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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. Every bamboo shop in Thailand has those bamboo cots many Thais sleep on.... I'm sure you can find a mattress that matches that would be useable for a few months time.... If you're not hung up on ascetics it could match what you're seeking....Light, portable....I had a couple scattered in a covered patio a few years back & they weren't bad..... Big C, Makro usually have different sized mattresses.... There's one on Lazada that folds & might be useable....
  2. Those water filled can only cool to the ambient room temperature ....The water in the tray/tank is at room temperature.... They raise the humidity level by putting misted water into the air.... They have to be thoroughly cleaned or they can produce bacteria making people sick - like in legionnaires disease sick..... They're not effective at cooling, especially if there's humidity in the air........
  3. Thought this might be of interest from a CM expat poll.... It's not a huge sample but it's real life trending 254 for - 10 say "no way"..... Care to guess who'd probably be the loudest group?
  4. Chiang Mai - Hang Dong area by recommendation..... I did have other (partial) repaint (hood) work south of CM about 30 kilos out on another SUV = it was peeling off within 2 years....The price was better, but the result stunk.... It looked nice for awhile....I kind of got lucky in the long run as I asked how much to do the whole vehicle while it was in....He checked it over & said the rest was good - and that part still is.....
  5. About 4-5 years back I had my Toyota SUV painted the same color as my Toyota SUV in the US.....From a light Gray to a Graphite Gray with a hint of flake that changes the hue depending on lighting..... It's a nice looking, understated color.... I opted to have the door jambs & under hood done for a complete color match..... The cost was 60,000B and it's held up well.....
  6. Watsonville..... Good with butter, mayo, or ranch....
  7. I'd dated Thai & Filipina ladies in the US, then ended up living with a Thai lady for 3 years there.....That was a great "boot camp" being immersed with everything Thai - including trips to Thailand....Was even involved in evaluating the possible relocation of Thai town..... After deciding to, and moving here I decided that I'd know, date somebody for 2 years before deciding about the future..... Dated around, having fun and learning - getting the lay of the land....Different than the US / Thai bubble society I'd been in.... Finally ended up meeting my now wife - who ended up being the mythical Uni grad, management in a international company 17 years, owned her own townhouse & car + head turning beautiful - originally from a small agricultural/farm community in central TH = and never looked back.....Initially an English barrier; but it didn't take long....She was semi ok with written English instructions through work, which she relayed in Thai to her subordinates = spoken English took a few months time.... I've never been unhappy with my choice....
  8. If you get involved in any of the games - like word association, the count jumps exponentially....
  9. It's a sign it's 2500 more than me....
  10. Our neighboring dogs do this every morning....Open the gate, one comes out & they are buddies....
  11. Rose's Roadhouse opens mid day & advertise a NY Pizza.... Sizes from small to gargantuan.....We enjoy their pizza too, although I can't seem to go without ordering their meatball sub (excellent racks of ribs <unparalleled> & sandwiches too).....They are in Mae Hia not far from Mae Hia Big C.... I have no idea if close to you or not.... Check out their FB page....
  12. There's some tried and true in town that somebody will chime in on....It seems size wise like everyone bought the same size oven = smallish (4 of us).... I find the Dukes a touch above average for taste but the large size disappears like cotton candy.... Once we moved further out from town I started making my own, hand stretching the homemade dough.... Taste wise it turns out pretty darn good; but the one thing I lack is the super hot oven temps that help turn out a superior, quick and crispy pie....But, it satisfies that yearning w/o driving 35K & fighting the in town parking.... Good luck in your search.....
  13. I believe this is who you need....He did hip work for me, but there were people there with slings & such.... He's the best CM has to offer.....If his schedule hasn't changed due to C19 he's in office 2-3 weeks a month....The off weeks he used to practice in Dubai and Japan, so he's world renowned.....He updates yearly at Boston University.... His office hours are in the evening.... I think this is his personal cell number.... He'll answer any questions you might have ....
  14. Tragic - pathetically tragic..... Seems to be a very raw, rough cut culture throughout central Thailand.....
  15. Yes there is...I went through something similar & it's one of the first steps....They will send out sound trucks at random times, then they contacted the owner.... He'd be quiet for a few days - then back at it all over again....But, it's part of the documentation process..... This was out in the flat lands with 3 small villages within 1000 meters radius.....
  16. Dog tracking....GM used to have this problem in the states, had an actual warranty failure code for it....Happened on framed vehicles.... They'd come off the assembly line & I guess nobody happened to notice...If not severe - a few inches you might not know unless video'd from behind (fairly recent ability)..... This is pretty pronounced....The frame got wrenched pretty good - but the body parts still "fit".....
  17. Bet he thinks he'll be scoring a newly built house soon adjacent to his business.....
  18. One of my fondest memories was the aroma in my Grandmother's kitchen....They had owned the only french bakery.... In the morning she'd have toasted sourdough slathered with peanut butter + french roast coffee in a traditional wide cup she dipped the peanut butter/sourdough in... The fusion of those aromas porcolating in that kitchen was devine....
  19. Everything I saw had Pfizer on it....The sticker/labels affixed to the work order for each patient, the boxes on the carts, & the big storage boxes they restocked the carts from..... No big banners or signs other than the queuing guides....
  20. Upon waking up I'll have a glass of warm water with a TBS of apple cider vinegar long before breakfast..... Sometimes switch off to a TBS lemon juice instead of ACV..... Then....About an hour later.... Usually home made toast, eggs, bacon or sausage.... Garden fresh veggies, a soup, along with a fruit plate....Polished off with no fat milk...Sometimes it's jok / congee....A few times a month waffles, pancakes, or breakfast burritos find their way to the table ... Some days that's the only meal I want.... I generally don't eat after 1400.... Intermittent fasting in my own way..... I don't like coffee, but my wife likes it enough for both of us....
  21. I got mine at McCormick Hospital = Pfizer both times & they attached coresponding Pfizer stickers to their paperwork at each stop they made.....One jab, one sticker/seal/one individual form for each person..... The (Lot) number shown in mine is 30125BA..... Since it's a Lot number it probably is different with varying shipments/suppliers & possibly location/site of injection..... I had zero side effects.... Minimal soreness at the injection site....
  22. Chiang Mai Plastics would be my guess.....
  23. This came up a few months ago.....At that time all was good.... It was reported he had a falling out with another member and was posting here less, but has been active in other forums....
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