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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. You don't want to do anything to lose balance....wear something with side pockets like in a jacket......put a few handfulls of table salt in there...when they come at you throw the salt at their eyes....won't harm them and they will learn pretty quickly.......

    Anything mechanical is too hard to pull off when you are constrained by movement or balance.......

  2. I think in defending yourself you cannot have the alpha weapon - like a gun drawing down on a knife.......that's how it was described to me - but by a farang not a Thai.....personally I think the baton is best.......

    Sometimes a pocket full of salt - or insect/ant/bug/hornet spray would come in handy in some situations.....any of those in a face/eyes (person/dog) would work.....

  3. We play baseball/softball here in CM......when it rains there are small pockets of water that form like a dimple in the field......I showed up to play and the Thai players were all over the field hunkered down and moving from place to place very busy.

    I couldn't figure out what is was they were doing and first thought they were pulling weeds?????? I get out there and each one had a bucket or sawed off plastic container made from a bottle........and - each had a sponge and were dutifully sponging the water out of the dimples/pockets around the field and using the buckets to cart it off.......

    On the flip side when there is a lively discussion during/about the game and whether a run should have scored or how many bases we all join in the fray - except for the Thai guys that gather together to watch......they just smile and shake their heads - farangs.......

    Dragging the infield - Thai style......


  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I agree, having a very good sense of humour is a must to enjoy life in Thailand.
    You just can't sweat the small stuff.
    A few weeks ago I went to my local restaurant and ordered breakfast No1, eggs any style they can manage and a cup of tea.
    Ive been ordering the same breakfast for 8 years there.
    The bosses wife took the order and gave me mixed vegetables with chicken.
    It made a pleasant change!

    The eggs were 'hatched' what's the problem?

    Did you get the tea?

    But now we still don't know what came first.........the chicken or the egg......sad.png

  5. Been there - not a good place to go walking carrying food - bear attacks are not all that rare and there's some big 'uns there.......

    In that water is crazy....when I lived in NorCal we lost a couple of guys fishing because they (one tumbled - one leak) had their chest waders fill up with icy water and legs went dead - dropped in the water and died of hypothermia/drowning......couldn't get back to shore a few feet away.....

    If you shop there they used take an ice chest to keep the food insulated from the outside temps....maybe still do for the veggies - now I believe they just leave the cars running......

    So - maybe robbed by wits could be an accurate headline.....

  6. A great warm hearted country and people - you don't even have to look for it.

    Evil spirited people can be found too if you decide to look/post about that.

    I prefer to stay where I won't be swimming in the shark tank so I have found the people gracious, generally happy, and warm spirited.......

    I'm sure some farang will correct me though.......wai2.gif

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  7. I looked into this before - as I understand it there are laws in place against non-Thai's owning tuk-tuks + If I were to get one it stopped by the police it was a 600Baht fine (last year)......

    One guy got hauled off to the police station as they thought he was operating one for profit.......

    Get a golf cart maybe?????

  8. Don't even try.....


    I tried to bring one over as my retirement visa said I could. I was an 4x4 that I built from the ground up sparing no expense. I was going to give it to my Daughter as she loved it but unfortunately she died two months before I was to leave to come here. I went through all the steps and got the car here. I was told the paperwork had cleared and come and get it. I showed up and was told - sorry the final signature required wouldn't sign off because it was a 4x4 and it was not allowed to come into Thailand.....not counting shipping I spend 720,000 Baht chasing every avenue not including the 100k I carried looking for the right person to sign it legal - never got the vehicle - couldn't send it back due to difficulty going back getting through customs back in US, registering it so I could store it. I can only drive one and already have and SUV + a camper stored in the US.


    I was told I could try and buy it back at auction but they wouldn't tell me the who, where, when of the auction - so I lost a car i truely loved.....


    Somebody saw that vehicle and wanted it.....


    I've been told by someone in the visa field for many years they had yet to hear of one successful vehicle being brought in.......

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    As confusing as this appears to be.......If I were you I'd sit down and write all the facts as you know them to be.....Then number them by importance to what happened.......

    Then plot a course of action with a secondary plan of action in case the first fails.......The lack of organized thoughts and random ramblings with counter attacks/comments to people that might wish to help make it difficult to give pertinent advice.

    Not confusing at all, he bought his GF a truck and nicked it, and GF parents put charges on him, the cops arrested him took his pp and bailed him

    Yeah - I got the basic outline too.....but in between there's a mixed jumble of thoughts, emotions, and time frames + attacks which makes it hard to sort out. If he truly wants help (seems to need it) he's going to have to sort it out and prioritize before he can make some progress......sounds to me like papa wants the truck......I have sympathy for the OP but all the leverage is going the other way - in this case I don't think logic or intelligence will prevail (out the window long ago just by the circumstances) - greed will - at the cost of the OP - now it's time to minimize the cost/damage as much as possible.....

  10. As confusing as this appears to be.......If I were you I'd sit down and write all the facts as you know them to be.....Then number them by importance to what happened.......

    Then plot a course of action with a secondary plan of action in case the first fails.......The lack of organized thoughts and random ramblings with counter attacks/comments to people that might wish to help make it difficult to give pertinent advice.

  11. There was an American program by the name: "Seinfeld" which purported to be a show about nothing. This qualifies for an episode.

    I'm not so sure of that.....it's the only substance that continously recycles itself and gives life to this planet......water.....

  12. From what I get at home it's a well rounded diet with veggies, seafood, pork, chicken, fruit all inclusive....just by Thai diet alone I lost 10+ kilos a few years back.....the weight only goes up if we vacation and I start eating more western food. Here - maybe a western meal once a week....rarely eat beef/steak - maybe a good burger a few times a year.....

    When I went to China with a Thai tour group they barely touched the Chinese food unless it had the Thai spices added to it - the general opinion was it was pretty repusive to them the way it was cooked, ingredients, etc.

    Before a few years back I'd been known to eat a little Thai from time to time rolleyes.gif ...but now my diet is full time Thai.......thumbsup.gif .....maybe that's a different forum....

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Have you tried throwing the 8 baht bag of ice on to the floor repeatedly?

    works for me.

    Same same (but not different) - an accelerated drop to the floor, flip the bag over and repeat (if needed) then into the freezer.

    I used to do the ice cube trays - had 4 large and 2 small going all the time. Spent more time refilling them than it was worth. I found even the "better" quality ones would start to break and leak after a couple of months and I finally just gave up on them.

    I found some good ones at Big C that have held up for almost two years....of course I don't give them an accelerated drop on the floor - flip them over and repeat.......................................................
  14. I tend not to care for warm drinks/liquids and use a lot of ice.......

    We have a friend that was having digestive problems and experiencing a lot of pain.....he went to see a few Doctors and was cautioned by a couple of them not to purchase ice as it was full of bacteria and some nasty chemicals......

    We use a Pur water filter pitcher which we keep in the fridge & use the water for our 5 ice trays and any drinking/cooking. We also use the oval ice cream containers to freeze water for use in the small ice chest for a day trip or sports activity. Blocks of ice last much longer.....

    If we have a group or party we just bag the ice from the trays (5) for a few days and everyone has enough. If we use the big ice chest for canned/bottled drinks I go get a big bag of ice from the local market and a block which I break in half - - - - if anyone wants to use that ice after others have stuck their hands in there it's their choice. The 5 trays gives us enough for smoothies for 4-5 people + some left for other use under normal conditions.....

    As far as the 8 Baht bags are concerned I always wondered why they sold such small amounts of ice in such a warm climate. In Calif it's usually a 10 or 20 pound bag choice.....

  15. I am from America....I find that I enjoy the difference, opinions, banter, humor, and subsequent rejoinders from the multi-

    national members of the forum......

    It's a learning process and a fount of information and ideas received from many different levels, intellects, and approaches.....

    I believe that being from America (misnomer for USA) I have embraced a wider viewpoint since moving to Thailand - not as spoon fed and narrow in scope as we receive in the (home) land.....

    If my life were shy of the adventures received from my travels I would be a much poorer individual for it and the different forums are nothing more than a small extension of it......

    Sometimes we have to look beyond ourselves to see and feel what others see and feel....how else can we become greater (however we define that to ourselves)?????

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