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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. The video clearly shows how unfortunate and tragic the loss of life was. And how little it takes to kill someone when unleashing sharp objects like knives in a fight. I'm sure these low-life idiots neither wanted to kill the victim or fully understood possible consequences of their actions. Maybe this shocking video could serve as a teaching tool in educating about the consequences of violence and how dangerous the knives are. Not showing it is not going to bring Michelle back. Sadly nothing will. But where and how to show it to get this message across and perhaps save someone else?

    The sad reality is ( and its the same worldwide) is that " people like this" really DONT CARE at all whether they kill or dont kill, this is their world.

  2. It baffles me how anybody can beg for the death penalty. Many of those who demand the death penalty repeatedly complain that the BIB and Thai justice system are flawed, and rightfully so.

    If you get framed and people call for you to be put to death, you will beg again, this time that there is someone to stand up for you.

    Moreover, no matter how horrific this case is, it is a typical case of manslaughter, not premeditated murder. Can't see how a competent judge in any country would pronounce the death sentence for those two fatal stabs.

    If you carry a weapon I expect you will use it ergo you intend to cause maximum injury including death. Hang em.................by the ba**s.

    There was absolutely NO need to stab these two women, the guy was a total coward, he was probably surprised they actually put up a decent fight halfwit that he was.

    Some of us will fight for our principles not be walked over even if it means losing our lives.

    Nothing more than lowlife scummy cowards.

  3. As much as ending their lives if they prove to be the real culprits,

    may seem appropriately 'eye for an eye'.

    But locking them away in a Thai Hell Hole Prison

    FOR THE REST OF THEIR DAYS, no pardon,

    no parole EVER, would be an even more nasty a fate

    than a quick death by the needle.

    Thai's feel they can be reincarnated,

    and so in death they know they just come back lower or higher,

    but getting locked away in buggery hell, till your end in a

    sub-Bangkok Hilton for 40 years... THAT is scary.

    Yes but sensible rational people think differently ( imo) and death would be by far the best for them let them believe their fairy tale return will happen, although of course they will state they didnt mean to kill them etc etc

  4. Guys I know who have really really been stung for large sums of money were stung by gifted amateurs, who they delighted in telling every one were not bar girls - But like I say the story changes at the exact moment as the locks.

    Girls on dating websites? I've heard they're good con artists.

    Bloody hell I married one of those 6 years ago...............must be the long game, she gave me 100k to bring back to the UK a few days ago, obviously lulling me into a false sense of security.............what a bitch!!!

  5. I think the female judges reaction was unnecessary. She should be above reactions like that, and should learn to be a little more adult in the way she acts.

    Dont be so kin stupid its Thailand they only have a 1 second attention span and the intellect of a 5 yr old..................in many cases ( not generalising)

  6. Pah they're all freaks including the judges, biggest display of morons ever imo. Talentless tos*** lets see who looks the whitest an cutest and tell them they have talent, fer goawd's sake dont let the Issan brownskins winwhistling.gif

    • Like 1
  7. For those that continually slag the Thai's , you should not be here '''''' you all obviously have nothing nice to say about any one.

    When you speak , you only voice an opinion and we all know an opinion is like your rear end , we all have one.

    I'm an Ozy living here like many other's I respect the police and all those that try to make this country a better place for all. Stop being so negative in your posts 'bad news can travel half round the world before we can get our pants on , your negativity will do nothing but give some people a misguided opinion of this wonderful county and make you look like an uneducated dick.

    Just in case you were being serious:

    ]Police corruption[/b]

    Various sources state that police are "corrupt" in Thailand (Thai News Service 28 Sept. 2009; Bangkok Post 15 Oct. 2009; HRW 14 Dec. 2009; US 25 Feb. 2009, Sec. 1d; Professor 11 Dec. 2009; Freedom House 2009). Research undertaken by the National Institute of Development Administration and supported by the Thailand's National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) reportedly found that police "abuse their power" by taking bribes from illegal businesses, violating police ethics, engaging in extrajudicial killings, torture and forced confessions as well as being involved in drug dealing and accepting goods and services in return for police services (Thai News Service 28 Sept. 2009). Similarly, the deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch (HRW) states that the Thai police have "sweeping powers," use "violence and illegality to fight crimes" and have engaged in "horrendous misconduct" for which they have "rarely" been punished (HRW 14 Dec. 2009). Moreover, the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) describes the police force as the "top violator of human rights" in Thailand, saying police act with "impunity" (3 Sept. 2009). A non-governmental organization (NGO) that has general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (UN), the ALRC is based in Hong Kong and has worked extensively in several Asian countries, including Thailand (ALRC 3 Sept. 2009). The government of Thailand has declared that ALRC statements regarding human rights violations by the police are "unsubstantiated" (ALRC 3 Sept. 2009).


    And even in CRIME they are lazy, I particularly liked this quote from the Professor , they cant even make enough of an effort to be top dog in their own country.

    Apologies to the many hardworking Thais as Im sure there are some but I generally find many bone idle, unwilling or unable to work due to being drunk, its not Thai bashing its what I see around me OUTSIDE of Bangkok

    Both local and international organized crime groups operate in Thailand (US 8 Jan. 2009; Professor 11 Dec. 2009). The Professor stated that "organized crime groups from foreign countries ... are more powerful than any local Thai organized crime groups" (11 Dec. 2009)

  8. I'll bet they're parents are real proud of them now with the towels over they're heads in the Bangkok Post pictures...gives "losing face" a whole new meaninghit-the-fan.gifcoffee1.gif

    They have another exciting topic also running about U tapao, if only they added another option such as " I like somtam" in the answers Im sure they would have a clear winner

    Quick Poll

    The US military wants to set up a disaster relief centre at U-Tapao Airport, so it won’t have to set up and dismantle future operations in the area. Should Thailand allow this?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I'm not familiar with the issue

    • Like 1
  9. It's hard to see why the "foreign 'boyfriend'" bit has any business in an article about the vicious murder of a local seamstress.

    Simple Thais are obsessed with farangs, brainwashed from birth about how glorious and superior they are, I live near a temple and as they ride past on their bikes all I hear all day is Farang this Farang that as they drive past their nosey beaks and necks screwed right round looking at the monkey farang that I am.

    • Like 1
  10. How could a retired British soldier be duped into surrendering his life savings by a guy in that picture with the #2 tattooed on his arm? What was the con? And then he committed suicide? The embassy reported that he comiited suicide as the result of losing his money to this scam? How is all this possible?

    It's a numbers game, these centres will be making 500 plus calls per day, the first team will be hoping to pass about 10 leads to the closing team per day, the closing team will be hoping to close 2 or 3 deals per day.

    Let's say 2 at 200k baht each, 400k a day. They then go back and tell the investor that their investment has gond great, they issue certificates and bonus reports, then go back in for more, maybe 1 million baht the next time. They keep going back to the same vulnerable people with the same scammy scummy story.

    There was a recent case in the UK where an older man was fleeced for £120,000 sterling.

    Their game is to hunt down the vulnerable then fleece them, yes the story indicates it was a retired soldier, how old was he? 50? 70?....was he a widower? On medication? Who knows, but that is the type of people these scum are looking for.

    heres an interesting story involving TALK TALK UK my Dad has had a long term slow speed problem with their broadband at 100kbps and it should be 1mb+, everytime he calls their call centre in India about an hour later another call comes in from someone alleging to be able to "fix his computer" and asking for remote access and credit card info.

    The conversation starts with " we understand you are having problems with your computer" and being elderly ie 86 yrs old my dad says yes thinking its Talk Talk following up.

    It quite obvious to me Talk Talks Indian call centres are passing on phone numbers when they get a problem to do this scam.

    I dont see any difference though between the b**ch who took that guys money ( Lake Palmer) off Louis Theroux's show and these people they are all scum.

  11. Oh how I wish Thai people take heed of how they are being perceived from the outside and foreigners. To ignore it is ignoring self critique which is important for self improvement.

    Any Thai with half a brain would recognise that the ignorant sneering that goes on in here doesn't reflect on them at all, but rather on the posters themselves.

    Quite a few have half a brain

    I ring the bell and, sure enough, up jumps Pavlov's dog, as expected, with the perfect demonstration of my whole contention in regards to threads like these.

    Thank you, sir. Step up here and accept your Masters Degree in Ignorant Sneering. Congratulations!

    I have, of course, used the general term here. But, let's face it, ignorant sneering based on ethnicity or national identity is racism, pure and simple, and you guys are wallowing in it.

    Rather sad, really...

    no face reality u dreamer

  12. Here's a review with a YouTube video.


    Don't forget that these are intended for first grade kids, at 2,500 Baht/shot could be a good investment. Even if, at the start, all they do is play around with photographs, listen to music and play games. These get the kids acquainted with technology and hopefully curious about what else they can do.

    I personally think it is a positive move thumbsup.gif

    Certainly more positive than all the negative BS posted on TV.

    Thank you!! Someone with something positive to say! I agree ... Let's give this a chance to work instead of jumping on every initiative before it's even off the ground... Maybe we'll be surprised.

    Yeah well I think having water would be much more sensible personally.

    I think we have enough water in Thailand, Bangkok was under it for a few months and it hasn't stopped raining here for two blasted weeks.

    Its rather sad that with all the money here they cant sort out the basics like providing water for their own citizens.

  13. I've taught for over 6 years here. Public and private, rural and urban. I've taught in rich schools and poor schools kintergarten through Mattayom and there is one fundamental thing that they must do to improve their education system that nobody dares say. Double the number of schools and teachers ASAP and halve the class sizes. When you are hired as a native speaking teacher at a public school, as I once was, given 18 separate classes of 50 students each to teach conversational English for one hour per week and have no Thai teacher to even assist you in controlling the students, some of whom don't even understand basic classroom commands in English, there is one clear, but unspoken message. We really want to give the impression that we are teaching the kids English by having them exposed to a farang for an hour a week but we really couldn't care less if they actually learn anything. As a matter of fact, as far as the government's concerned it's probably better if only a few of them really learn English because otherwise the masses might start watching/reading news from non-Thai sources, reading something other than comic books, and possibly start getting really dangerous ideas into their heads about how well things are actually going in the land of smiles. Education here is not about academics, it's about indoctrination into 'don't rock the boat' group-think. Whatever academic learning does occur is only incidental and of the sort that does not lead to the questioning of authority. Lots of math, lots of calligraphy and drawing, lots of Thai traditional dance. All good and safe.

    Yeah aint that the truth, but oh hang on, if you dont like it here..............blah blah.

    If he didn't care about the kids here he wouldn't bother saying how things should be improved.

    It called being sarcastic

  14. I've taught for over 6 years here. Public and private, rural and urban. I've taught in rich schools and poor schools kintergarten through Mattayom and there is one fundamental thing that they must do to improve their education system that nobody dares say. Double the number of schools and teachers ASAP and halve the class sizes. When you are hired as a native speaking teacher at a public school, as I once was, given 18 separate classes of 50 students each to teach conversational English for one hour per week and have no Thai teacher to even assist you in controlling the students, some of whom don't even understand basic classroom commands in English, there is one clear, but unspoken message. We really want to give the impression that we are teaching the kids English by having them exposed to a farang for an hour a week but we really couldn't care less if they actually learn anything. As a matter of fact, as far as the government's concerned it's probably better if only a few of them really learn English because otherwise the masses might start watching/reading news from non-Thai sources, reading something other than comic books, and possibly start getting really dangerous ideas into their heads about how well things are actually going in the land of smiles. Education here is not about academics, it's about indoctrination into 'don't rock the boat' group-think. Whatever academic learning does occur is only incidental and of the sort that does not lead to the questioning of authority. Lots of math, lots of calligraphy and drawing, lots of Thai traditional dance. All good and safe.

    Yeah aint that the truth, but oh hang on, if you dont like it here..............blah blah.

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