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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. The front loaders tend not to wash as much - smaller capacity and they take flippin' forever to go complete cycles and if filled the clothes wrinkle up if you don't get them out right away.....we have both - FL was here at the house and the landlord was proud of it - an Electrolux...the wife was all happy to use it.......we also have a top loader Samsung that has served us well for a couple of years.....only concern is sometimes things come out a little twisted up as the don't have the middle agitator (we solved by 1- using the balls that they sell at Big C that somehow keep things pretty well separated while swirling around + if it's a problem garment for the (strings, etc) we use a washer bag to separate....easy.....we (I) also make sure to get clothes out promptly after the final spin so they don't cramp/fold up in there. Our once a week mae baan irons everything so the clothes are pretty pain free.......

    My wife was determined to was with the front loader as - to her it seemed like a high end way to do things - so we both used it even though I knew how it would end - I tend to do the laundry - I don't mind it and it's something to do so that I don't feel like she takes on everything (which she does without prompting or complaint)......after about 2 weeks she got fed up with the front loader and asked me to hook up the Samsung and we've been using it happily ever since......

    The front loader appeared to have many differently named cycles but after comparing it's really about the same.....the front loader can heat water if desired but the clothes are already sparkling clean with cold water......

    The MIL has a two spinner model and I've seen her at the stores looking over the top loaders......the separate spin function really has to be a hassle......

  2. I think I saw some Mod Cheese in Rimping......and possibly some imitation Mod Cheese next to the imitation Crab at Makro - you might want to check there......I think they used to make an Ant Cheese Cheese Cake but it kept being carried away by sweet eating Army Ants......kind of an organised Hannibal Lector thing so they discontinued it....

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>



    If invited to a social event by Thais, It would not make any difference whether there were farang guests there or not.
    From experience, especially here in Chiang Mai, the chances are if there were farangs present you have not met before and don`t know them, these farangs will not be sociable, inhospitable and will blank you anyway and if approached maybe vague, or curt, brush you off or ignore you completely, especially if they are with their own cliques or a part of some of the Thai groups.attending..
    In such situations I have found that many farangs who we may meet out at social events will be unapproachable and will often make that absolutely clear even just by the expressions on their faces and deliberate behaviours of totally ignoring the other farang, giving them a wide berth, hardly making eye contact.

    Beetlejuice, you really know a very different group of foreigners than I do in Chiang Mai! But, the ones I know don't deliberately isolate themselves in a Thai village, thinking they're somehow better than other foreigners who have chosen to live here.

    I must say, the type of event described could be equally painful even if everyone speaks the same language. I'm thinking about how my own dear husband grinned-and-beared-it thru holiday celebrations of my extended family in the U.S. Way too long, too much discussion of events long ago and people he didn't know, topics of no interest to him, to much consumption of heavy food and too much alcohol, interfered with his afternoon nap time, etc, etc. Of course, I loved it, but I knew he went to these events just to keep me happy, the sweetheart that he is. (Once wifi came on the scene, he appointed himself the official umpire for disputes of fact that came up in conversations. This just served to deflate much of the endless speculation my family loved to do about questions of fact, when he'd pipe up with the real fact to settle a family dispute -- the rat!)



    I have to agree with Nancy - I live in Hang Dong and have found multiple friendly people, some of which have turned into - or in the process of turning into friends....a ready smile helps.....I have seen some that don't acknowledge people as they walk down the street but you see that everywhere - especially in the latest version of USA.....here we get to experience from different backrounds that we would not in our home country.....I have a bad habit of taking for granted everyone farangwise speaks english which is a bad assumption on my part.....I do notice if I say hi or smile and nod it's returned maybe 60/40......


    As for being the only farang? It happens semi-often...some Thai's like to show they can speak a little english and will approach and have a limited chat - some have an angle - others seem curious on the friendly side....after all we're all pretty much the same individually around the globe....I find a sense of humor works as a great barrier reliever and am aware that I am on display and more than a few folks know nothing about us so try and be the best ambassador possible.....once they figure out we're all pretty much the same the vibe is good.....good manners are noticed so I try and exibit them at all times deferring to the elders, lending a hand when possible, accepting something that might be handed to me instead of asking an explantion from my wife first....generally being as real and diplomatic as possible....the Thai people are very keen and observant and pick up verbal and non verbal communications - they know when something they see is the real deal......


    Neither my wife or I are the type to go out and "work" a room, or be loud and boisterous or force or try and make instant impressions/friends - those are the type we avoid until we either are introduced or somehow connect with......neither of us are scene stealers or attention mongers......more on the reserved side here and my wife is naturally shy but we do not have the problems the first poster seems to with CM.....


    That being said we are not bar frequenters either.....no sense going to the places where the odds are problems could fall out of the sky.....

  4. Before she became Mrs. she lived in the typical Thai style. Room - no AC small porch that went to the bathroom 2000B month - the place had CCTV and was fairly safe.....a few times I looked around and thought - you know - add AC - put a stove outside by the sink and put the fridge there and it would be livable  - but the small size would have worn thin quickly....at that time she worked in management for a Japanese electronics firm (huge company) doing the typical 6-7 days a week at untold hours - no social life just eat at the food place next door and work.....I guess under those circumstances it would be OK but not if you didn't have to work - the small area would simply catch up to you.


    I, on the other hand had what I considered to be an adequate place at about 80SM with all the comforts in a gated community but to me it was smaller than what I was used to in my life plus it was a transitional neighborhood, nice, but nicer areas were around. When the lease was up I looked around and found for the same cost (within 1,000B) a 210SM house in a gated community with 4 bedrooms + a bonus room (we're converting to Gym + karaoke room), Thai and western kitchen with room to spare for the two of us.......


    Before overthinking this - her folks house is about 25% bigger than our house (but less "polished") so she was not from a tiny home or inpoverished to begin with.....they provided university educations for their two children + very good "life" rules and advice. One piece of advice I am thankful for was she was told not to spend big money on big things - save money for food....she keeps the spending toned down.....good life ground rules were instilled.....


    Had I decided to remain single I still would have made the same move and lived in this house and felt completely at home and comfortable.....before when rhaving a family I'd had a couple of houses that were 2+ times larger (4500-5500 square feet on property) than the one we are in now so, to me this is a comfortable size - not too big and not too small..........

  5. Try checking Tiger Airways......I believe they do as well as Boracay.....just in case you want to go there thinking to taxi it from Cebu....long drive.....if you do that either do not stop anywhere - or - make sure everything goes in the trunk intially and the taxi is parked close where you can watch and they can see you minding/watching - there's a lot of smash and grab that goes on there.....


    Take some pics of some of the local bamboo houses some are positively a work of art.......

  6. @ Asia 2000 as an ex sailor for 17 years and working with a lot of filipinos according to them it has nothing to do with respect of the elderly but about money concerning pinoys getting married to elderly foreigners thats why so many of them are getting offed there every year by some pinoy ladies families .I have nothing against age gaps but i dont like people spouting nonsense.

    I talking from personal experience, in a relationship with a Filipina, with education and a full time job.
    My friends and myself found a decent good lady who is working full time in a normal job. She support siblings and parents. Every times I said I can help, she politely decline, says she manage herself. Last evening she insisted to pay our 12$ dinner, which I of course denied.
    She don't want any support from me monthly, and never ask for 1 peso.
    Many Pinays have education, honor and decency enough, to not depend on a man. Same goes for Thais.
    and our age gap is 31 years.
    You are fortunate....my ex was filapina...hiso family in fact owning many businesses from 7-11 stores to over 90 hotels plus catering and cafeteria for the multi national corporations....when we traveled it was with full staff including cooks with food and maids....that gal and the fila before her were money traps plus I never felt safe there even though quite a few of the guests at social activities.....judges - business men and such brought their own body guards....I dated many filapinas and - thankfully I moved on to Thai gals and have a good one...there are some good fila gals but it's a dangerous search......I will take the Thai gals any day - there's 12-15 years experience that tells me you are fortunate to have what you have....b
  7. My prior gal was 59 - had a smokin' hot body (think 25-30) as she worked out a few hours every day and had a nice face.....that said - she was a bitcher and a fault finder and clinger and it lasted about 4 months - if she had the personality of my wife (much younger then me) I would have been happy that way also.


    It just happens the my wife and I match well and she happens to be younger........


    I'll take happiness over unhappiness and comdemnation any day - regardless the source.....

  8. Say....hello - do you read Thai Visa Forum?------ there's a thread there that makes me think of you.......


    Pick up some som tam or sweets and ask if he would like to share.....


    Mention - I see you every day - where do you work? - - - I work ______________


    Stumble into him and drop something so there is contact and eye contact.......

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