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  1. Mentally ill father who never worked. Childhood on benefits. Adult circumcision at 26. Watching my elderly mother suffer with numerous chronic health problems for the last decade. Living with chronic back pain the last few years. Dealing with prostate cancer in my mid 50's. But apart from that life's been pretty good.
  2. I alternate between fiction and non fiction. Just finished Marcus Aurelius "The meditations" very impressive philosophy of a Roman Emperor. Just started "Brave New World" Aldous Huxley. Very enjoyable read on the dangers of social engineering and the persuit of pleasure as the primary objective of life.
  3. This is a great new topic. I think deserves it's own thread.
  4. Yes, take her advice. I did hundreds of hours of online research and everything she says is spot on.
  5. Oops. My above post was ment for you. Bit confused by your list.
  6. Just curious to compare Australia with the UK. My mother is in the equivalent situation as you. Government pays her rent, local taxes and she ends up with 1900 AUD a month. Utilities cost her 400 AUD She is left with 1500AUD a month for food, her car and discretionary spending. With Lidl, Primark etc very easy to live on that. How does her 1500 compare to you? And in the UK people talk nonsense about heat or eat. She has plenty. Is there the same whining there?
  7. Are you saying that if those problems were not there you'd choose Thailand?
  8. Attractive girls did no exercise when I was first in Asia 30 years ago. They also ate often and a lot. 30 years ago their food was real, now it's as ultra processed as western food.
  9. 3.5 billion years of evolution and this is the result.
  10. One school of thought is that a life full of pleasures will never produce contentment. Man needs meaning. What do the righteous posters of AN have to say? Me, I prioritise meaning but fall back into the pleasures all too often.
  11. What have you done to BM2? He knows all women are monkey branching mercenaries not capable of or deserving love. Untie him now and stop using his account. 😂
  12. How many times was this "one of the best lays" worth banging though? I bet not many.
  13. You talk as if men have a a selection of 10's to choose from. Lol
  14. Not having a go, I'm sure we are all guilty of it. But it's typical that the first response to a lovely heart warming story on AN is "It's days are numbered then" I'm going to say, keep up the good work Mongkol, head of that national park. 😊

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