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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    My dogs waste the air conditioning electricity. They know how to open the doors, but they never close them when they come into an air conditioned room.

    Change the door handles to round ones, alt=biggrin.png> .

    Question - do they go into those rooms if the A/C is off?????/

  2. Sometimes I feel like I am....the wife/we contribute to the family every month & they are great people that work hard and never ask for a thing....I've noticed on our visits some things that can make life better for them (new fridge). The old one is just that - very old - the shelves are sagging/splitting and it is undersized for 5 people....I want to buy them a new fridge but do not want to open the floodgates for evrything else that comes along.....bringing - getting gifts to take to them the Wife has always been modest with purchases & recently dissuaded me from buying t-shirts for everyone when we were visiting a resort area Aon-Nang/Krabi......

    There's other items that are minimal that would help upgrade their life and what they are used to also.......

    Her family taught her not to spend money on big items but put it away for food - this is what she believes in......I'm fortunate that way......

    But is still makes me feel like a Cheap Charlie.......

  3. Didn't for many a year while raising a Daughter.....started again here and found I was getting a little to close to it (alcoholism ran in the family)....the wife does not like when I drink and neither do I generally.....about one night every 10 - 12 days I get the urge and grab a bottle of spiced rum at Macro....I'll drink for that night while watching a movie or when we karaoke.....most of the time when I get up the next day I will pour the remainder of the bottle out so as not to have it staring at me......99% of the time I don't miss it but sometimes get the urge......never have been a bar person so there's no compulsion there .....occasionally she will have a light drink with me - makes her sleepy......


    Some of the good hotels have very nicely equipped karaoke rooms - she'll then have a Mai Tai along with food served, sometimes two - but not very often does that happen.....

  4. That's us in the picture....live in the CM area.....discovered Thailand over 5-6 years ago and after coming back one time to see if it was for real and had loved it ever since.......originally from the US - retired early at 57 after spending the last 20+ years before raising a daughter as a single Dad from 3 months of age - unfortunately at the height of her promise and great things taking place in her life she perished in an automobile accident at the age of 26.....anyone that has raised a child exclusively as a single parent knows it's a full time + job leaving quite literally zero time for self if you're serious about doing things right.....

    So now it's me/us and my new life......

    • Like 1
  5. bitch slap is a black originated term - I believe it had to do with pimping and how the women were kept - treated.....it then became a term used for a man to slap another man equaling = his "bitch"............"take that bitch" et al

  6. you dont pay sinsnot unless she is a sturgen. Just tell the brother where to go. say it firm and mean it, it usually works,

    Why do you have to pay sin sod if your future wife is a fish (sturgeon)?
    .....So you don't start a roe??????
    • Like 1
  7. Many are discreet and move to an area away from the tables.......but quite a few (almost 100% farang) revel in sitting in the middle of places and smoking like a chimney almost openly taunting their right to smoke.....we do not smoke and will not sit amongst those that do.....it's a roll of the dice - you can be half way through your meal and the whole table next to you has just finished theirs and lights up during the afterglow.........we live in CM

    In Krabi recently we found one place that put the non-smokers upstairs (tier) with all the fans blowing out across the lower level toward the street - it helped

    I'll leave a place before I'll sit next to smokers.....

    • Like 1
  8. We feed 4-6 people but alsays cook for more. If visitors show up then welcome if not food is eaten next day. left over Steamed rice and sticky rice is fed to dogs with scraps. If their is one thing I won't get cheap with it's food, If we buy fish it's 2 for us and one for temple, we buy take out, we always buy more than enough. it will be eaten the next day.

    Stop ctitizising the food thing. Fans turned off when room is empty, A/C in room is for the real hot nights, not everynight. Only room with baby has A/C. I guess we're different than most, water comes from village. We don't throw water away.

    We eat good, schrimp, scuid, pork and chicken every night. Good food, good drinks, what else is there????

    Well......the baby came from something else........

  9. While I'm all for it as it makes total sense IMO, 'The longer holiday will help to boost tourism as well, according to TAT' ... really??? I can just see the hoards jetting in for that extra day. NOT!

    It seems like they are thinking more along the lines of Thai's flying/touring/visiting for a long Mother's Day weekend of 4 days as opposed to 2 days - work - then another off. It makes sense if looked at from that perspective.....

    A lot of industries - schools included, would not benefit from the 2 off. 1 on. 1 off schedule.........

  10. I note that deknoiJT is 6' 3" and weighs 120 kgs. I am 5' 10" and up to about 3 years ago also weighed 120 kgs. So compared with how I was then, I am sure that deknoiJT looks a real "slim Jim".

    I am 6'4" - large framed & still play two active sports (averaging 300 games/days of the year when I was in the US + practice) but that changed after I got here and was down to only a few times/games a week.......when I got up to 118 kgs. most wouldn't think me fat - but I was.... I felt it playing sports, sitting, moving about, and just generally all the time it just wasn't comfortable.......

    I cut back on the western food and concentrated on more Thai and now stay at about 107 kgs. - it took about 2 months - there is still some extra there but the lethargy and discomfort are gone....a home gym is the next step.......

    In my own opnion 120 kgs. is too big to be healthy for 6'3" especially if the diet/drinking/eating habits are not good.......

    Maybe sometimes the last place we need to be is an all you can eat buffet - and maybe, just maybe - judging by observation of the meal from someone else's viewpoint, perspective, and appearances the server may have done the OP a big favor in life......

    Whether the OP appreciated it or not......

    The downside for me - my wife says she liked my face better when it had the more chubby look to it......goof.gif.pagespeed.ce.KJ2oZpgSLm.gif

    • Like 1
  11. This thing started downhill from the beginning and went worse from there....could belong in the - you know you've been in Thailand too long thread....insulting one another - strangers all day long because there is nothing better to do....pretty soon you'll run out of measuring sticks......the topic was killed a long time ago......

    • Like 1
  12. For me, the same.

    Nothing is wasted in this house.

    The kids leave every light on and if I don't get up to switch off they will be on all night.

    3 air conditions are running from 4 in the afternoon till 7 in the morning, because the apple of her eyes can not live without air condition. They did till the age of 9, but then the rich farang came.

    Food is cooked for 10, although we are 4, the rest is going to the bins.

    Keep asking them at least to throw to the soi dogs, but it's a big job.

    Bottles of mineral water is taken to their rooms, they drink half of it the rest goes in the sink.

    That I discovered recently.

    Clothes never mended, as my mother used to do, they are thrown in the bin.

    I got angry now.....must be more, but I can't think at the momentw00t.gif

    A cunning solution?

    Give your wife the total housekeeping budget for the month.

    Up to her how she spends it.

    If all gone too soon, don't eat until the next month starts and she has the budget again.

    If needs be, she will have to borrow from her Mum, or Brother/Sister but not you.

    It is my observation that if wives (all, not just Thai) are spending "their own money" they are much, much more aware of costs, waste etc and control things much better.

    A friend in the UK did this and whatever his wife could save from the housekeeping was hers.

    So she would scrimp and save so she could buy that new Dress, Handbag, pair of shoes etc that she really wanted.

    I think my friend was very clever!

    That is exactly what I do and she is very good about "not" buying something extra if her budget gets thin....and loves to "treat" me off "mama's" budget when something for me fancies her.......we have never gone short supplied.....

    • Like 1
  13. Sounds like a great time to buy at a two for one pricing......clap2.gif

    We were in Krabi two weeks ago and all the tour boats. beaches, and island stops were full....no place to park/beach the boats hardly....don't know if that translates to less vacancy at the hotels....the good places to eat were hoppin'

  14. Not that I've found - closest thing to an auto "big" store is Dangs on the Soi by the Ricoh sign....they do repairs, welding, + parts/accessories with a good selection.....actually a big sized operation......

    Anything else I've looked up and found is Mom and Pop type smaller operations.......

  15. Could be a challenge - very few carpets here (not the munching kind) but the vaccums they like to sell would be better suited for carpets....no one seems to sell a decent bagless upright.......all 30 year old canister designs....

  16. Elvis when he was good, friendly, and magnetic.....

    Dire Straits - same set they had in Basel..... (catch it on Youtube)

    Chicago twice & one time Chicago and Beach Boys.....

    + a concert I didn't really want to go to......sitting on the green and watching Elton John put on a 3 1/2 hour show - masterful

    And Jimmy Buffet - just for the fun of it - a good fun time show and the girls start drinking 3-4 hours early and falling out of their coconut bras in the parking lot......

    Nat King Cole & Roy Orbison (different shows) in a small intimate setting - Roy is little and with no effort just filled the atmosphere with notes only he could master.....

    Ben Vereen before his accident was dynamic.....

    • Like 1
  17. Post has been removed.


    3. If possible please proofread your post first, poor grammar and spelling can make the post difficult to understand. However be aware that not every member is a native english speaker and excessive posts regarding others spelling and grammar not only hijacks the topic but is poor netiquette.

    Then we would never hear from the sandman because his headlines are always letter/catch phrase perfecto......

    Then we have to connect the dots with several of the numbers missing.......facepalm.gif

  18. Wear something that has jacket like pockets in it.....carry a few handfulls of table salt in the pockets......grab some and aim at their faces it will get in their eyes and stop them - they'll learn soon enough.......won't injure them but should give them fear.....

    With balance and limited movement/motion this should work....anything mechanical it too hard to operate and maintain speed, balance, and a straight line.....

    It's also not toxic so no consequences that way or legally........

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