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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Rene123

    I think you have lost it a little biggrin.png you think that because you spent a few months here you know it all LOL its not called gifts whistling.gif its called FRAUD in any western country and the girl would be doing many years in jail for her actions

    At least in the west is disguised as legal fraud LOL

  2. The topic seems to be less about pawnshops and more about falang stupidity.

    Good I am not the only one noticing.

    I get bored by these topics, basically its always like this sexy girl with guy who normally would not be able to have girl like that for whatever reasons looks / manners / age / stupidity / ect ect and girl takes adavantage of it and guy is supprised.

    If you use money to impress a girl then people should not be suprised that the girl went after the money and not the guy.

    come on robblok your the king of these topics

    Used to be.. they bore me now.. its always the same.. those using money to get the girls deny its about money and all about them untill it explodes up their face.

    Those who don't use money can't reason with those who do as it is like saying I don't have any good traits / social skills / looks so I use money. Who will admit to that.. nobody. So it always ends in a fight where nobody is ever convinced.

    Not for me anymore. I keep to giving advice in the I'm too fat forum, at least sometimes someone there get convinced.

    Never took you for being a fatty

  3. The topic seems to be less about pawnshops and more about falang stupidity.

    Good I am not the only one noticing.

    I get bored by these topics, basically its always like this sexy girl with guy who normally would not be able to have girl like that for whatever reasons looks / manners / age / stupidity / ect ect and girl takes adavantage of it and guy is supprised.

    If you use money to impress a girl then people should not be suprised that the girl went after the money and not the guy.

    Its fine for the girl to go for the money as long as its short time.

    We draw the line at buying cars for hoes

  4. Looking to buy a bench some dumbells 25,35, 55 only maybe a Bar with loose weights

    Anybody have first hand experience where is best to buy them ?? anyone know possible where California WOWs went or if anybody has any of this stuff for sale. Planning on going drviing around looking but would like to look for best places to shop where prices are reasonable.


  5. Though definitely not the "lesbian capital", I think the OP is somewhat correct. Visiting gays (M and F) are more visible in CM than some years ago (I am talking about foreign -- mostly farang) and I have been told that CM is defintely on the gay map for travel in Asia. Not surprising really. Although I dont know the nightlife scene much anymore I cant think of any particular upscale "gay" nightlife area. Maybe near Nimman/CMU I guess. I am not talking about a Loi Kroh equivalent but upscale. I am not gay but some of the best night club experiences I have ever had have been in mostly gay clubs. Outstanding music, classy, well-dressed and interesting people. In the US my ex-wife and I really enjoyed going to upscale gay nightclubs in Boston and New Orleans. I dont think there is anything like that here though and, alas, I probably couldnt afford it now anyway.

    Thats cos your Gay

    I dont know ANY STRAIGHT guys that would go to a Gay club for a night out blink.png

    you say your ex wife, so does that mean you have come out the closet now biggrin.png

    I guess you are a stranger to the concept of Straight But Not Narrow!

    Just saying I know of NO STRAIGHT guys that would be open to me or any other one of our mates saying

    HEY GUYS, for a change Lets go to a Gay Club tonight

    Not being narrow just would not happen with straight guys

    Now a Coyote Lesbian Club I am sure I could get the boys to go there biggrin.png just so were not totally closed to Gay clubs and to keep the thread on topic smile.png

    I used to sail with a bunch of Geordie welders. You can't really get much more straight than that. They regularly took their wives to the gay clubs in Newcastle. What do you think actually happens in a gay club? People drink and dance and just have fun just like they do in a straight club. You really ought to get out more.

    LOL, nahhh you and all your straight mates thumbsup.gif can keep it, I would not go there even with my missus and a bunch of mates with their wives, I really think its totally weird maybe it is me, but I would imagine there is loads of flamboyant gays being openly gay, dancing having a good time and kissing each other, etc just like it would be in a straight club but with couples.

    sorry, I dont wanna go anywhere where I have to be subjected to seeing men tonguing each other and pay for drinks for the privelage of it.

    I will stick to being narrow which is obviously the case biggrin.png and I am ok with that.

  6. Though definitely not the "lesbian capital", I think the OP is somewhat correct. Visiting gays (M and F) are more visible in CM than some years ago (I am talking about foreign -- mostly farang) and I have been told that CM is defintely on the gay map for travel in Asia. Not surprising really. Although I dont know the nightlife scene much anymore I cant think of any particular upscale "gay" nightlife area. Maybe near Nimman/CMU I guess. I am not talking about a Loi Kroh equivalent but upscale. I am not gay but some of the best night club experiences I have ever had have been in mostly gay clubs. Outstanding music, classy, well-dressed and interesting people. In the US my ex-wife and I really enjoyed going to upscale gay nightclubs in Boston and New Orleans. I dont think there is anything like that here though and, alas, I probably couldnt afford it now anyway.

    Thats cos your Gay

    I dont know ANY STRAIGHT guys that would go to a Gay club for a night out blink.png

    you say your ex wife, so does that mean you have come out the closet now biggrin.png

    I guess you are a stranger to the concept of Straight But Not Narrow!

    Just saying I know of NO STRAIGHT guys that would be open to me or any other one of our mates saying

    HEY GUYS, for a change Lets go to a Gay Club tonight

    Not being narrow just would not happen with straight guys

    Now a Coyote Lesbian Club I am sure I could get the boys to go there biggrin.png just so were not totally closed to Gay clubs and to keep the thread on topic smile.png

  7. Though definitely not the "lesbian capital", I think the OP is somewhat correct. Visiting gays (M and F) are more visible in CM than some years ago (I am talking about foreign -- mostly farang) and I have been told that CM is defintely on the gay map for travel in Asia. Not surprising really. Although I dont know the nightlife scene much anymore I cant think of any particular upscale "gay" nightlife area. Maybe near Nimman/CMU I guess. I am not talking about a Loi Kroh equivalent but upscale. I am not gay but some of the best night club experiences I have ever had have been in mostly gay clubs. Outstanding music, classy, well-dressed and interesting people. In the US my ex-wife and I really enjoyed going to upscale gay nightclubs in Boston and New Orleans. I dont think there is anything like that here though and, alas, I probably couldnt afford it now anyway.

    Thats cos your Gay

    I dont know ANY STRAIGHT guys that would go to a Gay club for a night out blink.png

    you say your ex wife, so does that mean you have come out the closet now biggrin.png

  8. Not poisionous because some are just vapor ONLY you can either use a nicotine based solution to smoke gradually reducing the amount of nicotine and eventually you just smoker water vapor or flavored smoke such as Banana Strawberry etc, just tried it when I was in Indonesia and I quite liked it and I am not a smoker but for smokers I think its a great way to cut down on smoking eventually cutting nicotine out altogether but still being able to smoke but nothing but vapor.


  9. Quite normal, also money. the more you give, the more "appreciation" you give the bride and parents.

    Just those things you have to do... unless your bride and her parents have a different mind set you may not have to do it.

    But also, not giving money or gold, will "look bad" for her parents in their town. so, if you trully believe she is honest and worth it, then you just do it.

    Your smoking too much stuff mate rolleyes.gif its a complete scam that is all it is nothing more. I know of NONE of my friends have ever had to give gold for an engagement, I have seen it a weddings for show but we are talking about just getting engaged For F%^KS Sake if its 5 baht for engangment how much do you think you will be asked for for the wedding.


  10. If the man is up to 10 years older than the girl, it`s a 50 year prison sentence and a 500000 baht fine.

    Over 10 years older, it`s the death penalty. I know this is true, a man told me in a bar.

    I wonder why all these guys come on here with concerns about their and their mates love lives? I also have emotion, sexual and financial problems. Does anyone really care? Does anyone really want to hear about it?

    NO especially your sexual problems biggrin.png but if you feel like posting them make sure you open your own thread.

  11. The OP wrote that white rice has no nutritional value. How can that be true? It provide calories needed by your body. Healthy eating is not about the food - but the portions that you take. But it seems the OP would rather have a Big Mac with a Big Gulp.

    Before Starbucks, Big Macs, Pizzas and other western food were introduced in Thailand, obesity rates among Thais were low. Twenty years ago, I estimated there were two to three kids out of a hundred that was overweight. Today, that figure is around 30 out of a hundred (just my estimate by the way).

    The kind of food available to kids have changed. Before it was Papaya pokpok and Larb. Now its deep fried processed S!@#$T dipped in batter, crepe, fries and other western-influenced snacks. Kids just love it! They they leave school and hit the video games shop. Hmmmmm....

    Here's a little graphic showing how Thai people are getting fatter than most of their neighbors.

    attachicon.gifOverweight S E Asians.jpg

    Looks like we need to move to vietnam

  12. Steve I like the idea of Pebble tec however is the cost comparable to using tiles for example I am having a pool built and was planning on using tile and that is what I have been quoted from the guys building it for me, I dont know what the cost of the tile because its included in the quote in the contract whichi includes another construction job so if I were to have him switch to pebble tec instead of tiles would the cost be prohibitive to make the switch.

  13. Abused, is a matter of opinion mainly by people who dont know what they are talking about smile.png

    Kinda depends if you see young uniformed guys doing mass doses of it without even thinking of risks and pct id call it abuse. However if you have researched it and accepted the risk ect ect id say your own choice.

    That is fair comment, and spot on.

  14. more serious... everybody talking about "trend" when a currency goes up for 10 days in a row is plain... unfit for currency trading...

    Not a Forex trader or married. Just looking for a decent exchange rate and interested in any intelligent input..

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif Intelligent input ?? on Thai Visa cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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