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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. That's for $1500 US... Direct transfer BofA to BKK.... Wise rate for the same transfer is about $27 through the Wise app....
  2. Wise cost about $27.00 - direct banking app bank to bank transfer $90.00....
  3. I just went in to transfer money using Wise....US to TH.... They have added a new step....Prior to the US bank (BofA) releasing funds, they send a one time use code that needs to be input to finalize for payment.... The phone number they used is an old prepaid US number from one of our trips back.... I went to the BofA website to change the phone number to my Thai number = international numbers are not accepted.... Even though my instructions on the account are email contact only there was no email sent....I also cannot update any information to BofA because they now send out the one time approval code - to the same useless number.... Has anybody else run into this problem? If so, how have you overcome it....? Apparently I need to get a US number that can take text/sms messages for only this purpose? Does anybody have an workable solution?
  4. Where is the 90 day check in desk at the Promenada ?
  5. From Quora - a worthwhile read.... References footnoted..... This is actually an interesting question. Let’s have a look at the numbers. 1. 80% lower risk of infection The most important factor of protecting others is the most straightforward one, direct protection against infection. Looking at infection numbers across a variety of countries, we can see that on average infection and hospitalization numbers are 80% less for vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people. Fig 1: UK positivity rate vaccinated vs. unvaccinated Fig 2: Infection rates unvaccinated vs. vaccinated Fig 3: The Unvaccinated Drive COVID-19 Infections in the U.S. In the first 4 months, protection against infection is very high at around 88%. After 5–6 months, protection is at around 74%. Fig 4: Coronavirus: Waning immunity and rising cases - time to worry? That’s why there are now boosters. However, that’s normal. A lot of vaccines have 3 shots, polio vaccine even has 4 and diphtheria 5 shots. 2. Vaccinated people clear the virus 66% faster. The second important factor is virus clearance. Those that are vaccinated and get infected, clear the virus 66% faster than those who are unvaccinated, giving them much less time to infect others.[1] Fig 4: Virological and serological kinetics of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant vaccine-breakthrough infections: a multi-center cohort study As a result, those vaccinated spread the virus 65% less.[2] Now, that we know that vaccinated individuals are infected 80% less often and when infected cause 66% infections 3 factors, we find an 80% reduced infection risk + 66% reduced risk of spreading infection = 94% reduced risk of spreading the infection for a vaccinated person vs. an unvaccinated person. 3. Vaccinated people occupy hospital beds 90% less often. The third important factor is hospitalization rates. As we can see in the 2 graphics below, being vaccinated reduces your risk by 90% of being hospitalized. Fig 6: COVID-19-associated hospitalizations among vaccinated and unvaccinated adults Furthermore, if you control for age and compare unvaccinated to vaccinated people, the risk rises by 20x for someone unvaccinated compared to someone who is vaccinated from the same age group. Fig 7: COVID-19 risk for unvaccinated people compared to vaccinated people Fig 8: COVID-19 risk for unvaccinated people compared to vaccinated people 4. Herd immunity The fourth factor of protecting others can be seen by looking at the countries with the highest vaccination rates of. There, we can see that all of the 14 most vaccinated countries with a vaccination rate of higher than 75% have less than 150 infections per 100,000 people on a 7-day rolling average (incidence), except for Singapore, because it has a 20x-2,000x higher population density than those countries. Here, they are with their 7-day rolling average daily incidence per 100,000 people (abbreviated to daily incidence) UAE 98% vaccinated, 7 daily incidence Portugal 89%, 133 daily incidence Cuba 89%, 36 daily incidence Singapore 87%, 516 daily incidence Chile 87%, 127 daily incidence Cambodia 83%, 4 daily incidence South Korea 82%, 43 daily incidence Spain 82%, 65 daily daily incidence Uruguay 80%, 53 daily incidence Canada 80%, 65 daily incidence Japan 80%, 1 daily daily incidence Italy 78%, 65 daily incidence France 76%, 140 daily incidence Brazil 76%, 53 daily incidence Source: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases - Statistics and Research The 7-day rolling average for new infections in the EU is at around 500. As we can see, vaccination rates above 75% provide a 90% reduction on average compared to countries of similar population density with mediocre vaccination rates. Conclusion: Here are the 6 main statistics on the effectiveness of the vaccine: The average vaccinated vs. unvaccinated person has a 80% decreased risk of infection 66% faster time for clearance of the virus 66% overall decreased risk of infecting others when being infected 94% overall decreased risk of infecting others 90% decreased risk for hospitalization and 95% decreased risk for hospitalization compared to someone of the same age Herd immunity starts to kick in strongly at 75% of the population vaccinated Footnotes [1] COVID-19 Vaccine Reduces Severity, Length, Viral Load for Those Who Still Get Infected [2] Vaccinated people are less likely to spread Covid, new research finds
  6. In it's hey day it was like a blitzkrieg in reverse.....
  7. People all over the place here about 25k south of CM....One road closed down to allow access & parking = parking is full.... A little subdued in the flying lantern launching, but the water launching pace is brisk & backed up....Everybody I saw was masked + temp checks to go from area to area.... It's the first time I have seen a combo temp monitor that dispenses alcohol at the same time it displays your temp + built in counter to control entrance numbers.... Definitely a sober crowd....Vendors look like they are doing ok.... Fireworks are popping away & one cat is hiding under the bed....
  8. Worawat Market used to have them at the toy stalls....The shops closer to the Chinatown side by the parking levels.... It's been awhile since I've been there with C19 and all.... Chiang Mai Plastics might also have them.....
  9. We've rented 4 houses along the way.... In each case we received our deposit back ... We've never had a issue or problem.... The last house had a 3 year lease = we gave notice and left after one year..... The owner was gracious & returned 1/2 the deposit when he could have kept the entire amount....
  10. Good pizza - lot's of smokers & long term table "renters"....
  11. So - you're the. ---> "Chairman" of The Bored.......
  12. After this new wrinkle I'll start looking for a lava lamp...
  13. Dining room table - 6 Desk chairs - 1 Patio chairs - 5 Wife's vanity - 1 **************** Good camping chairs - 7 = used if many visitors or camping - neither happens lately.....
  14. They either turn out brilliant + introverted or unable to connect with society's many levels.... Societal arrested development.... Unless they were lucky enough to have parents that also made them participate in group/team/club/sporting activities....Most home school parents don't....To the child's - ultimately man's/woman's deficit....
  15. I guess not....I haven't had 10 liters of beer total since I left high school in the 60's.... If/when I drink (Saturday nights) it's usually rum & coke - or I'll blend up Mai tais, Margueritas, or similar if the girls want.....They seldom do....
  16. Just make more than one trip w/o a card, changing cashier lanes; or more people..... I don't drink beer, so 10 liters seems like a lot....
  17. I've read that drivers licenses can be renewed for a year after the expiration date....They are kind of different about that here.... But, I've never gone over on mine....
  18. At our house, stools are used in the kitchen, the chairs are used at the dining room table, and chairs are used in the patio..... About the only time they eat on the floor is when watching something on TV together; or during the few times we make a mukata outside....If inside with the electric mukata we use chairs....
  19. Every bamboo shop in Thailand has those bamboo cots many Thais sleep on.... I'm sure you can find a mattress that matches that would be useable for a few months time.... If you're not hung up on ascetics it could match what you're seeking....Light, portable....I had a couple scattered in a covered patio a few years back & they weren't bad..... Big C, Makro usually have different sized mattresses.... There's one on Lazada that folds & might be useable....
  20. Those water filled can only cool to the ambient room temperature ....The water in the tray/tank is at room temperature.... They raise the humidity level by putting misted water into the air.... They have to be thoroughly cleaned or they can produce bacteria making people sick - like in legionnaires disease sick..... They're not effective at cooling, especially if there's humidity in the air........
  21. Thought this might be of interest from a CM expat poll.... It's not a huge sample but it's real life trending 254 for - 10 say "no way"..... Care to guess who'd probably be the loudest group?
  22. Chiang Mai - Hang Dong area by recommendation..... I did have other (partial) repaint (hood) work south of CM about 30 kilos out on another SUV = it was peeling off within 2 years....The price was better, but the result stunk.... It looked nice for awhile....I kind of got lucky in the long run as I asked how much to do the whole vehicle while it was in....He checked it over & said the rest was good - and that part still is.....
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