS THIS? There is not single Nigerian or west african in this case,yet they are been BLACKLISTED in THAILAND,i hope Britons,Americans,South Africans and Germanys will also Be BLACKLISTED now that the world have knows their Evil Activities in Thailand.coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif since we judge a whole race or country base on the crime comiting by few from that race or country.

    Its Ze Cherrrmans as Naam vud zay http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_fra-crime-frauds

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