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Everything posted by ExpatOilWorker

  1. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/04/09/from-discord-to-4chan-the-improbable-journey-of-a-us-defence-leak/
  2. That is an eye-popping revenue stream for one YouTube channel.
  3. Only 6 people follow Beijing? Xi is irrelevant.
  4. Just like pollution, the news is spreading. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/4/12/how-chiang-mai-became-the-worlds-most-polluted-city
  5. It is over the lifetime of the vehicle, which might make the EV cars look a bit better, since gasoline cars stay 20 years on the road while EV cars only last 10-12 years. A true fair comparison would be fires per billion km driven, but I have been unable to find such statistics. The insurance premium is a red flag and indicating something is wrong. I don't think we have enough EV on the road yet in Thailand to see significant number of fires.
  6. Good idea, they could even have intercepted her bag before she got it, replace the drugs with flour and inserted a small tracker. Would have been easy and simply to follow her to her final destination.
  7. That is one way of doing it. Some inspection shops offer a one stop service. You give them the blue book and they arrange the mandatory liability insurance and get the sticker at the nearest DMV office.
  8. Unfortunately you won't. The license plate has been canceled, so the inspection place, which also do the tax sticker, can't find it in the system and will turn you away. There is no way around it. Only the owner, as per the blue book can register the car again and have a new license plate issued. A friend of mine also had a Covid car in Thailand.
  9. It will eventually burn out, until next year.
  10. Yes, that is over an about 20 years lifetime of the car. There are 175,000 car fires in the US out of 280 million registered vehicles or about 0.0625%. I think a big difference here is the way cars burn. Most petrol cars catch fire after an impact accident. You can take good care of your EV, wax it every month, drive it like your grandmother would and as a thanks, it will spontaneous combust in the middle of the night.
  11. Overall, EVs are about 0.3 percent likely to ignite, versus a 1.05 percent likelihood for gas cars, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and the National Transportation Safety Board compiled by Auto Insurance EZ last year. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/02/02/science/electric-vehicle-fires-are-rare-when-they-occur-they-can-be-nightmare/#:~:text=Overall%2C EVs are about 0.3,Auto Insurance EZ last year.
  12. The BYD Atto 3 insurance is TWICE the price of a Toyota Cross insurance. Considering that the Cross statistically will do more km on the road, that is a remarkable difference. The OP might have a valid point and as more charging stations are opened all over Thailand we might see some flaming videos coming out. Are charging stations in condo buildings really safe?
  13. Is there a insurance premium on BYD, Good Cat and other small EV cars in Thailand? Insurance companies would have done their homework on the statistical probably of EV fires.
  14. Why? You have any health ???? problems?
  15. Pip, are you still using the app? I thought everyone was moving to the web based reporting site.
  16. Interesting, it is no longer a requirement to show the bank book when collecting the visa after the under consideration period. At least not at CW.
  17. Time for a little Nakhon-nowhere accident: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goiânia_accident
  18. CPI came in at the low end, so the stage is set for a pass on interest rates when the Fed meets next week. Let's see what the ECB will do in a few hours. Flat or at most 0.25%.
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