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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. The whole concept of a HOA is alien to most Thai homeowners unless they have invested in condominiums. Then again, their participation is reportedly woeful and as witnessed by the form of the letter you received, they prefer to follow than lead. Unfortunately, any working HOA needs a financial contribution to be practical and that's where any fleeting Thai interest will be turned away.

    "Pay for what? I can keep my house and yard clean and my dog will bark if anyone tries to break in." will be a typical response. In the meantime, the leaves falling on the sidewalk from the trees inside their property will pile up and their guard dogs sh!t will be fouling your driveway.

    This very question was raised on another Thai forum (maybe even the same poster) and unless the HOA does have individuals AND associations rights founded firmly in Thai law, I think you would be on a hiding for nothing. The HOA's I have experience with (in Texas) were very effective even to the point of being legally able to seize your property for aggravated non-compliance with their rules and regulations. That should get the average Thai home owners attention.

    Just about sums up the response many of them will say, outside of their own house they dont care and many dont even care inside, witness the semi derelict black mould covered older properties, nice Mercedes though!

  2. You k now I used to say they are idots over Songkran, and then you get the its only a few days brigade, or its just harmless fun or what a sad ole bugger you are etc, well here is my Songkran report.

    Drove wife up from BKK to Loei 9 hours car got covered in water/flour/wahetever they use, over the next few days car got more water thrown at it twice the idiots throwing let go of the bucket, one was metal, result two big dents in the doors, took car to car wash result cannot get off the flour water car has to be T cutted and polished and no guarantee it can be removed completely.

    I almost ran over at least 2-3 people aimlessly wandering into the road.


    Songkran is a F****ng nightmare, mainly played out by irresponsible Wan*ers pissed out of their head with no care or thought for anything or anyone. Total cost to me about 8000 baht.

    Thanks you and happy F***king Songkran, the sooner its banned outright the better.

    Its used to be sprinkle a bit of water, I saw real hatred in little kids eyes ( aged about 5-6 yrs old) as they hurled with ALL their might the water.

    Just harmless fun though............................. time to ban it!!

    How can you see hatred in the eyes of a six year old ???

    Get a grip.

    The might of a six year old is pretty scary though, especially as you flash past at 60 kmph in ton of Toyota..........

    And grief beyond grief, the car has to be polished.......

    here we go, were you there?? NO, did you see the kids face?? NO, I was, he had hatred in his eyes as he hurled with all his might the water, he wanted to do as much harm as he could to any passing car or bike, in fact they prefer bikes as there is a good chance they can get one down.

    Oh yeah for the record I was driving at WALKING PACE

    Can you tell the difference between dtermination and hatred? If it is hatred the look will most likely persevere after the water was thrown. If it was detetrmination then the serious look will be replaced by a laugh after the water is thrown especially if somebody fell of their bike as a result. Perhaps when you drove through at walking pace people could see the miserable look on your face and the crowds pulled out the " special paste made from powdered glass ( you must know about this surely it is often combined by letting go of the bucket when throwing it) and reserved for miserable old tossers who can't relax and have a bit of harmless fun once a year. I spent last week in BKK and travelled down to Rayong and saw only people having fun ( with a bit of mischief thrown in). I don't know how you managed to see hatred in a young child's face but I would suggest that it was some kind of a reflection.of your mood. If you got such a good look at a water thrower's face were you on the wrong side of the road or were you the passenger? If you were driving and drove at walking pace through mobs of water throwers whilst looking daggers at them I would say that you had your car scratched deliberately somnamnaa. Next year try smiling and get in the spirit and see what the reaction is you might be pleasantly surprised

    Miserable old tossers eh, stay away from that mirror matey

  3. You k now I used to say they are idots over Songkran, and then you get the its only a few days brigade, or its just harmless fun or what a sad ole bugger you are etc, well here is my Songkran report.

    Drove wife up from BKK to Loei 9 hours car got covered in water/flour/wahetever they use, over the next few days car got more water thrown at it twice the idiots throwing let go of the bucket, one was metal, result two big dents in the doors, took car to car wash result cannot get off the flour water car has to be T cutted and polished and no guarantee it can be removed completely.

    I almost ran over at least 2-3 people aimlessly wandering into the road.


    Songkran is a F****ng nightmare, mainly played out by irresponsible Wan*ers pissed out of their head with no care or thought for anything or anyone. Total cost to me about 8000 baht.

    Thanks you and happy F***king Songkran, the sooner its banned outright the better.

    Its used to be sprinkle a bit of water, I saw real hatred in little kids eyes ( aged about 5-6 yrs old) as they hurled with ALL their might the water.

    Just harmless fun though............................. time to ban it!!

    How can you see hatred in the eyes of a six year old ???

    Get a grip.

    The might of a six year old is pretty scary though, especially as you flash past at 60 kmph in ton of Toyota..........

    And grief beyond grief, the car has to be polished.......

    here we go, were you there?? NO, did you see the kids face?? NO, I was, he had hatred in his eyes as he hurled with all his might the water, he wanted to do as much harm as he could to any passing car or bike, in fact they prefer bikes as there is a good chance they can get one down.

    Oh yeah for the record I was driving at WALKING PACE

    No, I was not there.

    It must be that the mightily thrown water of a six year old is a terrifying experience.

    A whole bucket, all of it ??

    1/2 a litre ??

    Especially when thrown at 1,000 kgs of vehicle traveling at walking speed...........

    Well done for slowing down and you were lucky to get out alive.

    What if he had brought his mates ??

    THE BUCKET LEFT HIS HANDS and hit my car as he was throwing it as hard as he could, has that registered yet? I now have a car with a dent in hey but its just a harmless kid right, just like those Bulger boys were, do you think 6 year old kids cant be little gits??

    But hey what do I know, I mean I was only there.

  4. You k now I used to say they are idots over Songkran, and then you get the its only a few days brigade, or its just harmless fun or what a sad ole bugger you are etc, well here is my Songkran report.

    Drove wife up from BKK to Loei 9 hours car got covered in water/flour/wahetever they use, over the next few days car got more water thrown at it twice the idiots throwing let go of the bucket, one was metal, result two big dents in the doors, took car to car wash result cannot get off the flour water car has to be T cutted and polished and no guarantee it can be removed completely.

    I almost ran over at least 2-3 people aimlessly wandering into the road.


    Songkran is a F****ng nightmare, mainly played out by irresponsible Wan*ers pissed out of their head with no care or thought for anything or anyone. Total cost to me about 8000 baht.

    Thanks you and happy F***king Songkran, the sooner its banned outright the better.

    Its used to be sprinkle a bit of water, I saw real hatred in little kids eyes ( aged about 5-6 yrs old) as they hurled with ALL their might the water.

    Just harmless fun though............................. time to ban it!!

    How can you see hatred in the eyes of a six year old ???

    Get a grip.

    The might of a six year old is pretty scary though, especially as you flash past at 60 kmph in ton of Toyota..........

    And grief beyond grief, the car has to be polished.......

    here we go, were you there?? NO, did you see the kids face?? NO, I was, he had hatred in his eyes as he hurled with all his might the water, he wanted to do as much harm as he could to any passing car or bike, in fact they prefer bikes as there is a good chance they can get one down.

    Oh yeah for the record I was driving at WALKING PACE

    • Like 1
  5. Any idiot can Father a kid, not Fathering one takes much more control.

    My biggest achievement was getting my wife to go from a 12k a month income to a +200k a month income with minimal investment of about 4.8 million baht.

    This took about 4 years for HER to achieve.

    What does she do to earn 200k baht per month in thailand?

    It is absolutely possible. My wife is actually making more, with a smaller investment than the above mentioned 4.8M baht and has been doing so for 9 years now. And she is not even Sino Thai !! but from the jungles of Esaan. But it takes a special lady with determination and the will to do something with her life. I can take credit for giving her the opportunity, but apart from that, it is all down to her own hard work.

    My wife also hails from Issan and its good ot hear of others actually doing well unlike the stereotypical TV woman who is virtually useless?? apparently??

  6. Any idiot can Father a kid, not Fathering one takes much more control.

    My biggest achievement was getting my wife to go from a 12k a month income to a +200k a month income with minimal investment of about 4.8 million baht.

    This took about 4 years for HER to achieve.

    What does she do to earn 200k baht per month in thailand?

    She rents condos out, rather well. 200k is not unusual often its more. TRUST is a big factor with owners, shes trustworthy many agents arent.

  7. Thanks for the info - the principles are sound and I hope that they sometimes develop into something. There's nothing like a really good party, but hedonistic self indulgement only gets you so far after all. It would be nice if there was some communication network that didn't involve a facebook group, but good luck with getting something different started.

    Ha 3 posts by you and 4 posts by your buddy? Oh well.

  8. Well I'm sorry for those who choose to belittle what you don't understand. I personally don't smoke or drink. If you were to look further, you'll find it's much more than what you're expecting and it's spreading all over with regionals in most developed countries around the world. Most cities have large Burner communities and they are the absolute best people to invite to parties and a much safer, happier, fun and respectful people than your average Thailand party kids and bar hoppers. Please review the 10 main Burner principles. Especially the one about leave no trace. This is an ideal sorely lacking in Thailand from foreigners.


    Anyone may be a part of Burning Man. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community.


    Burning Man is devoted to acts of gift giving. The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value.


    In order to preserve the spirit of gifting, our community seeks to create social environments that are unmediated by commercial sponsorships, transactions, or advertising. We stand ready to protect our culture from such exploitation. We resist the substitution of consumption for participatory experience.


    Burning Man encourages the individual to discover, exercise and rely on his or her inner resources.


    Radical self-expression arises from the unique gifts of the individual. No one other than the individual or a collaborating group can determine its content. It is offered as a gift to others. In this spirit, the giver should respect the rights and liberties of the recipient.


    Our community values creative cooperation and collaboration. We strive to produce, promote and protect social networks, public spaces, works of art, and methods of communication that support such interaction.


    We value civil society. Community members who organize events should assume responsibility for public welfare and endeavor to communicate civic responsibilities to participants. They must also assume responsibility for conducting events in accordance with local, state and federal laws.


    Our community respects the environment. We are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. We clean up after ourselves and endeavor, whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state than when we found them.


    Our community is committed to a radically participatory ethic. We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation. We achieve being through doing. Everyone is invited to work. Everyone is invited to play. We make the world real through actions that open the heart.


    Immediate experience is, in many ways, the most important touchstone of value in our culture. We seek to overcome barriers that stand between us and a recognition of our inner selves, the reality of those around us, participation in society, and contact with a natural world exceeding human powers. No idea can substitute for this experience.

    But I'm not out to convince people. I'm here to find Burners who are spread around Thailand and want to find each other for events they relate to and want to contribute to, and be connected with others of like minds; However, The Community is open to everyone, but there are rules of conduct and etiquette to understand. Thanks for your interest. =)

    Boring ad ..............next?


    hmmmmmm yeah man far out, just make sure all the Farang burners have the required work permit, and good luck with getting that.

  9. Oh Mr Nocturn! Really!!! You cynic!!!! You doubter!!!!!!!

    Give me some time and I'll PM you a couple of photos.

    You'll see immediately that my exotic girlfriend is Thai. You'll see too that she looks Indian / Arabic. The Chinese part (25%) won't be apparent in the photo/s.

    You'll probably notice her perfect nose. And when you see her hair, I doubt you'll be surprised to learn that she used to be a model for Schwarzkopf Hair Products.

    If the Chinese part was 37% would it be apparent?

    That's actually a good question.

    Have you ever noticed that some Thais have a sort of extra tooth? The extra tooth (sometimes, extra TEETH) is located in the upper jaw, to the left or right of the front teeth.

    I spoke to a dentist about this. She worked at Kasetsart University and was kind enough to fix my teeth gratis.

    She explained that this extra tooth (or extra teeth) is a Mongolian trait. Her opinion was that this extra tooth WHEN SEEN IN THAILAND is an indication of Chinese ancestry. I guess she felt that Mongolians must have passed on this "tooth gene" to the Chinese, and the Chinese must have brought it with them to Thailand.

    This is (of course) not to say that all Thais with Chinese ancestry have that strange extra tooth, but it does suggest that those who do have it are of Chinese descent.

    You may wish to Google this. I personally don't have time right now as I'm off to join the water fights.

    Sounds more like "overcrowding" to me something readily dealt with in the UK by tugging it out, I had the same and had 2 teeth removed, no Mongols in my family.....................yet!

  10. 8000 a month, wifes sister and husband (TOTAL for both) includes free house and electric ( no aircon) and about 8 rai of land to grow whatever they want on, Hua Hin area.

    They speak no English.

    They should be able to get about another 10k a month if they grow the right thing on the land so total would be 18k a month + the above mentioned perks.

  11. Earth hour the biggest joke ive ever heard, oh sorry i forgot man made global warming and god, in that order

    Not the point is it - there is ignorance everwhere - even an idiot is open to constructive dialogue.

    But it is because really if u want to save the planet ( and I think us not being here at all would be so much better) Then you'd better sell your car/bike, stop flying, get your electric disconnected and go back to living in a cave, and yes Im serious. oh or hang on we could turn the lights off for an hour??? what do you think the power stations will cut output for 1 hour??? Does it mean we get an extra hour before the -planet dies later?

    Re cycle -plastic, humph we shouldnt be producing it to start with, your'e in Thailand wrap it in a banana leaf.

    All pointless Thais couldnt care less and 99% of the Asian developing countries ditto along with the U.S etc etc

  12. I dont believe in good or bad luck, you can influence what happens to some degree, its not clear how your friends son died, he may have not looked when crossing a road, he may have been hit by a drunk driver and had no part to blame, so we dont really know the cause to decide if its "bad luck"

    Life is a lottery just be glad you were actually born and experienced it good and bad.

    Not much help I know.

  13. Great opportunity for TAT to promote Thailand as the suicide hub of the world..

    Package deals available for a low, all inclusive price of 2900 baht. For that you get a short time with a bar girl or boy (depending on yoru proclivity), a few shots of Sang Som, then a bonk on the head and off to the ovens with you.

    If these down and out folks had a quick, easy and affordable way to punch their ticket, there might be fewer moaners around.

    Better still why do it in Thailand surely chartering the entire plane full of suiciders ( is that a word) and a suicidal pilot they could just blow it up part way to Thailand.giggle.gif

  14. You forgot the worlds slowest overtakers, although generally not on Motorways on "A" roads where they pass another car at a slower speed than the two lorries overtaking, its like watching a slow motion overtake................incredible.

    I also bet there are no drag racers in Thailand, wait at any traffic lights and pull off at a moderate pace and they are all still more or less at the lights despite inching forwards before they have actually changed they then dawdle off to pass you a mile later at about 150km/hour etc

  15. Another plagiarism by the Abrahamic religions. Comes from the Analects of Confucius.

    Plagiarism? You are joking, aren't you?


    Yes, each religion has to make up its own "truth" from scratch, that's really going to improve the odds of any one getting it right, eh?

    People don't realize that every religion has truth at its core, and to that extent they are all the same. It's just the worldly aspects - cultural specificity, money and power, organizational politics, propoganda for control of the masses - that intrude and screw things up in interpretation.

    Whats a "truth" in religion??? OK show me the evidence? Ok so there is none right?

    • Like 1
  16. My wife went for the govt test, it was hilarious 10 people sharing a manual car in a car park.

    After she passed I told her "no way" was she going out on the roads until she had had another 6 weeks in the car with me in a quiet area practicing reversing, mirror signal maneuver etc.

    After this she was much much better and to date has only killed 4 people and partially maiming 2 ( which I scolded her for)

  17. Why concern your self with what other people consider acceptable risk?

    If it seems unsafe to you than your don't have to do it. This is a different place where people are allowed to judge for themselves how much risk they will take, and if they screw up they can't hit the state up for damages or make a big law suit. It is simply sum num na.

    This society has not yet learned to be outraged at how their neighbors go about their business, but sure enough they will one day be submerged under regulations and taxed to death like everyone in the west.

    Well said 100% agree alot of farang(especially on this forum) come here complain ,moan and compare everything to the western world if the western world is so great go back there , this is Thailand and it's the way this country operates and not only this country many others to like Cambodia and Vietnam for example.

    Yeah great let me know when in their drunken state or whilst chatting on a phone/ looking at something else other than the road they mow down your wife/daughter/self etc

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