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Everything posted by sidjameson

  1. Unless it was rape he was angry at the wrong person. Pity.
  2. Given that language is ambiguous and also it's gone thru translation I wouldn't be sure she was aware.
  3. Im reluctant to agree in cases a man is convicted if there is even a 1% chance it's a false conviction. But in this case, a DNA test on the foetus and I agree. Except why wait 30 days? Chain him up for 48 hours and allow family access to enact revenge and then bury whatevers left alive.
  4. From who? Crypto isn't like an apple tree producing its own wealth. The money that some have made has come from someone? Who?
  5. 10k for a house. 50 bht for a meal. 1000 bht an internal flight If that's only reasonable what is cheap?
  6. Trouble is that attitude...well can't imagine anyone is really happy when you walk thru the door.
  7. Kho Tow has many more tourists than 2002. How is that not success from Thailand's point of view? Are you seriously saying you believe Thailand's tourist numbers will be lower in 2030 than 2019?
  8. Ask yourself...how did you attract this girl? If you used money at the start that's what she'll constantly want thru out your relationship.
  9. As one gets older the question of feeling vulnerable increases in many ways. In Thailand one can live an integrated life, out late, not worrying about going to the wrong neighborhood, being too far from a hospital, saying the wrong thing to the wrong person. You can live a gated insulated life in any country but that's not what many are after. Thailand scores highly.
  10. If you feel this way about Thailand and how can those type of thoughts not lower your well-being? Why wouldn't you move to a more comfortable country?
  11. So who ultimately should pay for his treatment? Don't say the government.....that's a proxy. If you want to say government then describe the actual tax payer that should pay.
  12. Thailand covers medical bills as you suggest then the unintended consequence of this is nobody bothering with medical insurance when visiting Thailand.
  13. Gf's sister, an extremely lazy, obese yaba taking 40 year old. Always quitting jobs and spending the entire day scrolling. But amazes me how she can always go out and get a new one within 2 days of looking. Sounds like full employment to me!
  14. Could it be that they weren't fat until the very last month's of their life? In a home means lack of mobility and once you're in a home and probably the 6 months prior to it piling on the pounds would be fairly common I think.
  15. I think he means he's seen plenty of fat 60 year olds who look 90!
  16. According to https://www.worlddata.info/average-bodyheight.php I'm noticing more and more fatties. I've kept the same weight for the last 30 years, shouldn't Thai women do the same! ????
  17. Always imagined you in a budget room making the best of your situation. And I mean that in a good way. Bit disappointed to find out you have money ????
  18. Would you have picked your current if you weren't a single dad? I accept that being in love with your daughter makes a rational choice of partner more acceptable.
  19. Yes. They'd be a great friend. Wish it was different but I require physical attraction.
  20. All means nothing if she isn't attractive. Not saying yours isn't but I've met guys describing situations like this and I wouldn't do it.
  21. Using this card with an ATM in Thailand are you charged 220bht fee?
  22. The narrow seats relevant, the rest snowflake.
  23. As the fertility falls ever more the number of wealthy older people who have no one to leave their wealth to will increase. Amazes me that they seem to think leaving it to the temple will bring them merit and also do the most good.
  24. Billions of bht earned ....20 years in prison....I bet many Thai would accept that renumeration.
  25. The government looking for solutions!!!! The irony, considering that in my experience it's the lure of loans that get many Thais into a government clerical position. And the government has always charged 7% even when base rate was 1%!!!! Seems the government is on the side of the problem not the solution to me.
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