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Everything posted by sidjameson

  1. Very honest post. If you could go back in time, would you still marry her? 10 years with mine. I can see how in another decade we will be in the same place.
  2. So why are 90% of Thai pop songs about love without any mention of money? Boy bands are very popular.
  3. Everyone (definitely including women) wants someone out of their league. In this digital age we all spend countless hours looking at fabulous people on a screen and can't settle for what's running around the leper colony, aka society.
  4. Your conflating two issues in your post. Your experience at work. Why would an 81 year old man delay gratification? On the second, some people seem to run that programme no matter what.
  5. Having a clinic for air pollution is like having a clinic for smoking. It's not the cough or tired eyes today that people worry about, it's the cancer 20 years down the line.
  6. I'm 55 and consider all things such as trips to immigration, visa runs, long haul flights as my work. I retired 10 years ago from the real world of work so the few days a year I do this new variation of the four letter word doesn't bother me....much. ????
  7. Many would be expats worry about this topic. I thought it would be interesting for members to share. As for me, Ive been a part time resident and I found my friends slowly and just by staying longer term in guesthouses. I fear I would have struggled socially if I had been renting a house in a city. How about you?
  8. Yes. Exactly like that. Those countries have largely sorted it out. Right now New York is 33 London today mostly green but now 66 Thailand consistently over 160 almost everywhere except South.
  9. You claim you can get women in any country. Well of course anyone can. But the point is we are all here cuz we can get younger and hence more attractive women here than back home. In fact if your woman here isn't hotter than the one you could get in farangland then you have sold yourself short. Everyone has a market value and there isn't a man on Thailand whose value is higher back home than here. And that's why you, me and every other farang is here. (Exceptions notwithstanding)
  10. What's the age gap with your current Thai? What was the age gap with your last western?
  11. Polluted air is one of the big contributers to stroke and other problems.
  12. 87% is nothing. I know thais with debts of three times annual earnings or more, excluding mortgage.
  13. My eyes have been hurting the past month, especially when using glasses. Thought my eyesight was getting worse. Just arrived in the UK and eyes completely back to normal!
  14. How many times do you need to get sick before you stop using the pool?
  15. Just a gut feeling, but I feel there are less geckos about these days. My memory says that years ago any light on after dark attracted loads of them because there were many insects flying around. Both seem less now.
  16. If you are walking thru a desert even brown water will look appealing. He knows what she is, let him drink.
  17. You like me probably only see the media reporting on the science not the actual science. In the UK many say it's clear poor pensioners are choosing heat or eat. The media report this daily. My mom is the poorest pensioner on the UK and I can say it's definitely not that. Don't trust the matrix.
  18. I think he means loosen their status as a prem league club.
  19. Based on race? Isn't a Cambodian the same race? Would they pay the thai price?
  20. Who paid for your schooling to 18? Health care to 18?
  21. Look at it this way. You lived in western country growing up and was given countless free stuff on the agreement that you stay and spend money in that economy forever after. You didn't and benefitted massively from the deal, as did I. Now you're on the wrong end of deal in Thailand but we're talking a few thousand BAHT a year. Nothing really. Mai bpen rai
  22. Have a guess what single mindedly amassing copious amounts of money usually turns a person into?
  23. I've heard a rumour that in a dictionary, between the words liar and lust, there is this other word called love. Not sure I believe in it myself but others mention it.
  24. And men don't?
  25. Willy's wonker couldn't resist the Thai chocolate factory!
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