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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. Here's a review with a YouTube video.


    Don't forget that these are intended for first grade kids, at 2,500 Baht/shot could be a good investment. Even if, at the start, all they do is play around with photographs, listen to music and play games. These get the kids acquainted with technology and hopefully curious about what else they can do.

    I personally think it is a positive move thumbsup.gif

    Certainly more positive than all the negative BS posted on TV.

    Thank you!! Someone with something positive to say! I agree ... Let's give this a chance to work instead of jumping on every initiative before it's even off the ground... Maybe we'll be surprised.

    Yeah well I think having water would be much more sensible personally.

  2. Oh how I wish Thai people take heed of how they are being perceived from the outside and foreigners. To ignore it is ignoring self critique which is important for self improvement.

    Any Thai with half a brain would recognise that the ignorant sneering that goes on in here doesn't reflect on them at all, but rather on the posters themselves.

    Quite a few have half a brain

  3. 105 computers? Where did they get them from? Best Buy? The computers were obviously bought from a Mickey Mouse company.

    Hello Kitty company would be closer.

    Wait, that would be Japanese.

    Wong <deleted> Hing Company ....... that's better.

    Im sure there must be a "Kello Hitty" Thai version though??

  4. Wow 105 ready now, thats probably enough for the entire countries children who are actually going to use their brain and most likely exit Thailand asap, the rest will just play games on them until a week later when they are broken never to be repaired.

    Its rather sad that they cant even provide basic water for some of us down here in Pranburi at the moment as we have run out, still we can always eat the tablets for nourishment. I just hope the lorry delivering them doesnt go down one of the myriad of "well surfaced" roads here , one which was surfaced recently is already cracking and falling apart, good job lads lets hope the highest briber bidder got the job, sure looks that way.

    Now who to vote for,,,,,,,,,, cant be sure if I like the man in white "officer and a gentleman outfit" with all the medals or the men in Orange who are just so "with it" Im sure both of course will sort out these slight problems , whats that??? one is giving away free somtam...................decision made, aint life simple.

    Now wheres my rose tinted glasses.

    before u ask i stay for my wife right!

    • Like 1
  5. If I understood her Thai, she told the judges she finished P6. I may be wrong.

    That's why the judge waied her before asking her education level hoping not to embarrass her. Yes, P6 but continuing her studies now at age 32 - good for her.

    Bet some white faced hi so wins it............... I still think its drivel mind, what happened to people who wrote their own songs played their own instruments and didnt look like super models?

  6. I hold my Wifes hand but its stone cold since she caught it as a child in the mincer and cleaved it straight off. Mai pen rai

    Aint you got nothing better to do, who cares if they hold hands arms legs nipples noses <deleted>, let them get on with their lives and u get on with yours.

    Im so tired of seeing these sad ole farangs not holding hands with their g/f, obviously not really in love.

  7. Without wishing to be overly presumptuous, putting smuggled, trophy rubies on your Facebook page does not sound like a good career move.

    Whilst the jury has not come back yet, is this any justification for being murdered?

    Axe in middle of head, was probably a keen tree feller and slipped whilst sharpening it ergo not murder accidental death..........happens all the time you know

  8. Slip the corrupt cop some money, or go to the station and pay the fine blink.gif

    As the OP states: The license has already been handed over to the police.

    I suspect the OP wants to handle this differently, rather than bending over and taking one for the team. By doing so he is doing everyone a favor, the police may be less susceptible to 'targeting' westerners if some handled the situation with a little more reluctance when handing over cash...

    I keep a paper copy in the car to "hand over"

    Photocopies of a Thai drivers license are illegal, and I have a Thai friend you got fined 1,000Baht for handing on to a traffic cop.

    Thats funny when I go places they sometimes take a copy of my Thai driving licence ie hiring a car etc

  9. So farang should be strong patriarchal leaders and when your wife's mother has a medical emergency you should tell her that you are sorry but her mother is going to die because it is your money?

    If I could afford to help more, without endangering the welfare of my own nuclear family unit maybe I would. But the fact is there is an unlimited amount of need an poverty out there, where do you draw the line?

    Depends on to what extent she's really one of my "wives" or maybe less significant of an other. How long we've been together. How well she's been contributing to the happiness of me and my kids. And how my finances are at the moment. When my time comes I doubt she'd be in a position to help me, or even if she would may not be willing to.

    In my case at the moment I couldn't actually afford to contribute more than a few thousand baht. Personally I wouldn't spend more than a few hundred thousand (assuming I had it) for heroic medical care to extend my own life.

    People die, just a part of life.

    I disagree about the poverty, what there is is an awful lot of bone idle layabouts unwilling to work who will claim " we are poor"

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  10. Happened to me at an airport two days ago and I said 'excuse me' in a very much not apologetic (ie loud) fashion and plonked my lovable body in front of the guys. I later regretted this as they turned out to be people that were about to miss their train (they did). One word from them would have given them priority.

    They were a nice Australian couple, not Thais, happens everywhere.

    What you regretted their bad planning by being late for a train, sheesh!!

  11. I would pack that bag and move out for a bit if I were you....she will probably say sorry but the thing is they can't keep the act up, I read this thread as an Englishman with Thai wife living and working in the U.K and married for just over 1 year...I have had to give the ultimatums and even see them through till she gets the point...not easy and it's not just cos she is Thai blink.png

    Must confess that the guys l know with a lady problem have no backbone, nooooo, thats the wrong phrase, they are gentlemen, that think their kindness will prevail, but, understanding a lady from a different culture is a nightmare, been there, still there biggrin.png , but all must read between the lines at all times and when in your mind things are not to good, then hit the roof.

    I really believe this to be a misconception. Even in the west, there is a fine line between being a nice guy, and being a wuss. Women hate wusses. Women would rather be with a total prick than a wuss. Sad to say, farangs in Thailand tend to be wusses. The result will be the same here as it would be in the west. Women will walk all over you like a cheap rug.

    Balls................ I think youll find women are as different and varied as the weather actually!

  12. If her brother speaks, it is done. When I speak, nothing is done or it takes forever asking to get it done.

    I have read a book once called money number one,and the writer explained the order of respect used with Thai families.

    It went something like mother-father,brother-sister,grandma-grandpa,uncles-aunts,nieces and nephwes,the neighbout,the garbage man,the beggar in the street,the family dog and the farang.

    Edit : I forgot that the flees of the family came right after the dog.

    Yeah I think youll find thats the lower end of the Thai social spectrum woman you are referring to though eh??

  13. I have seen many Brits pissing in the streets back home but I don't infer from this that British people are scum.

    It is not nationality, but rather a person's personal beliefs / behaviour, that determines if they are scum.

    Based on the OP's derogatory stereotyping of Thai people in the intro to this thread, I think he is scum.

    Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

    Any Brit who pisses in the street IS scum whatever you think.

    • Like 1
  14. Having been ooooop there quite a few times id say the Op sums it up well, never met a lazier bone idle teen impregnating bunch. My wife is from there and works like a Trojan, she says she never wants to go back, she says this is how it is now, but not how it used to be when she was young.

    Some do escape most seem to sit on their <deleted> p*ssing their lives away

    Easy money gets them a scooter and associated BOOM BOOM stereo which is so "quaint" to hear around the village, id blow them all up, in fact recently whilst building a house down south a car came past with a row blasting out, I held up a make believe gun and shot the driver, the women builders thought it was hilarious and agreed .

    The countryside is truly lovely though, if only they had'nt filled it full of pesticides so that all the things my wife caught and ate as a kid were still there.

    Im still haunted by the brain dead gormless looks I saw in many of the faces, especially some of the young girls whose only future was to have a kid at 14-15, what a waste.

    My wife thinks the same so you can go ahead and say how much Ive generalised.

    Her best memory was the road outta there as she left at 14 to educate herself financed by working in real jobs not opening her legs for more "easy money"

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  15. ....I cannot tell you how many times I am driving on a main boulevard or main road, and someone merges into traffic and is not even looking my way. They simple drive into the road without looking. As if they are bulletproof. As if nothing in the world could hurt them. As if they could survive a passing cement truck, no problem. No concern for either their own well being, that of their passengers, or that of the person about to collide into them. What is up with that? Where are the driving skills in the LOS?

    Contrary to standard right-of-way laws in other countries and common sense, the merging traffic has right of way here in Thailand. Maybe the law was originally drafted to allow buffalo carts to ease onto tracks but nowadays, despite the fact that the only buffalo's you will encounter are behind the wheel, the same law still applies to main roads and motorways.

    Id like to see that verified in the Thai Highway code pls??

  16. WOW..I watched it...wonder if it lasted?

    Ronnie's 4 th marriage lasted 8 daysclap2.gif .

    Really hope that the other guy's marriage lasted and that kept him sabai sabaiwub.png

    It didnt last she couldnt get a UK visa as she was already maried to another Farang and not divorced but she then buggered off with a Belgian after first getting 12k out of the UK guy who then had depression.

    Straight up? Did you see the sequel to this then?

    Sorry dont have a link but I read about it later, a Google search would probably turn up the info............. ok here http://wikibin.org/articles/lake-palmer.html

  17. and just remember the food vendors do the same...................hmmmmmmm wonder how thorough the hand washing is? I find wiping yer arse with fingers pretty disgusting mainly as fingers go into everything afterwards, by keeping the sh*t off your fingers you avoid any problems completely.

  18. Just where would one come by deceased human fetuses legally?? Only 1 year in the slammer? Ya gotta be joking!! sick.gifblink.png

    Well not legally but he probably got them from an abortion clinic. I doubt he was murdering pregnant women to get them

    It's the supply side that is really stomach-turning. People wholesaling aborted fetuses for on-sale, without any compunction. Puts the "frozen tiger parts" story in the shade...

    Rubbish its absolutely no difference at all.

  19. The long faces of unhappy people;

    Super unhealthy food;

    Eighty six road signs at every intersection;

    Sunset at 3:30pm;

    Turning on the central heating in June;

    Recieving an electric bill in March that's greater than my mortgage payment;

    Taking out a loan to get my car serviced;

    Remortgaging to pay the interest on the loan I took out to pay for the car service;

    Smiling at someone in the street and being punched out for it;

    u must be from the UK?

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