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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. 2 things:

    1- I'm not sure a generalization of "Farangs stink" ...... even discussed among Farangs there are nationalities that are thought to stink because of lack of hygene others that are thought to stink because of the types of food that they eat - and some a combination of both....So - I'm sure many of us Farangs do - in fact - stink to the Thais. At least the Farangs that cling to old habits and diets.......

    But the one thing that many Thais can smell even better $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    In the theater the other day had a couple assigned to the seats next to us - she was Thai - not sure what he was, possibly Thai but Asian -> if the theater had had more places to sit I would have moved us because his scent/odor was almost overwhelming....

    In our house we eat the same food, shower at the same time with the same soap, same shampoo, wash in the same laundry detergent...and if hot outside then we shower off during the day so I'd say we match on that regard....

    2- Second point of the OP's question - something in the Thai diet does indeed allow them to eat most anything + they seem to be able to eat continously, burn it off and stay petite. In the west my folks brought me up with the 3 set meals a day routine....as an adult I've just kind of eaten when hungry - some days a lot (rarely) - other days maybe just two meals - many days was take it as it goes because of timing around sports (tournaments - irregular timing decided by mutiple factors) and I still weighed more than I do here.....but it seems like the Thais can basically graze all day long and not seem to gain a kilo......

    If I decide to eat western food a couple of times a week every once in awhile I can count of gaining a kilo or two so unless I get a craving for something I stay with Mama's cooking.....so there is something to the way and how they eat.....

    • Like 2
  2. We recently moved to another house - at the old neighborhood (both gated) there was a huge upsurge (12-16 newly occupied houses) of R******n people only two of which would be old enough to be of retirement age.....the rest were late twenties to mid thirties - some had children but most did not - the guys were fairly normal but none of them were friendly & for the most part their wives spent a lot of time around the pool and were model type shapes and very pleasing to the eye - they were actually more friendly than the menfolk.....NONE of these people had any kind schedule that would even make you begin to believe thay had jobs of any sort but they had money to do whatever they wanted - anytime I had a short conversation and had a chance I'd ask what they did for work - never got an answer....music played at all hours and they all seemed friendly with one another but not a family type friendly......I'd notice the ones around me would not be around for two to three days at a time and I figured border runs.....me and some other neighbors thought it possible what we were watching was a move up by Pattaya interests.....I just had lunch with one of our old neighbors and they said since the new rules came into play it's like a ghost town there now - these people seemed to have just cleared out.......the places required a one year lease for them to get in and the timing isn't even remotely close.......

    Based on the observations noted above I think it's a good thing.....I think there were elements trying gain ground because if the infighting and these new rules are helping to sort it out.....

  3. Seriously - if you think that family/children/wife is what you want then 40 might be a bit late......I had a daughter when I was 38-39 and raised her as a single Dad....one of the greatest joys of my life - but - as this was the second time around I realized I was not as spry in many areas as the first time around and 10+ years older than the parents of our children my daughter's age.....my folks had me later on and my Dad and I participated in many sports together - in many ways it was a bittersweet day for me when I surpassed my hero at a youngish age.....

    If you have been happy up to 40+ you might want to question whether this next step will make you a happier man....someone once told me there are only two types of people - givers and takers if you are a giver this may well be a happy choice for you - if you find you are more of a taker maybe the rigours of what is needed to be freely given might not be for you.......at the cost of the next 25+ years of commitment.....

    Oddly enough - even at my age I find myself enjoying the thought of what would happen and there was an oops birth...the wife wouldn't mind - but I wouldn't want to start the job of raising a child that I couldn't finish or finish strong.....I find myself pitying the 65-70 year olds I see pushing the strollers around the store - about a year ago I was in the PI visiting friends when I was invited to a Christening in a Catholic church.....I thought it was just for the one family and it turned out to be mass production with 100's of familes there....two rows behind me was a guy my age with his wife and their baby to be Christened....the WTH HTF did it end up this way look on his face over the course of the service said it all.......

    So far, over the years, by observation of fails and successes in the family environment and other "life" areas that I have watched seem to bear this theory to be quite true......

  4. Do you have a better example? If they are like shower curtains any big chain store - if fixed Global House, Toa, Home Pro, or a mom and pop store somewhere...

    I am not certain I know the term shower screen - it could apply to drainage too......

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Flip side can't imagine a legit good Thai lady would want a Farang covered in tattoos....currently in Tesco Lotus and I must be about the only Farang in the store without a tattoo....most are sporting Thai multiple tats......looking at them am glad I am not one of them....we must look like a herd of trashy white kwai to the average good hard working Thai....side note walking around - out of 200+ Thais or more not 1 visible tat....

    Wow what a self righteous, needy post, "I dont have tattoos so the Thai's must like me more, cos I am better than the other farangs,"

    One suspects the average good hard working Thai, doesn't give a sh*t

    Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa there sweetpea.......I didn't mean to ruffle your pretty little feathers or hit you in your self esteem.....

    For the guys that wish to walk around with the new tats, wife beater striped shirts with their checkered shorts, black socks and sandals sporting their amulets with their regulation Thai gold, and earrings - good, that's who they are (or wish to be) - I am glad I'm not one of them. I choose to represent myself differently. It's possible that because we don't hang with the bar crowd that it's easier to spot when out and about.... I can say that NONE of the Thais I saw today sported tattoos - wore the wife beater shirts - or walked about in mismatched clothing and I'm pretty sure the folks that do are the exception rather than the rule. If a Thai walked around that way he would look out of place too.

    Now that's in the context of taking part in the daily routine - if around Nana Plaza or Pattaya the dress codes & type of people change dramatically....

    I do not think the Thais like me any better because I simply do not know. I know that in 5 years I've never had a problem with a Thai no matter whichever venues, sports, or settings which we find oursleves. I can also say that in my wifes family and extended family no one is sporting tattoos. They range from the farming community to university educated folks. We socialize with them all without issue or concern of social strata - good people......

    Thanks for your opinion though - but I believe the needy ones are the ones that insure that they stick out from the norm - maybe all that window dressing is to bolster an already low self esteem???? Because I can't for the life of me think of a nation or large crowd they'd blend in with.....Maybe pirates.....or Gypsies....

    Best to you......

    • Like 2
  6. Flip side can't imagine a legit good Thai lady would want a Farang covered in tattoos....currently in Tesco Lotus and I must be about the only Farang in the store without a tattoo....most are sporting Thai multiple tats......looking at them am glad I am not one of them....we must look like a herd of trashy white kwai to the average good hard working Thai....side note walking around - out of 200+ Thais or more not 1 visible tat....

    • Like 1
  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Short answer - yes - in many ways it reminds me of the US I grew up in (which is long lost now)....

    I recall being in NY 15-20 years ago and I saw only super arrogant slim people and elephant size fat people (who were friendly) but nothing that remotely reminded me to Thailand.

    You're right - I'm 66 now so grew up in small town California in the 50-60's........NY itself was another planet but now the rest of the US is just as much a mess as NY was/is....

  8. I was told by one gal that had a 4x5" tattoo on her shoulder that when she was sick as a child her parents took her to the temple. I monk made/gave the tattoo to get rid of the sickness (evil spirits I guess).

    Personally, if they have tattoos I was not interested - either here or in the US.....

    yeah! - that about the sickness, or even bad luck happening was what led wifey getting her monk-done tattoo - a very complex flying female buddha fairy god mother looking thing. At least she was given the choice of either that or a stack of pali script dhamma to cover a shoulder blade...

    I spoke incorrectly/incompletely - if it's ornamental tattoos - I really don't like them - if like what I described as above and tifino has described I don't believe I'd be worried....

    My wife happens not to have any.....

  9. Well I thought I put it simply....on phone now... basically....as English is relatively new the Thai's tend to apply Thai semantics and cultural tendencies into their application of written English...things that make sense to them simply don't make sense to us and proof reading would not neccessarily change that...normal editing our style makes it easy for us to see but they wouldn't...in the example by the OP an edit would catch but I am guessing they are happy only to spell check..

  10. Spell check only I would guess.....actual editing very little if any......

    As English is not the 1st language for them I usually get a chuckle reading the sentence and structure trying to deciminate to get the meaning.....usually somewhere along the story line I think I get it sorted.....with cutural thinking/differences, (their's versus ours), it makes it all the more entertaining.....sometimes they really over express themselves trying to stress/make a point in dramatic - typically Thai fashion....I quite enjoy it most of the time - adds to the spice and flavor

    Actually, I find myself doing that with a lot of TVF posters too.....

    If I ever find I completely and totally understand I'm not sure whether I'd be more happy for them - or more worried about me........rolleyes.gif

    Having one in the house sometimes helps understand the broken cadence sentence structure......

    Many speaking second languages learned later (not bilingual being raised) tend know the second language words but keep the structure of their native tongue.....

    Over the years enjoyed many natives tongues....thumbsup.giftongue.pngclap2.gif

  11. Do not keep anything of value anywhere this gal can find it - passport, identification cards, credit/debit cards, jewelry, knives, anything.......all you know about her is she's crazy and you can't get rid of her inbetween boppin' her.......

    Oh - she hugs soi dogs and has taking a liking/licking to you too.....

    Maybe a good idea to get a picture of her somehow - just in case things turn up missing or it gets crazier beyond what it has....

    Run Forrest Run.....

    CM as big as it is has a pipeline among these gals that is unbelievable - probably not many places/areas to hide away from Loh Kroh (where I'm guessing you are) to get the partying that you thought you wanted when you first got here....

  12. I've been advised many many times - there are NO secrets in Thailand - certainly never share them. It's need to know around here and what they don't need to know does not get said.....

    They've got the theory and gossip machines in full gear anyway no need to fan the flames.....

  13. Yes - you are right.....worse yet when they are on their cell phone talking about details of their life I don't wish to here - or worse yet raising their voices upset at somebody or something.....

    A lot of people use this to bully/intimidate others - why? - because it works for them and probably has since childhood, just like any other learned behavior/tool....

    Personally, I do not care to be around loud people and tend to head in a different direction.....

  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Impulse is now on income equality and wants to it. Try in western countries like USA, Its working a peach there.

    In America I own .357 Long barrel Marlin Lever Action, very fun! Can take the head off a deer at a hundred yards. And the great thing about scope-less rifles is you don't have to aim, just point & shoot.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I find it hard to understand the fun in taking the head off a deer at 100 yards.

    Particularly when there is NO skill involved. Just point and shoot.

    Must mean you have REALLY BIG BALLS.

    I guess.

    I also have had a Marlin 357 lever action and it was one of my favorite guns (along with my Dan Wesson 357 side arm)......I'd take both riding the horses in the Sierras as I had 250,000 acres of untamed BLM land directly across from my property. There were some active bears including grizled bears (cross) which from time to time could be very aggressive unfriendly.

    The Marlin 357 is a great gun and I would wish to have another - but it's not like the movies where they run shoot and something falls from 100 yeards away. It takes aim and practice. Especially with a carbine as the barrel length is shorter than that of a deer rifle. That's what makes them the ideal saddle gun as well as an all purpose tool/weapon/sporting arm.

    If you are going to throw rocks just for the sake of throwing rocks try and represent yourself a little better. He was talking about a favorite gun he had used - you on the other hand seem to enjoy shooting/jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif your mouth/keyboard and are adding nothing to the discussion.

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