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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. Here's a few of my wife's books....If you look closely, she has them labeled, sequenced, numbered, catalogued, and indexed..... I'm trying to source a lawyers bookcase large enough to contain both/all of our books....I just keep mine alphabetically by author.....
  2. Electric cars were never the answer but the elite's profit taking has begun....
  3. There is only one Promenada Mall.... The last time we were there they had the vax set up on the 1st floor of building 2 below the theater area.... We were there for a different reason...The staging/vax area was cordoned off & not being used at that time....
  4. Found Big C2 Hang Dong the same way....Zip for parking was the first clue.... To be fair they did have all cashier's open & were handling the brisk pace.... People loading up gifts for their NY exchanges..... It's the busiest I've seen it over the past few years .....
  5. I can't fit in the open ones, let alone one of those..... If I golfed that would be a great base vehicle to create a customized golf cart.... In traffic you'd have to feel like a ping pong ball in a clothes dryer...
  6. Bet it doesn't work when you're horny....
  7. Step 5 - seek to bring refinement into my lifestyle....
  8. Step 4 - I thought I would read up on the classics and put my best foot forward = didn't work out as planned.....
  9. Step 3 - I'm going to try & keep up....
  10. Step 2 - I'm trying this in reverse....
  11. Yeah - decided to get help - this seemed like a good place to start.....
  12. No, they've been iffy for a long while... Without Renault they might have no longer even been around....
  13. Back in the 80's the thing to find out, or know about, was which Thai operated restaurant owned & farmed their own garden and spices (brought from TH)... This was usually the ones that Thais sought out & would drive a long way for - passing many pseudo "Thai" restaurants along the way.... If you had a way of getting that info, you had a "go to" place ...... Still holds pretty true today....The Thais in the US are quick to point out the good - and bad ones....
  14. Nothing wrong with a manual tailgate with the gas charged self raising lifts/struts....Less to break & trouble free....Click the remote & start the raise slightly - let it swing up.... Unless you're always going to be opening carrying 2 babies or 2 full shopping bags....
  15. Back in the 80's finding a Thai restaurant = few & far between, at least around the greater SF/Bay area.....Finding a good one was even more difficult.....
  16. Because they save the round spots for pizza ???????????? ????.....
  17. They haven't done well since being absorbed by Renault, sales, service, or product wise....Many dealerships have failed/gone under....
  18. Nissan has been bleeding money & losing market's shares for a while....There is some speculation about their corporate demise as well as design/mechanical quality.... I'd pass on Nissan....
  19. Congrats on the 45 ????????
  20. They're big into ballroom dancing in the states + dancing in general....To the point they have some open house rooms specially designed with dancing (all types) in mind.... Most small to decent sized Thai cities have night clubs with large dance floors & writhing Thai bodies to match....
  21. Anything I've ordered of quality from ebay has not gotten to me for the past 5 years..... All the minimal stuff zips right through.... Somebody's got a house full of quality stuff or a thriving resale enterprise going....I gave up & stopped using ebay....
  22. Yeah, feels good except riding the bicycle.... I can't believe I've become climatised/climatized here...Coolish feeling at 80F..... However, I noticed when we go back to the states, hot, warm, or snow it seems instantly normal with no discomfort....
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