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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. Wasn't it last year or year before that two guys were given an exit from LOS for building their own boats....they were judged to be taking jobs away from Thai's...

    Might want to check out the negative possiblities - the wrong words mentioned to the wrong person could cause you a world of hurt.....

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>



    Not wanting to cause offence but why did you feel the need to tell us your girl had graduated and is from a middle class family?
    Good luck to you both but having lived with a farang girl years and years ago who was a company director I certainly didn't tell my friends and didn't really communicate with her. She was obsessed with her social standing. 
    I don't know you nor do I wish to criticise you but why add those two little details. Was it to elevate yourself above the guys here who have met bargirls or even ladyboys as their life partner.

    It's only in Thailand that people feel it's necessary to say their girlfriend/wife is "educated" or is a "professional"!

    Lots of jealous young guys who can't get these types of dimes!

    Does Stickman know you've used his photograph - unless of course you are Stickman!



    A prototype of what is wrong with many of the Farangs in LOS.....spooky lookin' dude........

    • Like 2
  3. A lot of sour grapes here...whenever I see a couple that is obviously comfortable together and have been that way for awhile..happy and at ease with one another I am happy for them regardless of age, race, etc.

    What I do not like to see is a man with a woman that is constantly touching and pawing her like he just discovered a new present under the Christmas tree. ...

    I am at ease when we are out and about....if others wish to judge that is their problem
  4. As for stank eyes it may be because they think your wife is a prostitute/potential immigrant/visa marriage and any jealousy may be the thought about 'where is my retirement plan?"


    Good thought for a rejoinder - but - at that time I was walking with a 59 year old woman and her sisters - she might have looked 10 years younger but she was 59......this was in west coast USA but not atypical of many experiences....you may be right in one respect - US women feel it's an all you can grab buffet (entitled) and they do not like to share with Asian women who are 60+ lbs less their size and treat their man well - it upsets their scheming and programming..... 


    I am from the US and have a low opinion of the women there (well earned in spite of their pedigree - the ones on the prowl have proven themselves unworthy over a long period of time) one of the biggest insults hurled at my ex-Thai GF from other Thai ladies was "you're not Thai - you're American" - they were right and she earned it. I have no idea who's on her fleece and release program now - but she did introduce me to Thailand for which I will ever be greatful.


    I heard one American say "as long as he's not dragging a leg he's OK" --------- don't be SO FAST to condemn the Thai women...they are easy targets on this forum but for the most part much better than their sisters elsewhere - at least they are not sophisticaded as to hide what they and their intentions really are....


    God bless the good ones one and all......

  5. I am looking for a system that has a balanced amount of Thai and English songs.....I have two systems - one from the PI that has 20,000 songs but 50/50 English/Tagolog - doesn't work well here (no Thai) - the second is a Magic Sing which has a Thai chip but everyone says the Thai songs are ancient & there are no new chip updates - this system has about 5,000 songs available.

    Does anyone have any knowledge of a system that has a good balance of Thai/English songs that contains songs that are not hip-hop/rap (trash - not music - lucky to be trashy 3rd grade rhymes).....

    We went to a place that had M Box in Ayuttaya which was pretty cool because you could sing along with the original artists and videos matching the key (Armstrong/Credence/Croce/Animals, etc) but the selection was limited on the English side of things....

    Anyone have information on a killer system they are willing to give info about?.

  6. I believe it still is - someone that has the drive and ambition to succeed can still do it - it's a rags to riches country as opposed to an over regulated country that has to support the ungainly weight of "government" cost/license/intervention just to get a business started.....

    There is a reason Thai's and other ethinic groups go on to do better than well in other countries - 1- Where they got their start and the freedom to do so....2- the children are not taught in school to get a job and work for someone else that is already successful....I see many learning free enterprise from an early age....glamorous = no ......... a good education in life and the pursuit of success = yes.......

    Forget the cig costs...the other I like.....

    • Like 1
  7. I don't think I would like to be one of the people that have built on government land (in Mae Rim around here) all the while planning some day to receive a owner's book or land title.....like a homesteader.....

    Looks like those days are gone.....

    • Like 1
  8. Man oh man - Living in Bangkok 2 years - that's like living in Mexico City, Manila, NYC and saying I'm experiencing Mexico - The Philippines - USA.......one time I met a man from NYC (this was in California) who was in his 50-60's and couldn't believe Calif had mountains!!!!! Spent his life in the city and had NO clue outside his bubble - 2 years in Bankok - probably 6 months would have been enough........get out there - get going - get a GPS app on your phone (Sygic) - pick out a city or area and then hit POI then hit the road - you've got everything to discover that you've been missing and you've been missing a lot......

    Get out there and do it - you've wasted enough time already - you could have found your paradise by now...find what you know interests you + what surprises you to learn........start now - you're wasting time......

    We just got back from a 3500k trip to the beaches (we live CM) - that would be a good start - anywhere (almost) in Thailand is a good start - to me BKK is good for about 3 days......

  9. "my wife likes to get matching color T shirts-----pgrahmm"

    ..............Wow trendsetters, use to love looking at that in Hawaii.............maybe you could even get the curtains made from the same batch................. coffee1.gif

    Naah....we already have our matching "Hang Loose" treking hats from Hawaii hers white mine camo....drapes - or maybe even a matching quilt and table cloth......LOL....thanks for the ideas....maybe a matching car cover - whatdoyathink?????

  10. Better advice would be to use the motivation of having a hard time finding clothes to eat healthy and workout.

    Hey....not all guys that wear xxxl or xxxxl shirts do it to cover a gut...just the opposite for me as my chest is 13-14" larger than my waist size...it is hard to buy shirts here and even when marked that size you better try them on....my wife likes to get matching color T shirts on our holidays and it's a real hassle....I have found it is easier to shop for material I/she like/approve and have them made...cost is small and they last for years..I have shirts for day wear + others for going out at night...around the house it's T's and athletic type shorts.....easy here to have quality well fitted shirts made....I have seen some tailors window ads for low cost shirts...

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  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    All jokes aside, I would have just walked off and left him to it

    I would have loved to do that, but it meant a 6 KM walk home.

    No way was I doing that just for this prick.

    He has probably changed my view of all long termers in Thailand, and I really don't like that.

    But now I am suspicious.

    I think next time I will just flatten the idiot.

    I think I would have asked him if it was in the last 30 years he became an ar$ehole or whether he was one when he arrived......I know I would not have taken kindly to having my wife insulted........might have been easier to wait outside for the wife or call her & arrange a different place - that being said you probably didn't want to give him the satisfaction of driving you away.....personality wise it would a difficult situation for me too with wife comments thrown it & it takes quite a bit usually to get me riled....it does sound like you have some working history with him......

  12. I don't mind a bit - seems to be a generic term with no ill intent......

    When the kids say farang as I walk by I usually wave to them or wai them....the parents enjoy good natured exchange as best I can tell....It's fun to wai the little ones and see if they wai back - some get confused but the good parents repond quickly....something that can turn into a good natured/spirited few seconds....

  13. Out of curiosity what does the average working class Thai family earn/make per month....more interested in the rural areas as that would apply to most of the population...I think big city families earnings may be higher but I could be wrong.....I'm guessing about 8-10,000 baht per month for rural - too high? Or too low?

  14. Flip side can't imagine a legit good Thai lady would want a Farang covered in tattoos....currently in Tesco Lotus and I must be about the only Farang in the store without a tattoo....most are sporting Thai multiple tats......looking at them am glad I am not one of them....we must look like a herd of trashy white kwai to the average good hard working Thai....side note walking around - out of 200+ Thais or more not 1 visible tat....

    You're actually reading and posting on ThaiVisa whilst out doing your shopping.

    Even reading and posting here when I have absolutely nothing else to do makes me feel like a bit of a loser but, sheesh......

    Actually I was waiting in the food court and waiting and waiting and waiting......not a fan of shopping I get in and out and buy....the wife shops,checks labels and exp dates taking forever - then if she treks to the book store I'm doomed for another hour....much prefer the sightseeing ....you are right though not all the boring hours are at home...this trip she was shopping for a upcoming family visit with a little something for everyone in addition to our stuff....after the first two hours I gave up and headed to the food court
  15. I have one close buddy also from Calif. so we share similar backgrounds and can talk about many topics as well as life here and past....Have about 3 that I could count on to be there 24/7 + same forme if the need is there....have a social circle based on sports participation that generally could be if there was more contact time... part of the problem here is we tend to be a group of independent individuals + the ebb and flow of life with some being here a few years then either on to new adventures or back home......not really into the bar crawling thing & both the wife and I enjoy life traveling which does not lend itself to fostering kinships.....we do sometimes entertain but if the wife had a choice it would be family centered....hense we are 600 kilos away but manage to have them up or us down for a few days every 2-3 months and those visits tend to be full of activities and socializing.....

  16. I have one close buddy also from Calif. so we share similar backgrounds and can talk about many topics as well as life here and past....Have about 3 that I could count on to be there 24/7 + same forme if the need is there....have a social circle based on sports participation that generally could be if there was more contact time... part of the problem here is we tend to be a group of independent individuals + the ebb and flow of life with some being here a few years then either on to new adventures or back home......not really into the bar crawling thing & both the wife and I enjoy life traveling which does not lend itself to fostering kinships.....we do sometimes entertain but if the wife had a choice it would be family centered....hense we are 600 kilos away but manage to have them up or us down for a few days every 2-3 months and those visits tend to be full of activities and socializing.....

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