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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. I haven't touched a welder in years.... My knowledge is dated & prehistoric on the topic.... If the half shaft is hollow, there's a chance that an oversized bead/weld could hold on a lumbering, slow truck..... If it's a solid piece, like a spindle, there's no way a weld would last - welding just the circumference... Not to mention the loss of any needed tempered strength built in during the forging/foundry & machining/milling process.... My unknowledgeable 2¢ worth.... My ex FIL from my I'll fated & I'll advised teen marriage was a heavy mechanic for a large concrete construction company....Those trucks and the heavy construction equipment took some heavy stress & abuse....The things he & his buddies could improvise, weld, and repair on those cement encrusted trucks was truly impressive.....
  2. Yes, I've had it done in CM....The cost was 250k all included.... The Dr excellent....At that time he was in Dubai & Japan one week per month & two weeks here in Chiang Mai every month....He updates yearly at Boston University & uses USA's latest appliances.... Rajavej Chiangmai Hospital is where I elected to have the procedure done....His office is around the corner... Attached is his phone number....
  3. 555/lol rationalization is never a healthy thing.... The Settlefor's strike again....
  4. I've never seen one.....There is an Office Depot in the Airport Plaza Mall area behind the mall.... Whether it's true to form with self op copiers = don't know.....
  5. I don't do bars, but cashless in a bar setting here looks like it could be a catastrophic clusterf*k....
  6. Juan Valdez was Columbian coffee.... I'm not sure who the other lines are for.... Oddly enough I don't drink coffee but knew the Folgers & the Hills (Reuben 3).....
  7. It was/is his (company) name.... I doubt he ever wore a serape....
  8. Yawn ????..... Sorry - having played both in various leagues, I never really found myself enamored by soccer....For watching or playing.... I do wished I'd would have had a shot at rugby or hockey, but they weren't around at the time.....
  9. As an aside.... Back in the 70's I had the privilege of pleasure driving a Rolls for short term use (Mr Folgers asked me to as it wasn't being driven enough).... To this day that's been the most "glove" like feeling driving a car....It felt like driving a surprisingly responsive cloud.... It's not a modern car like being discussed, but this thread brought back the memory.... For a few years I was fortunate enough to live in an area way above my league but mixed socially with & got along with the elite of the elite..... Household names.... Undoubtedly, they are still there....
  10. We never hear about the good things & influences that take place on a daily basis.... But car jacking, stabbing, drugged, fighting, drunk monks go right to the top of the leader board.... In a world of "woke" social media, finger pointers rule /// With or without substantiation.....
  11. My guess is school visas are being taken out & used more like a tourist visa - basically getting abused; and they are trying to curb the practice..... They will probably work to enforce that education, school visa holders are doing what the visa is designed to provide for.... Maybe there's trackable history causing a disconnect between immigration & school authorities.....
  12. I bet there would be no trouble arranging for a delivery or two..... Literally everything plant/garden is there..... From dividers to fish ponds & waterfalls.....
  13. It seems drivers are cherry picking the jobs now that it's busy & Bolt has become the default to go to ride .... Apparently they are overwhelmed or have become picky also.... This is a big FB topic too.....
  14. Behind the Lotus on the Great Highway is a huge market featuring every plant, tree, & all the accoutrements you could ever think about needing.....It will take a few hours of strolling just to get an idea of what is where.... It's the largest "nursery" I've ever experienced..... If you don't see everything you are looking for in the first half hour, you're not trying very hard.....
  15. My wife is from Central Thailand..... With just about every CT headline I read I'm glad I never seriously contemplated/had any thoughts about living there..... I've no complaints about our family down there.... Probably due to the fact that I am not down there & our sphere of influence is confined to just us.....
  16. They looked like the barstool regular shift....The place was located in a decent sized shopping mall....There could have been an industrial area nearby....
  17. That just reminded me....I used to work 6am/2pm - best hours in the world for me.... I'd be getting in about the time the garbage truck drivers were about midway through their shift.... They were always chugging a few beers as they worked......
  18. The 2 times we were a day or two outside the acceptable payment time frame cited on the billing we had to go into the local PEA office to have it accepted.... Within the time window we used to pay at 7/11....Now my wife pays via an app....I don't know if we'd physically have to go to the office if we somehow mistakenly botched it.....
  19. I used to play baseball for a bay area bar team out in San Leandro.....The Creekside Lounge.... Sometimes games would start early or need an early start to get to whichever venue....Meeting there if needed.... That bar served food & drinks starting at 6AM/0600 daily and there would be people there "drinking" their breakfast....
  20. Lazada expressly states to not deal with anyone outside of their website or conduct business out of their structured accounts.... I had no trouble receiving a home gym that 2 men could not carry....I put a lasso around one end & dragged it..... There have been instances with Craigslist were people carrying big cash to get a sale item ended up robbed & in some cases killed..... I'm not suggesting this in your case but operating outside the established parameters carries a few risks & loss of Lazada's protection..... If this place makes or sells the pools - how do they get rid of/or receive them? Or just stack them in a warehouse until Joe schmo consumer shows up????
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