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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. I have somewhat the same scenario....Does anyone know how far ahead of expiration a TDL can be renewed? It would be expiring in the middle of our travel, making rentals, etc., difficult....
  2. I live in a small MuBaan (120 houses), about 25k out from CM..... Every night I see Thais walking leashed & unleashed dogs....I leash walk my Bangkaew because he was a soi dog I befriended & rescued and he still has some of that call of the wild instinct.... He's the #2 trained/behaved dog out of the group.... There are also houses where the dogs never get out of their yards, while others open their gates for a short time to let the dogs wander, then come back to their own yard.... I imagine it gets more free ranged the further out in the countryside you go..... They're pretty free range with their kids too, the further out you go ....
  3. There is an online pharmacy in Bangkok that can post it to you.... Found it - Medisafe Pharmacy in Bangkok.... I have used them before, but have forgotten the name.....I can get a better price locally - but - their prices are discounted.... Perhaps somebody can fill in the blank or add others....
  4. Alaska has some pretty sophisticated top secret facilities.....Not sure how off the books they are, but if they catch you lurking around; you might not be seen again....
  5. I have some friends there watching the fire falls right now, today/yesterday..... It's spectacular to watch as is the rest of the upper and lower valleys..... Bodie, above Yosemite is also worth a look..... For accessable natural beauty California is hard to beat no matter the terrain extreme/preference
  6. It's all frayed edges, destabilizing the masses, reported over analytics, social media - that isn't, failed parenting that doesn't know any better, doctors over prescribing for anti anxiety & anything else, schools that don't teach, the lost art of in person social skills & a general helpless feeling, fueling a callous disregard for the fellow man & a government that has shunned any facade of serving anything or anyone but itself.....
  7. I'm not sure of the fault line situation in Thailand, however, that could easily be what the aftermath would look like..... If you've experienced a 7.0 quake in person, it's something you don't want to see again.... From the brick and mortar construction, to the rebar & cement framed condos + cement power poles & high rise thinly rooted water towers....Let alone the minimal road construction & earth dams that have dried out do to droughts.... Not a pretty picture....
  8. There were shops in Baan Tawai that did this pre Covid...You might want to check there ... There are also vendors on Facebook marketplace making custom wood signs...
  9. I went with Lazada for my home gym ..... It's built well & no problems 2 years in....There were multiple choices..... Everywhere I looked locally was 2-4x grossly overpriced.....
  10. That is currently taking place....My wife warned me 1st - then I read an article where this was taking place.... There have been some instances in Thailand....
  11. To bad they don't have those money for orphans, dogs, causes, etc on the counter like they do in the US....The cashier could've just dropped it in there.... Some of the antics of others can just take a smile away.....
  12. It did cast a pall for a short time on our last half day, visiting local markets.... It made everything look & feel a little different.....
  13. I don't really remember, she might have....I was starting to get <deleted> off because of the treatment.....More for how she was feeling wounded..... I kind of think she might have..... It was all strewn across the table....
  14. On a trip to Paris, my wife & I stopped at a nice outdoor / indoor cafe like they have for lunch....The waiters we're almost stereotypical in dress and manner.....The meal was nice and we were getting ready to leave..... I'd already paid & given a nice tip, however my wife didn't want the coin change as we were flying out and counted, stacked it nicely at the center of our table as a nice gesture to leave for our waiter..... He came to our table, looked at the change, picked it up and flung it across the table.....He then took his stereotypical movie like poofy waiter self, turned on his heals and stalked away..... My (Thai) wife was wide eyed astonished as I was half laughing & half ticked off....She looked at me and all she could think of to say was "that's perfectly good money"..... I laughed, but felt bad for her at the same time as she genuinely thought she was doing something very nice for this other person.... She does not tip in Thailand (very rarely if a birthday or celebration).... I can still envision the shock & look on her face....
  15. So, you're zombie like now? Got the Zombie badge?
  16. https://m.facebook.com/groups/weirdfantasticbeautifulandoddd/permalink/948726882741341/?sfnsn=mo&ref=share&mibextid=VhDh1V This is basically all you're getting...Circa 1949....
  17. Really not much more than a rolling bed with small cabinet space....No galley, fridge, bathroom or shower....A/C needs 30-50 amp set up.... No infrastructure to support FHU vehicles here..... Nothing to see here.... I've seen a couple of TTs/caravans for sale here = no A/C.... Imagine sleeping in that.....
  18. I get cotton t-shirts from Lazada that I wear around the house for comfort ....Their international size chart is accurate....
  19. Basically, if there doesn't seem to be any implied threat or active unpleasantness, I just go on being myself.....If I glance & someone is "looking" at me, I'll smile then go back to what I'm doing..... Why let their problem project any power at me..... I'm not doing anything wrong, I dress approptiately & am not slovenly or overweight ..... If they don't like me on sight = fk'em....
  20. I have 2 here & 2 in the US plus CC accounts with 2 banks.... One time my US bank had a security breach on one account & issued a replacement card - new requirements were a 6 digit versus the 4 digit I'd had....The only problem = they only send the "new" pin code by separate snail mail....If I'd only had the one account I would have been high & dry for about 6 weeks waiting for the pin number to get here - thankfully it did.... The 2nd account + online banking allowed me to move funds around and not miss a beat.... Food for thought....
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