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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. Recenty saw a house built using the 2 block method the owner is from the uk and insisted he wanted to have cavity very bad idea why because now his house is invested with termite in the cavity he reckons within 6 years he will have no house left already his kitchen cupboards are non existant. In the UK q block is only used in the interier of the house to replace the breeze block london brick is still the prefered option for outside also q block was nor designed to take cement you are meant to use a special glue advantage breeze block should not be built higher than 5 courses per day to allow the cement to dry q block can be built as high as yoiu want as the glue is very fast drying and believ me if done correctly you need a sledge hammer to knock it down also q block absorbs water !!!

    In that case he should also have a flat concrete roof not steel and tiles as the roof space is ALSO one big cavity.

  2. How did this morph into yet another Thai-bashing thread?

    Its easy any thread that tells a modicum of truth gets labelled "Thai Bashing"

    People who don't know how to speak Thai bashing Thailand because they don't understand it. Pretty simple to me. The only Thai people who don't want Western people learning Thai are bar girls and not even all of them.

    Understand or accept? I dont accept it.

  3. As for talking, the vast majority of them have nothing really interesting to say. Yes, I do speak Thai. Their thoughts and ideas are generally quite small and limited. This is true for "educated" ones, too. Not just the farmers.

    Just telling it like it is.

    Well there are educated and educated.....These with university degree that can't count to ten and than there are these mostly Chinese-Thais who are REALLY educated. They have ideas and discuss about international politics etc etc, but you won't find them easily as they don't mix much with the normal population as they are bored of them.

    You both have a good point, the bulk of the population appear ( note I said appear) to be like Paully says, I do have some friends who have a good education and they talk very much differently, most often working abroad for many years.

    One worked for Thai air all his life the other en electrical engineer also worked in many European countries, they are really nice folk.

    • Like 2
  4. I choose NOT to learn more thai as I would end up speaking my mind about all the BS that goes on here.

    My lack of proficiency allows me to have a rant and no one knows what I am talking about. I can then calm down and nobody is any the wiser.

    The language barrier here can be a wonderful thing

    This would be a problem for me too and from what I see they dont do confrontation well.................your food is crap you expect me to pay for this = stabbed to death.............however once found a big pube ina Swensens ice cream they apologised offered me another and then didnt have to pay so some are better than others at coping with the nasty complaining Farang

  5. Best not to buy any milk imported from China...

    you think the Thai's are less scrupulous when it comes to making money than the Chinese?

    Don't think any Thais have been found guilty of killing loads of babies by adding poisonous additives to baby milk. But hey, any excuse to have a pop at Thailand eh! Where do you live again?

    Do you think they would announce it if they did or quietly pay off whoever needs it if they could get away with it?. There are limited controls here and money talks, it talks worldwide but its easier here, to deny it is well plain daft.

  6. There is a big difference in regards to a Bus and Airplane. The requirement and the safety with a commericai aircraft being fllow is not even comparable! There are so many check and balances which thank god is out of the hands of the Thai officials.

    You do start to wonder though. I do anyway. I mean Thailand does have laws on all of these things - speed limits, condition of vehicle including tyre wear, vehicle construction, number of passengers, motorbike helmets etc etc. They are just so many ideas which are totally ignored.

    I expect planes are held to a higher standard, but seeing the absolute disregard that many people have for the laws on the roads, and the total disinterest of the police in enforcing them, then why will it be any different at the airport?

    My wife worked at a co. that had this ISO standard, they didnt actually pass the standard so paid up a backhander to get that ISO sticker, its how it works here

  7. That is not really the question you should be asking. A more pertinent one would be "how can the almost daily crashes of buses and minibuses be reduced?"

    In my own home country, UK, bus travel is just about the safest form of transport and I would not hesitate to use one there. Unfortunately my experience here in Thailand means I would never use buses for travel here.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Thailand does not have the same road structure that the UK has, Motorways etc.

    If the UK had the same percentage of motorcyles on the road as Thailand does and the same road system, do you honestly think UK's RTA fatalities would not be much higher?

    I dunno, nor do you, but one thing I do know, TV experts on all things believe they are superior to Thais in all things, Thais can't do this right, Thais can't do that right, well, western countries are not run by Thais, and look what a fawking mess they are in, how do you explain that, and how do you explain all the Farangs from these western eutopias who CHOOSE to live here instead of their own countries, a country run by Thais !!!! ?

    Accidents happen, period!

    This country does not have the motorway system like the UK does, so please, don't even try to compare the two.

    You could be the Thai transport minister with that attitude " accidents happen" end of

  8. A tyre blow out can happen to any one of us at any time. we do not know whats on the road in front of us at any time, or forces exerted on the fitted tyres, one of those risks involved with road travel. RIP travelers. Trans.

    True that.

    1.2 Million Deaths and 50 Million injured yearly worldwide will testify to that. That's an awful lot of accidents that happen outside of Thailand.


    U must have the thickest heaviest shade of rose tinteds Ive ever seen here, No motorways, what else would you call a 4 lane highway in Thailand?? let me guess a "b" road, the only safe road for U turns are the expressways and thats because you cant u turn on them like on their dual carriageways which are in effect motorways.

    The Uk has dual carriageways similar to Thai roads and you cant U turn on them because the stupid UK govt obviously decided it was dangerous but the clever Thai govt decided it was not.

    I like the go home veiled argument funny.

    I dont live in Thailand for its culture.

    Let me know when you are waiting at a Junction and someone drives into the back of you whilst stationary..........of course that wont happen, you are the worlds best driver, sadly Thailand contains many of the worlds worst and they wont figure in your good driving skills.

    The 1.2 million deaths is a pathetic argument I cant even be bothered to go into.

    Thai drivers are pretty crap period.

  9. I would say that the bad roads in Thailand is the major problems. They are in bad condition and also the roads ara badly planned.

    Not to mention all this U-turn possibilitys. And that people can cross the "highways" and that they are going in trough the city´s as well.

    And the lack of trafficsigns. For example how many sign is there to see about speeding... not to many.

    I believe the Thai governements (all of them) have saved money to long now building this shitty roads.

    Maybe the buss drove in to a pothole in the road. And maybe the tire wasn´t to fresh. There are so many possibility in Thailand to end up in a traffic accident.

    Also the driver license schools are a joke! And this "it happens not me" mentality that all thai people have? Or is it a buddist thing?

    When the tourists stop coming to Thailand due to the risk of dyuing in the traffic. Then, and first then, the governments will do something about it.

    But for now, to much money ends up in the pockets of corrupted politicians instead of building good roads.

    I actually think the road layouts are pretty good here on the whole. The surfaces can be crappy, but in terms of dual carriageways, slip roads, bridges, pull off areas and so forth it's quite well laid out. Agree some of the U turns are precarious, but if used properly (I know...) then they would be fine.

    It's the drivers and the vehicles that are the problem.

    You cant be serious about being able to do a u turn on a road Thai style where you have to travel from stationary to about 120kph in 2-300 metres straight into the fast lane??

    Its the most ridiculous road layout ever, the only safe way is the raised bridges bringing you onto the correct slower lane.

    Id like to see stats on accidents at the U turn spots.

    There's plenty of similar junctions in the UK where you can go from standstill onto a dual carriage way. They are a bit more dangerous than bridges, but on quiet bits of DC it's fine, and the cost of replacing all of them with bridges would be enormous.

    I also said if used properly - that would preclude sweeping across from lane 1 to make a U turn because you don't want to wait in the queue in L2/3, using all 3 lanes of the opposing carriage way to turn round, moving away at glacial pace then moving unpredictably and without signaling infront of faster moving cars approaching from behind and the myriad other sins that are common at these places.

    Let alone riding an unlit motorbike based shop contraption through one so you can ride the wrong way up the road to your chosen destination.

    There are no junctions in the UK where you have to stop do a U turn and then enter traffic in the fast lane like in Thailand ( in towns there are 40mph restrictions where you can) from a standing start.

    We have slip roads which are there to let you accelerate to match the speed of traffic in the slowest lane.

  10. Here's my 2p:

    Several months ago my wife & children used one of these busses for a return journey to Bkk. Knowing the pitfalls I took it upon myself to inspect the vehicle (without making it obvious) thoroughly for as much as could be seen, namely tyres, seat belts, lights/indicators & overall appearance. I found the vehicle clean, servicable & with 2 uniformed drivers who looked presentable/fresh/Sober. They had at least one trolley dolley too. The bus was in the same blue pink livery as the one in this thread. My only negative note was that all the busses @ the Samui bus station (inc my wifes) had signs of previous damage & repair (mirror antennae knocked off, rear end shunts, T Boned, the lot). My family belted up for the duration & their feedback upon return was that this was a safe operation re speed, timetable, driver rotation, comfort stops etc.

    Re Brakes (someone's bound to ask!); I had no way of testing them but it looked ok when it pulled in & manouvered around in the bus station.

    I hope this puts some of the nonsence in this thread to bed.

    You inspected ONE bus thats all you did.

  11. I would say that the bad roads in Thailand is the major problems. They are in bad condition and also the roads ara badly planned.

    Not to mention all this U-turn possibilitys. And that people can cross the "highways" and that they are going in trough the city´s as well.

    And the lack of trafficsigns. For example how many sign is there to see about speeding... not to many.

    I believe the Thai governements (all of them) have saved money to long now building this shitty roads.

    Maybe the buss drove in to a pothole in the road. And maybe the tire wasn´t to fresh. There are so many possibility in Thailand to end up in a traffic accident.

    Also the driver license schools are a joke! And this "it happens not me" mentality that all thai people have? Or is it a buddist thing?

    When the tourists stop coming to Thailand due to the risk of dyuing in the traffic. Then, and first then, the governments will do something about it.

    But for now, to much money ends up in the pockets of corrupted politicians instead of building good roads.

    I actually think the road layouts are pretty good here on the whole. The surfaces can be crappy, but in terms of dual carriageways, slip roads, bridges, pull off areas and so forth it's quite well laid out. Agree some of the U turns are precarious, but if used properly (I know...) then they would be fine.

    It's the drivers and the vehicles that are the problem.

    You cant be serious about being able to do a u turn on a road Thai style where you have to travel from stationary to about 120kph in 2-300 metres straight into the fast lane??

    Its the most ridiculous road layout ever, the only safe way is the raised bridges bringing you onto the correct slower lane.

    Id like to see stats on accidents at the U turn spots.

    • Like 1
  12. I Love these constant posts about how Thailand will sink into the sea without us.


    I have lived in Thailand since 1990, and the moaners then were saying the same things, 22 years on, Thailand is still forging ahead whilst Western countries are sinking.

    Yeah forging ahead alright...... and here is the cost of forging ahead.

  13. Awful.

    Dangerous roads.

    It is not the roads that are the main problem but the inapt and incompetent drivers. You cannot safely drive a 12-15ton bus without proper knowledge, training and practise and the Thai drivers have neither!

    So how do you account for the thousands of buses all over Thailand that arrive at their destination safely on a daily basis ?

    Miracle Thailand.......... another poster who needs to get real dohhhhhhhhh!!!

  14. I would say that the bad roads in Thailand is the major problems. They are in bad condition and also the roads ara badly planned.

    Not to mention all this U-turn possibilitys. And that people can cross the "highways" and that they are going in trough the city´s as well.

    And the lack of trafficsigns. For example how many sign is there to see about speeding... not to many.

    I believe the Thai governements (all of them) have saved money to long now building this shitty roads.

    Maybe the buss drove in to a pothole in the road. And maybe the tire wasn´t to fresh. There are so many possibility in Thailand to end up in a traffic accident.

    Also the driver license schools are a joke! And this "it happens not me" mentality that all thai people have? Or is it a buddist thing?

    When the tourists stop coming to Thailand due to the risk of dyuing in the traffic. Then, and first then, the governments will do something about it.

    But for now, to much money ends up in the pockets of corrupted politicians instead of building good roads.

    I Love these constant posts about how Thailand will sink into the sea without us. The Kingdom is thousands of years old, has survived every possible calamity including invasions, floods and the American Army trying to turn it into a brothel for its soldiers. Trust me, it will endure, and possibly be improved when we all leave.

    Enjoy your vacation....ummm...you are a TOURIST yes????

    I love your constant defence of Thailands bad habits

    • Like 1
  15. My experience with Transport Co. buses has generally been very good. Like Nakhon Chai Air they operate modern VIP buses, with the 24 seaters being the best of the best I believe. While it is too early to be sure, it is possible that it was just bad luck, something on the road, or perhaps a faulty tire.

    Either way, let's hope that pending the results of an investigation, Transport Co. as a professional outfit, will implement whatever changes are necessary to reduce the chances of this happening again.

    I would agree, used to do the Bangkok to Phuket route twice a month on the 24 seater bus and never had a problems.

    Does that mean you didnt end up in a ditch or dead............. well that is good then isnt it, mind you dead folk never argue much............. or do you mean the driver gave signals checked mirrors didnt hog the outside lane didnt speed, didnt make calls whilst driving, wasnt drunk wasnt a few centimetres from the vehicle in front, only drove for a few hours then had a rest, had two drivers, didnt have the music on so loud he would be oblivious to anything else etc etc

  16. My experience with Transport Co. buses has generally been very good. Like Nakhon Chai Air they operate modern VIP buses, with the 24 seaters being the best of the best I believe. While it is too early to be sure, it is possible that it was just bad luck, something on the road, or perhaps a faulty tire.

    Either way, let's hope that pending the results of an investigation, Transport Co. as a professional outfit, will implement whatever changes are necessary to reduce the chances of this happening again.

    Or maybe the driver fell asleep.

    Or, maybe the driver had a heart attack.

    Or, maybe the driver was drunk.

    Or, maybe the driver was high.

    Or, maybe the driver blacked out.

    Or maybe a small pink alien jumped out in front of him and thumbed a lift... we could go on all day...

    The report however clearly states "According to the initial investigation, the front right tire burst, causing the driver to lose control and the bus hit the electric pole at full speed."

    Why the need for the excessive speculation all the time? We might as well argue that it wasn't a bus it was a jetski <deleted>. I guess anything that would distort the facts and give more leeway for some baseless Thai bashing eh?

    If you read it all it also says the driver may have fallen asleep so stop speculating yourself

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