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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Never heard of it what is Craft beer is it made by the people who make the cheese

    Perhaps bottled real ale might better describe it for the Brits among us. biggrin.png

    Oh ok that sounds more like it :)

    Gonna be expensive I would of thought all those imported beers are way out there on the price, at number 1 some are 300 baht that like $11 for half pint good job I LIKE Chang

  2. Yes, inconsiderate <deleted> are everywhere but we seem to have more of them on the Roads of Chiang Mai than in most other places. These idiots (locals and FARANG) tend to not wear a helmet, don't have indicators and have no respect for anyone including themselves. Prior to "winning an MDL in a lottery" which is, I'm sure how most Motorbike riders get them, they should be FORCED to visit the Orthopedic Ward at the Hospital and then go for a quick look at some Road Trauma victims in the Mortuary. Probably will not do any good for the Major Idiots ( who will become TERMINAL Cases in due course) but perhaps it might make the more reasonable, would-be M/C riders, use greater care and show some consideration for other road users.

    Hmmm the mod just said its getting a bit too aggressive and insulting and you come back with a post that is just going to start it all over again

    I tell you what I will ignore your insults just because the mod is having a hard day maybe he will delete your post because it pretty insulting from a online warrior hiding behind his computer clap2.gif

    • Like 1
  3. You don't have it so bad. I live across the street from a biker bar. It's amazing what humans can get used to. I still wake up momentarily each time one passes, but fall right back to sleep. I think having the right attitude might help. I will eventually move, but expect some other bothersome thing will take the vroom, vroom's place. I came to Thailand to relax and no motorcycle can stop that.

    YEP like Cockerels, Soi Dogs, loud Neibours etc etc if it is not bikers they are complaining about it will be something else Sado's

  4. Little bit of sugar in the petrol tank used to cure this problem around my way a few years back....or a potato up the exhaust pipe.

    Value grinding paste is much better, take the lid off, drop it in the fuel tank, if they don't discovery it, it will keep wearing their motors out, until the paste is used up.

    And if you were caught doing this you, would be eating from a straw for a very long time


    PP is good for a visit but to live there would be a stretch for me I will say the visa process is easy and you can work there without any issue you just get a business visa on entry $25 I think it was then you go to any travel agent and pay $250 for the year for a multiple entry work visa, lots of bar restaurant foreign owners etc. Prices about the same as CM. traffic insane.

    CM is way ahead of PP in every way except the visa situation

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  6. We use E20 in our Car but we fill up at the PTT gas station on the Hang Dong Road opposite the Hang Dong Post Office I always used Premium in my Chopper but just met a guy who has been running it in his Vulcan 900 since he bought it and its running fine too.

  7. "During the inquest, experts testified that the victim died of a wound from a high velocity bullet like those used by security forces and there was no evidence of any other group in the area," according to a criminal court judge.

    He was shot on May 19 2010 near Lumpini Park. Where there was footage caught by BBC of gunmen shooting at soldiers, and where reporters and soldiers were injured by grenades thrown by "protesters".

    What evidence do they need to show that another group was in the area?

    JESUS GIVE IT UP ALREADY a court of law has made its verdict and has said the bullet came from the Government, END OF

    Not that we did not know already and this is now multiple court judgments which clearly now shows the government was shooting innocent people.

    You guys just dont give up with your anti red shirt and anti thaksin retoric


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  8. When you shove it down peoples throat like in rallies like that, then you have to expect people to react.

    Personally each to their own, but when it comes to trying to force people to accept a lifestyle that to them is unatural and disgusting and against their own

    beliefs then you are going to get conflict.

    Just because someone does not agree with a Gay lifestyle does not make them a bigot etc they have that right, just as you do to be Gay.

  9. With regards to her hitting the floor and throwing tantrums you have to understand this is built into Thais and they are taught that that is the way to act, you only have to watch a few thai soap operas to see the ridiculous tantrums and its pretty much the whole show, with women screaming and fighting violence etc.

    They cannot handle their emotions period.

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  10. Simply said TB can be closed or open. Closed is not contagious, open is.

    Did you consider she has a post-natal depression or such as a result of her pregnancy?

    There is no excuse for pulling a knife on herself or anyone else that is just inexcusable.

    My wife did that when I first met her and I made it very clear that behaviour is not acceptable, and if it ever happened again I would be gone and she would never see me again that was 7 years ago and she has never done it again.

    As for your situation mate, I am sorry ,I have heard too many stories of fathers losing their kids to kidnap by their Thai wives and I would NEVER NEVER NEVER let that child out of your site, in fact I would make sure the passports are locked away and under no circumstances let her take the kid.

    She has made it clear to you already, you stay and work, and send money to her and your child while she lives in Thailand alone with your child sorry if she loves you and the child she will make an effort to adapt and stay with you and if she cannot send her on her way, ALONE.

    SORRY but I smell a rat, YOU are in full control right now with normal sane courts that can make reasonable decisions, once you get here its a different kettle of fish, and your just a farang and have NO RIGHTS when compared to a thai (ok maybe you have a few).

    HOLD ONTO YOUR KID AND NEVER LET THEM GO, they will have a better life in Europe than being dumped in the village with the inlaws while your wife goes off to work.


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  11. Up to maximum of $10,000 dollars anything over that you will need to declare it on the customs form you will be provided prior to entry.

    Also to be clear it can be in cash, bonds, checks. etc but it all must come to less that $10,000 you cannot take 10K in cash and then another 10K in a check that would be considered 20K


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