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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. As for the accident, could be a host of reasons but once again we have multiple deaths on the roads, a weekly occurrence.

    It is all well and good checking the tyres etc but that does not then account for some 16 year old moron ploughing into you etc. You could be on the safest bus in the world but of the driver has the lack of training and has passed the pathetic test in Bangkok you are always at risk.

    Finally! My search has ended! i am packing my bags and heading to that country with no accidents! Need to catch a cab to the airport, ummm...where is that please?

    Get real, Thailands accident rate ( and accident really is the wrong word) is one of the worst in the world, but if you are like my wife you will now say "NO" India is worse, oh well thats alright then isnt it.

    Most accidents are driver error.

    • Like 2
  2. Having spent several Sunday afternoons in my Singapore (Changi Village) hotel room (working) whilst looking out of the window watching all manner of aircraft land at Changi airport, I stand by my assertion that, whatever the paint job, the A380 is one ugly piece of engineering.

    It may be ugly Crossy but have you been on one?? they are lovely and quiet to fly in, economy seats are nice and wide. and Business is a dream with 100% lie lfat beds staggered so you never have a neghbour. I use Emirates a lot to the Uk and have travelled on it many times in Business and Economy.

    Nice big buffet at the back of Business and nice seating area too, firstclass actually has showers.

    Heres my photo from a recent trip, great on board cameras too





  3. For me it was a price issue, the aerated blocks are now about 27 baht upwards and thats for the thinnest ones at 7.5cm, you could of course do with no cavity and lay them on their side to get a nice thick wall with good insulation properties.

    I opted on a recent small build for double cinder block walls with air gap sealed. A metre overhang keeps the sun off until about 3pm, so we get about 3 hours sun on the lower part of the walls. It does not get hotter than ambient inside and once painted white outside this will also help considerably, in fact if you have a single block wall white will help with heat transfer considerably so dont paint your new aac block walls any dark colours

    Supablock is much more effective at stopping heat no question but the price comparison makes it a non issue, labour costs here are so small a double wall does not costs very little.

    House construction is 80% materials 20% labour.

    My double cinder block wall with wall ties 4.3 baht per block ties 1 baht each built in the last 1 month...............before you ask this is a door opening and concrete will be poured down where the vertical block are acting as the rear form for this door frame.

    So for my situation price performance the cinder blocks win. The house is for a maid.



  4. Bloomin heck, just get an sds drill with chisel bit on, youll have em off in no time.

    CLEANLINESS is important when gluing anything together inc tiles.

    I see many condos with the tiles lifting, heres what they do, walk into a dusty room, chuck down some cement and lay the tiles,

    BIG mistake floor wasnt clean from the off

    What I do is , vacuum the floor with a small brush emptying the vac often to remove all dust.

    After apply some pva to the floor to give it something nice to grip to, then I use a proper tile glue such as la farge and not more than 10mm thick max.

    If everything is clean and dust free you wont get problems..............this is where the Thai way goes very wrong from what I see.

  5. So you want to pay tax on about 90,000baht per month over 14 years or around 15 million Baht, which you and your company have illegally kept from the tax man?

    I would take the money and say thanks.

    Actually tax on 90k a month is 12,375, thats 148,500 a year over 14 years is 2,079,00bht. You are entitled to 300 days severance which is 125,00bht divided by 30 days = 4,166bht times that by 300 days = 1,249,999bht approx.

    So you would have to pay more than you got. Thats if you go that route. Try negotiating first after all they will be in big trouble if the tax man hears about it.

    Would not the company also have a problem too?

  6. ...

    To insult me as coming back as an ant, is not what i call positive feedback. ANY of you want to help let me know, if not DONT post..

    Sometimes, we don't realise how life's challenges help us, and we don't see how we need help.

    I think you don't give our industrious though very much smaller brethren the credit that they deserve. As you inferred from the previous poster, perhaps you will come back as an ant, or perhaps you were one previously. I was sharing with some friends last night, if we all lived lives of exemplary virtue, future generations would miss the cockroaches, who provide a valuable link in our ecological chain, disposing of the detritus around us...

    Other cultures appreciate the contribution of even the very smallest yet hardest working amongst us - Manchester has, as its municipal insect, the industrious bee, which decorates its urban furtniture - litter bins and park benches and the like, as well as adorning the Boddington's beer can.


    If I was an Ant in a previous life it would be complimentary but as one in the next life, BUDDHISM would see it as a severe downgrade. I would rather come back as a cockroach or a Saltwater Crocodile. Thanks for sharing.

    Whereas an ecologist would see that no matter how small is a cog, how tiny, and fiddly, and infuriatingly difficult to place in its proper location, every part has a role to play, and without it, the whole system would grind to a halt. Sorry, that would be a watchmender. But the principle is the same, and to rank one member of the team above another is divisive and unhelpful.

    Perhaps your next step in overcoming adversity will be to see how each of us has a role to play, and how irrelevent is status, and false are our feelings of superiority


    Try telling that to the Thaisbiggrin.png

  7. Words are not Enough, thats why I try to make a positive impact everyday! Whether its recycling, re-using garbage, planting tree's or protecting wildlife. Raising awareness does though have its purpose and its too bad nobody here wants to help..

    I thought GK did pretty well, given the limits of the internet, with his motivational music.

    I always like to encourage others not to be negative about their fellow men, and to refrain from expressing their opinions on the stupidity and ignorance of those around me, as I try to refrain, in all but the most oblique terms, to the best of my ability.

    I find that I behave better around those that I respect, and therefore, for the sake of my own behaviour, I try, admittedly with little success, to treat my fellows with respect that they scarcely deserve


    To insult me as coming back as an ant, is not what i call positive feedback. ANY of you want to help let me know, if not DONT post..

    Sometimes, we don't realise how life's challenges help us, and we don't see how we need help.

    I think you don't give our industrious though very much smaller brethren the credit that they deserve. As you inferred from the previous poster, perhaps you will come back as an ant, or perhaps you were one previously. I was sharing with some friends last night, if we all lived lives of exemplary virtue, future generations would miss the cockroaches, who provide a valuable link in our ecological chain, disposing of the detritus around us...

    Other cultures appreciate the contribution of even the very smallest yet hardest working amongst us - Manchester has, as its municipal insect, the industrious bee, which decorates its urban furtniture - litter bins and park benches and the like, as well as adorning the Boddington's beer can.


    Must be an awful lot of sh^^y people then as there are an awful amount of cockroaches.

  8. Saving face, have seen it many times as an excuse for crap work or behaviour, it doesnt save face for me they just make themselves look more stupid/liars.

    Ok so list the Thai inventions again for us...............oh hang on we had that thread a while back with no real answers.

    Is this like the God arguments where if you dont believe you will never understand?

    A motorcycle drives into me whilst im stationary at a junction waiting to turn right, the driver just turns onto my left hand side wing whilst also waiting to turn right

    ( i think they forgot I was there in my pick up), its my fault, its Asian culture, I must understand. no its loss of face, result they drive off, I follow stop them they say its my fault they have no number plate and drive off.

    Dont worry I kept smiling.

    Whats with Columbus? just religious rubbish you think we all think he is a genius when we know the Vikings did America before.

    Sorry the West has a better perspective for me and more freedom.

    Asian society in Thailand seems to run on fear, fear to speak out, fear to complain.

    If Zheng had headed East and made it to America it would be more impressive and crossed the Pacific. so what he had a big ship, might have been a pig to steer, might have been slow, big doesnt always mean better or good. Glad to hear China doesnt colonise, expect Tibet will be pleased too.

    Ok ive finished learning thanks

    Yep seems like Zheng was real nice guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zheng_He

    Asian culture haaaaaaa

  9. Thank you for your support. Look at the fools who climb Mt.Everest and 25 percent DIE. For what Cause? Atleast I have a righteous cause and why should we have a fear of death? Buddhism teaches REINCARNATION! This isnt the film 'God Bless America'. I don't want to kill anyone or myself. I would like to plant seeds that will soon become GRASS ROOTS! ANyone interested? I've been on the scene for quite some time, now I'm living outside of Khao Phra Wihan National Park, near the Commando Army Base in Thailand..

    Ok, so Buddhism teaches reincarnation. What's your point? That you'll come back as an ant and move a rubber tree plant?

    I think I know what you need. A song.


    Reckon this would be more suitable and make much more sense

  10. Several years ago a speaker in my wifes home town got blasted by a shotgun.........not that I'd ever condone such behaviour.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    goodness me no, me neither.

    Anybody else draw the parallel with 'certain other <democracies>' that have loudspeakers in everyone's front garden also?

    The Democratic People's Republic of Korea?

    "The Democratic republic of we cant think for ourselves" ???

  11. I have just looked at TVF Classified.. there is a Filipino looking for a Nanny's position but looking for B15,000, along with many others. She should be able to speak pretty good English!

    For someone good and efficient it might be worthwhile looking to pay a little extra. I did however notice that B12,000 appears to be the going amount.

    Its hard to say why your maid would like to have 2 months off, she might well have some very good reasons, but giving such short notice outside of an emergency isnt particularly kind.


    youre looking in totally the wrong place a bit like buying land from a real estate agent or just asking in the village

  12. Sounds like she's not too bothered about her position with you. We pay ours 500baht a day for a 6 day week and she's officially on call for 8 hours with Saturday as a half day. She lives with us and is more like family than an employee.

    Would you pay your family 62.5 baht an hour???

    nah way too much 300 a day tops

  13. Small loads you pay more, free delivery of 3m3 otherwise expensive, attached prices c pac from just a few weeks ago at PRANBURI

    My advice always ask for the slump test or you'll get water, and tell them if it fails you wont accept it. dont let the driver add more water and dont let him lcean his truck out on your land


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