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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. Hmmmmm Misleading title. Thought it was about nasty brats that should be gagged.

    However <Children Should Be Seen And Not Heard>


    I solved this irritating problem by starting a chimney sweeping service. Not only were my children not heard, they were hardly seen.

    It was annoying when my teenage son got stuck in a chimney in Glasgow, the customer refused to pay so I just left him there, went home and told the wife that we would need to make a new son.

    The little bandit managed to free himself and make his way home, so I sold him to a gypsy. I'm not having kids hanging around my house looking for love and affection, if they are not making a profit for me what's the point of having them?

    Your'e nuts I would have farmed him/her for spare parts later in life and if not needed sold them on the open market, sheesh you missed a big moNEY earner there SUCKER

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  2. Actually the UK is doing very well . Unemployment is on the down , production is on the up. The government Deficit on the way down. its because of whats happening in Europe is masking the UK true economic output. The UK true out put is also masked, for example The wings for the Airbus are made in the UK , but then flown to France for assembly, Then France says we have sold x amount of Air buses, so France gets the Economical benefits.

    Did we sell them the cracks too?? or were they extra?

  3. WOW..I watched it...wonder if it lasted?

    Ronnie's 4 th marriage lasted 8 daysclap2.gif .

    Really hope that the other guy's marriage lasted and that kept him sabai sabaiwub.png

    It didnt last she couldnt get a UK visa as she was already maried to another Farang and not divorced but she then buggered off with a Belgian after first getting 12k out of the UK guy who then had depression.

  4. I've heard it several times. The reasons are pretty obvious, but now for the never discussed before question why are white folks called farangs ?

    More to the point ive been building a house for 2 months and despite me telling the staff I have a name and telling them my name they keep saying farang .

    I just gonna call em asians or summat

  5. In countries with legal same sex marriage, the state is not interested if the people marrying are actually homosexual, or not. Not clear why it would matter. Similarly as any worldly person knows, there are MANY homosexual people who are married heterosexually. That's not the state's business either. As it stands now in most countries, people of the opposite sex can marry as COUPLES (two people), and people of the same sex cannot marry (two people). The equality thing is about same sex couples having the same EQUAL rights as opposite sex couples. Of course it is about equal rights.

    What do gay people want? Yes of course that's a political issue as with any large group of people you have a range of opinions. In Thailand, yes, the gay people of Thailand would have to be interested in working on this issue more aggressively if they are seriously interested in the goal of marriage equality. I think now they are not in enough numbers and intensity to make any difference. There is of course the "Thai way" of not making waves which to westerners can be seen as fatalism. I also think probably sometime in the future ... they will be more interested. For the general public, legal gay marriage is good for business, marriage parties, honeymoons, household formations, ... divorce lawyers. Just my opinion.

    Do you REALLY think the gay people of Thailand are that bothered when most of the population it seems arent "really" married at all legally according to the govt IE the actual marriage cert etc?

  6. Pesonally i do not care what two men or women get up to sexually in the privacy of their own home,up to them ,but as to getting married or adopting ,no way , marriage and adoption is for couples of the opposit sex as nature intended.

    How about a "normal couple" have a kid beat the hell out of it or it gets adopted and well taken care of by a gay couple ( shock horror) my only concern is they would tend to influence the kid to be gay too which i dont agree with.

    Anyway why stop with male male why not man and monkey, man and banana why cant they all get married?

  7. What did your wife actually say, did she say it was a bad thing or a good thing?

    I would imagine your wife would have a fine balancing act to play as you are a farang, there may be a lot of expectation on her via you.

    There may also be people in the village that look forward to the event. Interesting topic.

    She has told me she doesn't agree with it either.

    On another occasion they were collecting for something else for the wat ( i think they all needed top ups for their mobiles or something). The wife gave as normal but when she put 100 baht in the dish, the guy actually started hassling her, asking why because she has a farang, didn't she put more money in. this was in front of the neighbours. she just walked away but he kept on talking. she turned around and walked back over, put her hand in her purse again, opened it and then put her hand in the dish and took the 100 baht back. the guy couldnt believe it and neither could the neighbours. laugh.png

    I like the sound of your wife a Sensible woman, those temples are ALL a joke, fancy tarted up palaces full of idiots................go ahead ban me!

  8. I Love the way when you are blatting down the outside lane at 120kmh that almost all Thai drivers u turning onto your side of the road form the opposite cariiageway pull out like a freakin tortoise forcing you to virtually stop when for the sake of them going more quickly you would be nowhere near hitting them.

    That said the whole U Turn road set up is the most dangerous thing Ive ever seen.

  9. http://www.123rf.com...cycle-lane.html

    this is the sort of thing that you see sometimes in the lane in question. It does indicate that this is indeed a motorbike lane

    Concur. The lane is not even a full vehicle width so how it could be construed as a hard shoulder is beyond belief...

    Another little nugget. How many westerners are aware of this regulation:

    Vehicles with red registration plates are not permitted to drive at night.

    And how many Thais with red no.s dont drive at night, also red number = are you writing down daily where you are going to and from??

  10. Edit - although it does still annoy me when they pull out of a side turning without checking for oncoming traffic...

    I may be wrong and correct me if I am but I believe that the Thai 'Highway Code' (or what passes for such) does say that all traffic must yield to all merging traffic; hence the common tendency to "pull out of a side turning without checking for oncoming traffic." They have right of way.

    Reminds me of my first arse pucker driving in Dallas in 1984 where I quickly learned that traffic on the feeder (me in my rental T-bird) must yield to traffic exiting the freeway (the Chevy Suburban that almost came through the drivers door).

    So what are those "give way" markings painted in the side roads for?

  11. Where do they get these crazy ideas, everyone knows its not dangerous, I see many kids by me on the phone and even the 10 year olds can drive a bike and use the phone at the same time so i dont see any problem, havent the Police got better things to do!!! Next theyll be wanting us to wear helmets etc and get a driving licence and do a test, heaven forbid, Im moving to Laos or Cambodia

    "Annoyed of somewhere"

  12. motorbike lane

    Isn't that more formally know in the west as a 'footpath'?

    Actually, I am still amused when a Thai driver comes to an intersection and wants to drive straight ahead decides to us the hazard lights, so not to be confused as to be turning left or right.

    Yes dumb, but whats the flash left flash right flash left flash right mean?/ i see them do this or are they just playing with the indicators?

  13. did you see any blood on it?? if so it was a balloon covered with the blood of a farang who had just been clubbed over the head by a security guard...........thank goodness they are there to stop this sort of behaviour

    blood on condoms ,oho dear .....i can see thsi thread descending ..........rolleyes.gif

    Blood on Balloons ......get a grip man/woman

  14. OP... I think you should ignore the cynics saying she just wants your money... if she is decent looking she could have found another guy (probably older than you) making ten or twenty times more than you who would give her lots of money... on 20k/month she is probably really struggling and anything you can do to help would be appreciated... however, you need to explain to her (if you haven't already) that you are not making big bucks so you don't have much spare cash to share with her (maybe also explain the type of lifestyle you expect to be able to provide for your family in the future if you stay together)... if she really loves you, this will be no problem... if money is important to her, she will be gone pretty fast and you can move on...

    Brit, 20k is a decent salary for a Thai they will not struggle on a salary like that.

    What do you mean by "for a Thai"?... surely the cost of living is the same for everyone (except a few places with dual-pricing)

    The major costs are the same regardless of whether you are Thai or foreign... a half-decent apartment rent is +30k baht/month... a half-decent car costs +500k THB... food isn't free...

    30k what are you nuts? 20k will get you something very nice these days, right next to the BTS if you want, prices have fallen over the last few years

  15. If she wants to break things off at that point I would say it's only fair and certainly practical to offer her a small severance package.

    they have been in a 50/50 relationship which was more like 70/30 since he says he paid for everything for the last year or so

    why on earth would she deserve a severance package ???

    He means cut her head off when they finish.................I mean thats what I normally do, never had a complaint yet!!

    • Like 1
  16. We have already started to build larger effective units (US, EU etc.) that we finally can merge together to one

    global unit.

    If the EU has achieved nothing more than preventing another war from breaking out in Europe then it has done its job. I was at dinner with some Thai business people last night and they were saying that the ASEAN community will kick into a new level in 3 years time, and they expect far more competition in the labour market in Thailand, with an influx of foreign workers. One of them said " Good for my business, but bad for our young kids because they are too lazy ".

    I do reckon these pan-continental organizations are forces for good though. The US should think radically and contemplate asking Mexico to be the 52nd state, ( Puerto Rico will likely become the 51st state after a plebiscite scheduled later this year ). The boost that would bring to the economy with the free movement of cheap labour would be astounding. The problem with that is that the white tribe in the US fear being overwhelmed by the Hispanic tribe, even though it is already a demographic certainty. The day of the white tribe being in power is coming to an end.

    Interesting comment but I have to agree, I find the Thais very lazy in general.

  17. ...

    When I was young I would never have believed that I had a racist bone in my body, until - one day a black man seriously pissed me off and I wanted to include 'black' in my abusive response sad.png . I now realise that subconsciously I am still racist, even though I do my v best not to be.

    That reminds me of a couple of entertaining (to my mind) if slightly off-colour (can I say 'off-colour'?) anecdotes...

    So two colleagues were having a bit of a barney in the office about a road-rage incident on the way back from the factory - its a dreadful road, by the way, which encourages inconsiderate and rude driving - and one of them accused the other of being racist, with a specific quote, which elicited a quick and apologetic response

    "Oh, I'm sorry, you mis-heard me. I said "Bloody idiot", not 'bloody Indian'"

    He still wasn't mollified, though...

    Another colleague recounted this tale from his days as office junior. A senior colleague asked him for an inkjet printer cartridge. "Black or coloured?" he asked, and found himself accused of racism.

    Perhaps sometimes we look for offence where none was intended...


    Reminds me of the movie "Fletch" where they go for a "coon hunt" funny as hell hahahah oh yeah they mean Racoon in case you were wondering

  18. Shortages seem to be random across the board and not just restricted to food items. Over the past few weeks our local makro was out of M150 and Singha water. Home hub, Home mart and Do Home were out of roofing materials and electrical switches I wanted.

    Some of it can be put down to some transport services shutting down for nearly 2 weeks over the songkran period but I suspect factories are still trying to catch up on missed production caused by the floods.

    Despite how many people study transportation logistics and inventory management, I've never been to another country where they are so abysmally poor at handling stock. Things just randomly show up and disappear for weeks and months at a time. Even consistently popular items like Coke and Sprite and whether in small supermarkets or very large ones. They are terrible. Perhaps there is a good reason for the poor performance.

    Im gonna generalise, Thais are lazy and have no thought process, go ahead an burn me down...........like i care, I know the truth, even when its in stock a bone idle assistant will just utter Mai mee.

    Happens to me often, last time Global House wanted 3 upvc windows, wife was with me the man said mai mee yet he was virtually leaning on the things at the time he grunted it.

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