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  1. What do you do with all those extra hours now you're neither drinking or socialising?
  2. I agree. Aim for 1 to 1.5 higher and on average you'll get a good result. But many think they can get higher than this and come unstuck.
  3. Sure Everyone has a score out of 10. "Out of his league" refers to the wimpy 5 aiming for the cheerleader 10. If a western man in his home country was a 6 and therefore got 6's. And then in Thailand he is with a 6 and claims he gets the same level wherever he is. He doesn't understand that his score changes depending on location. In the UK I'm a 6. In Thailand about a 7.5 If I moved to Saudi I'd guess a 1. (Because I'm not a Muslim) Relationships are transactions and everybody wants the best they can get. So if a western guy came to Thailand and his new isn't better than his ex he has short changed himself.
  4. If a man is with the same quality of woman here as he got back home he's doing something wrong.
  5. What future pleasure do you imagine you'll enjoy more than enjoying a still substantial pleasure you could afford today?
  6. You're very insightful on posts I've seen. Not a Christian but would love to know why you are and a more biblical literalist one too.
  7. Why do people get married or have a kid based on a girls personality without waiting the prerequisite time to know her character?
  8. You have premier league footballers paying tax on 50 million a year and an Albanian family next to my mother claiming every benefit going. This "net contribution" of a whole group is useless imo.
  9. What makes you think you're not qualified to teach her?
  10. You think non virgins are better in bed I presume. Why wouldn't you want to be the man who teaches her? You'd rather other men did that for your future wife?
  11. You think the public sector provide better value for money for the tax payer?
  12. Sounds like they aren't spending wisely. Very very easy to get 5 adult flights London to bkk for 2500 to 3000 not 5500.
  13. Some children suffer such incredible amounts of trauma drugs take away the pain, at least for a bit. Trauma plus years of drug use many end up completely dysfunctional. Who knows this man's story. But better to stay silent than immediately dismiss him as an effing loser imo.
  14. You don't consider living in a lockdown three months of the year too high a price to pay?
  15. Don't tell me you went to meet a 150cm filipina! 5555
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