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Everything posted by sidjameson

  1. If ever there was a thread to encourage coc fighting this will be it.
  2. Any link to a good stretch routine? I knows there are 2000 on YouTube but you seem a guy that's sorted thru it already.
  3. Is that really true? Any good link to details?
  4. The bloggers brain and industriousness like his genetics is significantly above average. Those equally well equipped won't need this video. Those less fortunate can't change that much to make a success of a professional life in Thailand.
  5. Video, YouTube, TV is in the entertainment business not the fact business. Hence the delivery.
  6. I feel at 16 the boy is on one side and at 15 the girl is on the other side of a very blurry line. My wild guess. The woman knows she can't win the case without the man's supporting evidence that they were firmly pushed. The man agreed to be part of the case as long as he got part of the spoils.
  7. The surge in tourists and the expected surge of Chinese buying bht. That was my uneducated guess.
  8. Am I being overly optimistic to think this arrest happening and being reported is a sign things are improving?
  9. A phylologist in Thailand needs only Thai surely.
  10. I bet a higher percentage of Thai's can speak English than the western foreigners living in Thailand can speak Thai.
  11. I just wish I knew when I would die so I could budget accordingly
  12. Are you talking about Thai law or your home country law?
  13. <deleted>! Would you recommend a Thai to buy a house in England in someone elses name? Not everything is bloody racism.
  14. Have restaurants, bars and coffee shops raised their price?
  15. If having kids is more fun than a good movie why do people need to pay for a baby sitter? Cinemas don't need to pay people to watch their movie.
  16. Fully expect inflation to make me 10% poorer. But my needs seem to be reducing too. ????
  17. Why would anyone married and can afford a good life in the USA move to Thailand? America is the most blessed continent on the planet that is still not over populated and not completely environmentally plundered.
  18. It's not a matter of best country. Working? Probably west. Retired? Probably Thailand. Single? Thailand. Female? West. And so on.
  19. Where in the article does it show the man treated like an animal Bob?
  20. Bangkok is just about one of the great capital cities of the world at a 50% off sale price. Chiang mai is a typical second city with a small city cost of living. Pattaya is a typical small city by the sea at a very cheap price with the bonus of cheap women. They all have the magic of Thailand as well as it's frustrations.
  21. I believe that the beer was actually something like 0.5,% in those days. Hardly the same thing at all.
  22. I was on a local bus that was held up by a thug. I was also pickpocketed by kids. I also had to give a crazy guy small money to avoid nastiness. None of these things happened to me elsewhere
  23. Nice post. Just curious, presuming your not a George Clooney type what age do you think the game is over for the attractive mid/late 30s type? Free I mean.
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