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Everything posted by Dante99

  1. Since it makes such good pressure I thought it would be nice to know. Not a big deal.
  2. Pressure quite good in Mae Rim but that is far from the city.
  3. Why do you talk to them about something that has absolutely nothing to do with their job or what you are doing with them there? They do not make rules or policy.
  4. Sorry, I do not think the main roof was what I was referring to based on the photos. I think I have been clear but it seams you do not get what I am trying to say so I think my effort to assist has reached an end.
  5. The ones in that photo appear okay. It was the other photo I was referring to. I do not think it will be as easy as have a roofer come over and rotate the tiles 90 degrees because the underlying framing the tiles attach to would not be in the correct positions. Those are the photos I was referring to. Can you see the difference in the tile orientation in the photos? Is that section of roof something that was added on after the house was originally built?
  6. Those two photos appear to show the tiles laid incorrectly, they need to be rotated 90 degrees to the rain water will flow down the roof from top to bottom. The way those tiles are laid, the water flow is horizontal which does not work. I'd replace all those tiles. The photo of the other part of the roof appears to show the tiles in the correct orientation. Loose fitting tiles need to be re-attached securely. Broken or badly cracked tiles need to be replaced. Those with small cracks can be repaired with silicone. I have done it with good results. Sealing the whole roof is probably not necessary.
  7. Dante99


    It is posted in the Chiang Mai forum. That is sufficient to confirm that they want information about Chiang Mai.
  8. Dante99


    What? Chiang Mai is not sufficient?
  9. Yeh I always carry a bottle of spicy so I can add it as needed.
  10. She might be able to get a lawyer to represent her in court at the specified time.
  11. Yep, nobody forces you to buy anything and you have to be more than a bit daft to feel cut off from the world and in a maze, exits are easy to find and use. I go once every month or so and make a purchase at one or two shops but sometimes just a 15 minute walk thru.
  12. Where are you? Are you saying that now they pick up the trash every 2 or 3 days? In the past they picked it up every day? Other people's bags getting opened or just yours?
  13. When did you keep yours? Have things changed since then?
  14. Yes there is. That may not be necessary, it could be something as simple as overwatering or under watering or ....
  15. the tree is sick and dies unless you give it appropriate medical care did you transplant it? are you sure it is lemon not lime?
  16. They may come 24/7 but the preferred time for people like you is 3am. The IOs go out drinking then make the rounds in the early am which is the most likely time to find people at home plus they are drunk enough to have some fun at it.
  17. Temporarily delayed topic, Mike fell in.
  18. Which embassies? Certainly not all.
  19. I am sure your polite comment was appreciated.
  20. Your new extension will end on the date your passport expires. No need for one year remaining passport validity.
  21. Underground drains that are not well sealed pipe often get clogged with roots of garden plants. Difficult to remove.
  22. What kind of repair is needed? What part needs to be repaired?
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