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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. I have to agree - I dress in a tee shirt and athletic shorts around the house....daytime wear is a nice polo type shirt (material picked out by me and had made) but not flashy and nice casual shorts....evening again a hand made shirt but brighter coloring to fit the evening & casual shorts or slacks.

    I see some nicely dressed Farangs (usually with a Farang wife/sometimes with a Thai gal)......but for the most part the solo Farang men I see walking around do give a bad impression 65-70%......

    Hopefully the Thai's notice the difference in the way people dress and carry themselves. Also, I've seen the Thai's glance at one another showing discomfort when witnessing embarassing behavior - attitude - dress by Farangs.

    I have a hard time believing that people are dressing, acting this way did the same at their home country.

    Maybe they just never got out of their houses, hovels, rocks.........

  2. Worst look ever and is seem epidemic - Plaid walking shorts on spindley white little legs - miss-matched colored stripe shirt (worse when a wife beater) - long black socks with sandals.....mix with shaved heads, bulging stomachs, new tatoos & piecings - what are these guys thinking?

    We're walking around a country where most of the women are looking demurely lip smacking good and setting records in the worst dressed catagory trying to impress these same women..........huh??????

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  3. Obviosly the dog did not die without a yelp.......

    I would say it was an accident that the mutt was aggressive and running around wildly.....offer to take her to the police station and explain how she allowed this aggressive animal to run wild attacking children, adults, and killing domestic pets....offer to pay the fine involved - if any for the "accident" - face saved for you and your wife - "owner" has an out....and the circus is over.

    In the USA people are jailed for owning dogs that are knowingly aggressive and allow them to be "loose".....

    Be sure to make it plain how badly you feel about the accident - but it was entirely possible that you might have been the next attack by THIS LADY'S dog......point all the collective fingers at her.....

    It's not like the dog was poisoned - it ran in front of the car - I've had turkeys do this in the US protecting territory.....

    Bring the little girl (or record her story on your phone) that you saved to the Police station with you......along with the "owner".....make it clear to the "owner" she could be fined and held responsible for the terror, trauma, and damage this animal has caused......put a value on your safety and the safety of your family (surrounding families) + the losses ($$$$) for your dear departed pets......

    If she wants a value on the animal - give her a negative one.....

    Things might change in the neighborhood.......zero to hero.......

  4. They are strugling to stay in power. It's inevitable that PTP will be gone, now or a bit later. The missunderstood fugitive will set up another party to play the same game. His credibility in the eyes of the voters in the north is fading as well. In due time Thailand will become a real democracy with much more decent politicians.

    The times they are a-changing. Slow yet steady.

    Yes - the support in the north is nothing like in the past...even they see what is going on.....

  5. So is Yingluck dangerous, or is her love for her brother caddie dangerous?

    Honestly, I don't think she has a clue and really never did, I almost pity her. However, it's the latter that you mentioned that put his sister and his country in harms way and that is not for the first time.

    They have purposely splintered a nation in every indicator under an agenda.....

    I think that pretty little face belies the inate cunning behind the objective.....this is not a stupid woman - I'm not so sure pity is applicable.....

    It is good to see healthy opposition.....

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