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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. I wonder if the heat build up from the 240 plugs makes them use the power strip? Old houses & overloaded power strips are common..... An appliance extension would be capable, but only one receptacle/plug..... Amorn has some stout extension cords with a circular end that houses a regular heavy duty plug receptacle like your wall receptacle....We have 2 we use outside, well pump, fountain, etc..... They've worked for years & still appear like new.... Despite being outside....
  2. I went to refill Lispril today for hypertension..... None of the pharmacies we visited had it in stock + indicated it was not available from suppliers....The stock apparently ran out 2 months ago....The pharmacists indicated that many expats are looking for it.... Has anyone else run into this? Has anyone found an available/reliable supply - or an alternative? I did not check under the Zestril name.... Any helpful advice would be appreciated....
  3. Anything we've had them install has been done well.... But, we are close to Chiang Mai so the installers probably stay busy + current skill wise.... I'm sure the further out you get the quality of the work diminishes....Same with auto repair options in the rural areas...
  4. A second for ProAuto..... I'm auto industry retired.....With 3 cars I worked my way through numerous (dismal) "good name" shops until I found ProAuto..... We've used them since they opened as a full shop.... I've made many referrals & all have come away happy.... Check out their FB page & customer ratings....
  5. Weather cycles.... It appears they built in low places & under engineered/planned poorly to include these cycles..... Now, it's the sky's fault.... The areas naturally did ok & drained before people encroached, overbuilt, under engineered/planned.....
  6. The 2 I listed & have used.... Thai Visa Assist.....Star Visa.. TVA - CM Land Rd.... SV (2) - up the street from the US Consulate & On the street behind the Super Big C off the super highway....
  7. Out there on the main highway?
  8. They have hot girls....I tried them once for visa renewal... At that one time they didn't seem very organized & very poor communication. ....However, they did get the renewal handled - but I didn't return the next year to see if better or worse.....
  9. This is my wife next to a Sequoia near the Mariposa Village in Yosemite..... I hope they can save those magnificent trees.... An ancient part of the Earth's legacy.....
  10. One reason why we passed on many beautiful houses out in the countryside when we were looking....Little villages with some having nothing to do except drink & watch to see who/what car was going by.... Like a neighborhood watch= in reverse.....
  11. Where hasn't it...... Much less of a baseline cost here...... In the states it cost me almost $100 per month just to keep the pilot lights lit - years ago....$200+ a month for cable/internet (Comcast).... We spend pennies to dollars here - and are lucky to do so..... We had been spending months in the US RVing before Covid every year = and every year it was a new case of sticker shock..... We're going back once the flights/C19/travel difficulties stabilize.....I have a feeling the sticker shock is going to be horrific..... We live in privilege here - and - we are privileged to live here.... Don't let the noise/static/petty annoyances get to you..... We are spoiled for good life choices here..... That greener grass on the other side of the fence = isn't.....
  12. This is new... They're saying it's a low cost program.....
  13. Bangkok Bank is currently advertising easy money transfers out of Thailand..... You might check that out.....
  14. It's kind of a mixed bag....Check Makro....They have a fairly extensive cooking section.... However, when I searched there for a new electric oven I couldn't find one as good as the one I had bought there before.... You will probably have to search a few stores to mix and match to complete what you need.... Bath & Beyond has a selection....Central has choices....Ikea has a store in Lazada with possibilities.... We have a nicely equipped & complete kitchen - but we didn't find any one place that had everything..... Many go to Yok on the super highway for kitchen accessories..... I've never been, so cannot advise.... The Makro on Hang Dong Rd is more user friendly for cooking utensils, etc......
  15. Sometimes I substitute lemon juice for ACV.....At other times I will add it in with the ACV..... I can't say I enjoy the taste of any of them, single or combo .... I don't like bitter things - so I don't drink coffee either.....
  16. Note - I intermittent fast.....So breakfast is about 0900 & the 2nd/last meal of the day is at about 1400..... Once used to it, 2 meals a day works out well.... Some days, it's 1 meal - but depends on how the day rolls along, not usually planned.....
  17. This is everything you need to know....The best in CM.....Updates every year Boston University.....Speaks English..... He used to spend 2 weeks CM + practice in Dubai & Japan each month.... I'm not sure with Covid....He uses the latest, most advanced US titanium hips..... Cost me 250k including a big private a Ravajev? Hospital across from the Holiday Inn & around the corner from his office..... I'm not sure if this is his cell or the office....Either way you'll be taken good care of ....
  18. Bacon & homemade garlic french bread - which turned into a sandwich.....Two eggs over hard - broken yolks....Sliced avocado, cucumber, & lettuce with dressing/dips..... <Shared some cucumber slices with the cats>..... A big glass of no fat milk.....The wife had coffee..... Edit/note = no idea why the bold keeps showing up....
  19. A lot of biker riding habits erratically changed when the bikes got faster......In the days of the 90-110CC they were forced to keep left & slow.....Now there's more bob & weave - shoot the gap kamikaze riding going on..... Have to be 360 aware of all angles now....
  20. Congratulations to your wife for all the well deserved, hard earned accolades..... Thailand has many women worthy of distinction.....In truth, the Thai women are the heart and backbone of the nation.... Thank you for sharing with your uplifting post.....The pride that comes through positive accomplishment is the most satisfying..... Good on both of you..... Edit - the bold print somehow magically inserted itself....?
  21. Thai Visa Assist & Star Visa are 2 established, long time services.... I have used both for various services.... Both will give frank, honest answers.... There is a Honda driving/riding school that provides lessons & assistance for licensing..... If you are not used to riding motorcycles/scooters - use extreme caution.....All the good mannered driving codes, habits, & courtesies you observe in other countries are pretty much flagrantly ignored here.....The common sense laws/rules are in place, but there's no enforcement...Thus, the rules ignored....Largely following the one with the most lug nuts = "rules/wins".....
  22. We bought one very much like this through Lazada...The back camera came with it but I didn't want to drop the headliner to route the wiring...It's been flawless for 2+ years = plug & play....This looks like an updated version of the one we have....
  23. If it's the type of heat that stays all night = a/c & ceiling fan....Windows shut.... If it's cooling down at night, then a fan that pulls in the cooler outside air into the room by a window....If sufficiently cooled we shut off the fan by the window & just use the ceiling fan..... We much prefer the air flow/circulation by the ceiling fan, which is centered over the bed.... For some reason I don't like floor fans much - especially if oscillating.... The nicely rippled air from the ceiling fan is soothing + quieter than the tunneled air projection from a floor fan....
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