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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. Everything I saw had Pfizer on it....The sticker/labels affixed to the work order for each patient, the boxes on the carts, & the big storage boxes they restocked the carts from..... No big banners or signs other than the queuing guides....
  2. Upon waking up I'll have a glass of warm water with a TBS of apple cider vinegar long before breakfast..... Sometimes switch off to a TBS lemon juice instead of ACV..... Then....About an hour later.... Usually home made toast, eggs, bacon or sausage.... Garden fresh veggies, a soup, along with a fruit plate....Polished off with no fat milk...Sometimes it's jok / congee....A few times a month waffles, pancakes, or breakfast burritos find their way to the table ... Some days that's the only meal I want.... I generally don't eat after 1400.... Intermittent fasting in my own way..... I don't like coffee, but my wife likes it enough for both of us....
  3. I got mine at McCormick Hospital = Pfizer both times & they attached coresponding Pfizer stickers to their paperwork at each stop they made.....One jab, one sticker/seal/one individual form for each person..... The (Lot) number shown in mine is 30125BA..... Since it's a Lot number it probably is different with varying shipments/suppliers & possibly location/site of injection..... I had zero side effects.... Minimal soreness at the injection site....
  4. Chiang Mai Plastics would be my guess.....
  5. This came up a few months ago.....At that time all was good.... It was reported he had a falling out with another member and was posting here less, but has been active in other forums....
  6. I had to fill in my address on both intake forms at each jab..... The first round when my number was called it took about 5 minutes at the window while they actively entered info into their computer (guessing all identifying info)..... On the second jab it was a straight through process at the same window - just a form exchange, intake for preprinted.... I asked at another station in Lamphun if I could use that jab station because it was closer to my house = the answer was yes, I didn't have to live there, however, all their allocated doses had been scheduled out....
  7. I passed by twice and the market is shut down tight....No lights or signs of movement/life + encircled with a red & white tape barrier.... I'm guessing Covid 19....Does anybody know any specifics or the severity? If it is, it's bringing it close to home.....
  8. Good analogy....Even with 85% vaxed.....That leaves 1 bullet out of every 6 contacts/trigger pulls.... Which still means 15 people out of every 100 are, by %, endangering themselves and those around them.... It would be my guess that non vaxers also are the one's walking around unmasked/masks askew, not distancing, or following protocols....
  9. This will also work for motor/trans mounts + anything else that can shift & clunk under load...It could be as simple as suspension/shock bushings, even body mount bushings.... We're you able to isolate noises on the rack by running the engine & shifting D to R to D to R foot on brake & watch/listen to the drive train? Are/have all the lube/zerk fittings been lubed during servicing? That's universally overlooked everywhere....
  10. I'd be surprised if it's an internal trans problem....Those things are pretty close to bullet proof....
  11. Honda dealers seem very good at that stuff, based on our experience.....
  12. Depending on location auto trans repair/rebuild....About 8 years ago I had an a/t problem.....We live in CM = no one - nothing here....In doing research I located what appears to actually rebuild a/it's & it was in BKK...Other than that exchanges for used salvaged boxes was about the only option....
  13. Based on observation, the people either not wearing a mask or wearing a mask improperly (nose & or nose/mouth not covered) are about 8-10 to one Thai - farang over Thais.... This is generally accompanied by a f-u attitude & verbal aggressiveness when told by employees to correct.... When in for my (farang) Pfizer jab in seated queuing, about 7ft to my left sat a man who'd taken off his mask and for the next hour sat there picking his nose & wiping on his pant leg.... To my right & behind me sat a group of 6 people that had engaged in conversation.... They all slid their masks down to their chin so they could talk - total disregard for the reason they were there and the people around them that were trying to be cautious.... At the 2nd jab, while seated and waiting, a lady behind us couldn't stop coughing - the phlegmy loose type cough repeated about every minute = mask off....My wife and I took one look at each other, stood up & moved far away.... Are these "bad" people = maybe....Are these (at the least) thoughtless people looking stupid and noncompliant in a country that has mandated masks in public = for sure..... We follow every procedure the Thai government mandates trying to keep our family safe.... Including 94/95 masks.... Do I get <deleted> off when I see people being careless - yep, but it's a lose lose to challenge/remind them = and they know it & count on it.....Anyone not being cautious is putting my family in jeopardy by being thoughtless, or worse..... We don't invite masked or unmasked people into our house.... Why are they purposely, unsafely, forcing themselves in other people's proximity..... They know their little display/campaign/rebellion does no common good..... Are they bad - possibly....Wack jobs - possibly... Uncaring = certainly..... Bet they mask up to go to immigration or around authority.....
  14. Her grades are midline at "C" (which is lower than C on international grade scales).....The indications from her teachers over the last two years was work not done, or turned in.....She's intelligent, but not interested..... I've asked her what she does instead of her work....Her answer was, "talk to friends"....I asked if that was more important than listening to the teacher and she replied yes..... Her grades will probably improve now with Mom being able to monitor, follow up, and enforce assignment completion..... She does get proud & show her scores on assignments graded out well; so that's something.....
  15. I think that's a franchise that renews itself through Bond changes.... I found the last one boring & wasn't planning on this one.... Maybe (like Playboy mag) it's run it's course and has just become dated.... In reading the list they are considering for the next Bond it doesn't look good.... I guess maybe, I'm not "woke" enough....
  16. Congrats, that's a great accomplishment....Wishing you many many more....Where's the up to date after pic...?
  17. It is & isn't....The schedule isn't strict, so hard to follow for us - so - she skims at every opportunity, completely omitting sessions & tests unless caught out.... It turns into a constant policing environment.....Our gym-wardrobe/library/big screen room would be a perfect study area, except she's not that kind of kid (our other daughter is forthright, 100% autonomous) - she'd skip out on everything.... So, she's in our (open house plan) dining room area where we have to watch/monitor & not create background noise (per wife) during the sessions....So, it's walk on eggshells - we're basically trapped 6-8 hours a day for months.... = Stressful.... Can't wait for her to go back to onsite....Let her have her normal student interactions back..... Then we regain our normalcy - & mobility.....
  18. There are assignments that need to be printed, completed, photo'd & returned.... And there are spoken classes with verbal instruction, verbal questions & responses.....The screen shows the kids faces.....As far as I can tell, the teachers are doing their best to keep it light....I perk up & listen at the English class....The others the wife oversees when possible.... The teachers have separate channels for students & parents to conduct classes & monitor both ways.....
  19. There's some incredible homes made from shipping containers to be seen online.....A lot of ingenuity with beautiful results..... However... They seem to be in 4 season climate areas.... I think, in Thailand, it would be like trying to cool an oven....Thin steal walls on all sides in a country that is seldom ever cool.... It's doable if non chemically contaminated containers can be found.... I'm not sure how practical the result would be.....
  20. Our 14 year old daughter seems to screw around playing on the phone 50%+ of the time - other times drawing.....If she hears us moving the hands move fast and the phone page is at a neutral home screen..... She first started and was at the desk working 830-1600....Then it was 1500 - then 1400 - then 1300 = the last 3 days 1100-1200.... My wife double checks on the Line app following up.... Three days this week our daughter said she was done....AND all 3 days my wife found an afternoon test our daughter "didn't" know about .....She would have missed the testing if not checked on & it's a crappy attitude we get back when we catch her..... The class start times seem to fall within operational "Thai time" cultural time like windows instead of a regimented, solid start/end time.....I look over & she's bored just sitting and waiting...... It makes continuity and parental follow up difficult.... So - hell yes it raises stress = MINE for one.....My wife for two....Our daughter seems ambivalent....One of my wife's degrees is in education.... She's tried to help and monitor the program, but is frustrated at the inability to completely follow up..... It's turned out to be policing versus education and everything seems spotty and sporadic.... Our daughter is bilingual + taking Japanese and has the benefit of smart phones, laptops, a printer, and 100% full access wifi..... I can only imagine what some students & families are going through that don't have these tools to use....It has to be frustrating for any students/parents that really care.... Especially the language courses, would be damn near impossible.... Part of this is understandable as educators were caught off guard and ill prepared for 100% online curriculum..... I be glad and relieved when she's back and attending at the school itself....
  21. Yeah - I can see the benefit of a beach side town versus being out pounding the same old concrete every day....A whole different vibe....
  22. • For centuries they sat/sit on the floor in school..... • For centuries they've sat on the floor worshipping at the Wat.... • For centuries they have eaten Mookata on the floor where their BBQ/grill is central & maybe about 30-35cm high..... • Many sleep/nap/watch TV on the floor since infancy - again, going back many, many years..... • Furniture, like dining room tables, is fairly recent to Thai culture.....Almost every flat surface in a house is used as practical, easy storage.... To many Thais, the concept of furniture/shelves/formal dining/ display/ornamentation/keep sakes is a completely alien idea....
  23. Somewhere around the outside of the house, most homes have those round cement tables & rounded benches.... Usually, for visitors, they sit outside at those tables.... They tend not to entertain indoors very much....
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