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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. I have read before that the child in Thailand becomes the mother's responsibility/liability.......This is ingrained/entrenched into the Thai societal way of life.....so - the men, I guess including us are free to create multiple sonic boom booms without ever bearing the weight of responsibility for their offspring......thus many proud first daughters endow their parents with a second set of children to raise while they:

    Either provide money through legal employment


    Continue boom boom for money until they find a mark to hang the responsibility on

    When you calculate the ages of the women versus the ages of their children it's amazing how many great looking women have been fertilized between 17-21......I imagine there are a great deal of Thai guys out there doing a bang up job - over and over.....

  2. Most of my friends - including me have a large age gap......the couples I know are well matched personality wise and the gals feel appreciated and genuinely happy to be treated well and willingly want someone to care for that the feelings go both ways......most have had miserable experiences with Thai men.......I think the comment about the soccer shirt & video games is legit......I have also had one Thai lady tell me that Thai men are usually not virile after 50 years of age and the young ones are roll on roll off in bed so the women enjoy getting treated like a women during those times too.....

  3. I would have to say 0%.......my friends are married to - from what I can see/watch/hear about - including myself some outstanding women who do not take advantage of their men but only wish for the normal things in life.......I have seen some men/farang (not friends) that treat their women in ways that make me ashamed to be a farang at times.....

    I also have to say we don't swim with the bar, service/massage/sex trade, or constant partying crowds. It always amazes me how they seem befuddled by the fact they don't meet quality people by by hanging with those crowds and the fact that they get gobbled up by a bigger shark than themselves.....even if she is 5 feet tall with the face and body of an angel.......

  4. This is not an express....Kad Farang is better for meats/deli items by far - all packaged stuff at Maehia.....other items are stocked well....

    The new HUGE Rimping at Kad Farang should be open soon - by the looks of the building it should be on par with the biggest Rimpings in the area.....

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Oh how this country needs 100 years of Western colonization.

    It's the only way forward.

    WHAT????? and end up like all the places we've put in the rearview mirror???? ........ be careful what you wish for......with whatever flaws it has it's OK - matter of fact - I LIKE IT.........move BACK(wards) to your western civilized world.....we're doing fine here.....don't let the door hit you on your thinker on the way out........

    • Like 2
  6. Nice...I hope all your dreams come true in it......

    The only observation I have is what I have of all Thai structures including our house in Hang Dong....in the event of a quake what chance to we have....in our two story house I have 3 bedrooms above me waiting to fall on me as I sit here in the living room underneath.

    I was 4 miles away from the epicenter of the Loma Prieta earthquake when it occurred. If you have not personally witnessed an event like that up close it is an unbelievable thing to experience.

    During a major quake Thailand would not fare well...the California homes at that time were built against earthquakes and they didn't do too well.

    Scary what could take place here.

    Side note not pertaining to above:

    I did at one time live in a Frank Lloyd Wright designed house built in the 1940's...through all the years and quakes, land shifts. and settling the seamless abutted glass never even chipped or moved......like living in an aquarium looking out with almost a 300 degree view...great house - the ex still might be happily living there bless her heart......miss that house......

  7. Got my best lesson about this many years ago........I was camping in the Redwoods in US and one family had a youngster under 5 years old.....he and I were walking and talking an in an attempt to converse with him I was talking at the same level as him........he stopped and looked at me (I'm 6'4") and said with 4 fingers displayed "why you talk like a 4 year old?" - I have never forgotten that and it's been 30+ years.

    My Thai wife is university educated and has a pretty good grasp on English, (much better than my pathetic Thai) but her sentence structures are typically Thai and I find myself sometimes slipping into tinglish but try not to. Mostly while driving - for some reason more than around the house.......

  8. No - no - and no.....

    I am very familiar with the Phils and have spent a good amount of time there + married a filapina (that's over way too controlling - a matriachal society) & I really did not ever want to be in a position I'd be forced to move there......I would never live there. Very dangerous, you are a target, they are desperate in many cases, driving is abysmal, angry, and aggressive - mano on mano....beggars everywhere pounding on your car doors at most stops.......forget cleanliness of all types. The friendliness and smile you see around Thailand -forget it there.....pray your car does not fail when in places you don't know........

    If you like dirty, poverty, danger,people that do not mix well with the Buddhist way of thinking and very aggressive people you might like it there - no place to raise a child or bring a Thai wife......

    If you take a good look at the Farangs that hang out there and spend time with them at all you'll find they are not a good grade of person in a high percentage of cases......

    My family was hi-so and highly placed so was better than 90% but all you have to do is really look around.

    Building standards - forget it.....the food/diet sucks & no Thai cooking spices available or easily found.....

  9. No - after being here several year the USA just does not fit for me anymore.....it was getting bad 5 years ago and now everyone I am in contact with are stuck there and unhappy....many thinking of leaving....when young/old/married/single friends leave Thailand and go to the USA they cannot stand it for more than a week or two.....it's just not the friendly country it used to be....Thailand reminds me much more of the USA I grew up in than the USA to me now......only way I can stand it is have a RV there - go back tour for a month or two with my lady...take practice with some of my sports playing friends from coast to coast - then get back here.....USA does have some of the best scenery and beaches in the world to offer.....

    Right now the people are running scared, angry, and over worked - unhappy........I do not see that here......

  10. Quality wooden items (like in Baan Tawai) - made to order teak furniture - custom made shirts / materials......fruit.......entertainment.....smiles.....meals.....mechanical service work.....pharmaceuticals.....some shoes if you have the right sized feet (I don't).....backpacks.....medical care.....movies (cleaner theaters too).....custom made items.....housing.....elecrical service.....memories.....cell phone rates.....car insurance.....professional services.....

    • Like 1
  11. Male or female I do not care for them.....trashy......

    I have spoken to some gals that have the Buddhist tatoos (usually one/usually small) and was told that when young they were either sick or some other malady and the tatoo was designed given on advice to the parents from a Buddhist Monk/Temple/Wat/Visit............those I can understand. A lot are intricately done and the girl didn't have a choice.

    At one time there were some countries that would not accept people with tatoos - indicated character flaws....so, of course, men got tatoos so as not to have to serve. Now they take them but also remove the tatoos (ouch).

    Then - there are the gang affiliated tatoos - completely different story.......

    As always pity/feel bad for the old Farangs walking around with brand new tats on their bodies - thinking that somehow with 70 knocking on the door that they look more studly/manly/sexy.............

    Thai girls with that beautiful skin all tatted up = let the buyer beware.......

    I am constantly suprised by some of the answers on TV......it seems like most of the type of people that are written about are happily lurking/trolling the gutters...they certainly aren't on TV.......

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