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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. Ours are now 21 & 14 but never seen to tire of it.... There's such an precociously ambivalent innocent Christmas spirit carried throughout the whole thing....
  2. This silly thing manages to find our house every year....
  3. My wife & I have 2 old different addresses on 2 different vehicles - nobody seems to care whenever I bring them for the annual inspection..... We/farang have to submit a verification of residence issued by immigration before they will change it in the book based upon my last inquiry.....Same with the driver's license.... It's a hassle here in CM to obtain the residency verification...
  4. Snowy doesn't keep his on.... He's leaner, pretty active and loves attention without getting in the way or being annoying..... He likes being his own guy... He's pretty independent....
  5. Sure that's not a Thai address?
  6. It happens during a Christmas party & I believe he says "merry fkn Christmas + it was released around Christmas..... Given it's popularity, it was definitely a Christmas present for the studio.... Not in a traditional sense....
  7. When I switched from C to F on my weather site..... Yeah Google says 60.8F is 16C... Agree, not correct but not a huge leap ...
  8. I just recently went through the same thing with BofA.... I contacted them through an unconventional way and received a hands on returned phone call response within 36 hours....We worked through my issue & then the rep gave me 2 possible ways to work through the SMS problem..... 1 - was in their app itself....Before you accept/exit that they send an SMS there was another button on the page that said "I'm having trouble receiving an SMS on the phone".....By tapping that button I was then given the option of receiving the OTC via email = I used it & it worked....They did a couple of other cross checks along the way, but I got in and it worked.... 2 - The rep instructed me to get a USB security which is like an electronic fingerprint that, when used, eliminates the need for OTC's.....I ordered one through Lazada (YubiKey 5 NFC) which is supposed to be the leading brand.... Due to the repeated dismal luck calling the bank over the years I tried a new tactic.... I looked up BofA's page on FB and sent them a message over messenger with my concern/complaint....They requested my name, zip code on the account, and phone number + time of day for them to call (8:30AM their time = 8:30PM our time..... I dealt with Lorenzo, who called & my issues were solved.... When I get & install the key it should resolve any further security issues.... Hope this helps....
  9. Yes, there's collections/donations every year for the Hill Tribes.... It's probably in single digits at the higher levels = which takes it's toll....
  10. Didn't last long, my wife decided it was a good time to vacuum.... That's the San PaTong bird watching society....????
  11. 16C/59F here....San PaTong My wife and daughters are all in long pants & winter coats.... They've got the cats "coated" too....I feel it this year too more than other years.... I imagine some at elevation are much colder.... How you getting along out there? How cold is it in your neck of the woods....
  12. Where are you in TH? In CM there's a place that will store indoors + maintenance start/check a vehicle periodically for about 400B month... They will also do airport drop & pick up if needed....
  13. Here is one from Lazada....You plug it in the wall socket; connect the red to positive, the black to negative....Run the wires so the hood won't chop or cut them & you're done..... The bottom pic is near what I have keeping my 4Runner charged while maintaining the various module's memories.....
  14. Sometimes I like to lay back listen to this by the lights of the Christmas tree....A few candles & a cold one - on a good system... This is the long instrumental/sax version.....
  15. We store our car in the US in a shipping container....I keep a battery maintainer on it...It sat for 5 years & started up like it had sat overnight....We usually go back once a year but C19 has knocked us out of sync.... However, the 3 times we've started it after prolonged sitting it's fired right up.... Once started it goes right straight to the shop for full maintenance....I think I finally just had it replaced even though it passed all testing procedures.... When I had to leave a Toyota pick up here for long periods I left it suspended up on jack stands....I felt it was less inclined to be "used/borrowed" while in my absence.... Where our 4Runner is in the US the climate is generally mild & never, if ever freezes.... A battery minder might be a good idea to use.... Beside the battery maintenance, it also keeps the electronics dialed in....
  16. Our Moo Baan, after years of being independent suffered from low pressure along with outages....We are now on Muni water - but the pressure isn't good....Almost everyone runs a tank.... Two adjoining neighbors do not and I really don't see how they do it... We are in the south end of Hang Dong by San Pa Tong & also have a useable well that the wife uses for her garden.... Our supply system was under built... Considering how it's built our little 120 house Moo Baan is doing ok....
  17. I enjoy most of it - except some of the cat hollering music that clears ear wax & melts tooth enamel.... I've never felt anything but good hearted kinship while participating....
  18. Thanks, any way you can direct me to one that works? The one's I checked so far are set up for businesses/office/sales & I don't see any SMS option....
  19. It's ok on the Wise site/app....The BofA side sends out the one time code BUT only will use a US phone number....In trying to enter a Thai number there's not enough room/digits for input....
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