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Everything posted by ExpatOilWorker

  1. I thought Greta Thunberg is hard-core, but cannibalism is a bit extreme for the green!! Long live the rooster. Rouster (ˈraʊstə) noun. Australian and US. an unskilled labourer on an oil rig.
  2. Probably this one then. https://shopee.co.th/product/2044622/1208587075?smtt=0.502731991-1634561899.9
  3. One of my relatives just turned 100 years old a few days ago, I think I am doomed to be around for awhile. Ask me again in 40 years time.
  4. Most likely from China and can give you "Pine Mouth". https://www.britbuyer.co.uk/chinese-vs-italian-pine-nuts/ “Pine Mouth” is a condition that occurs a few days after eating a specific type of Chinese pine nut. This is suspected to be the Pinus armandii species from the Chinese white pine. It is not known if the condition is caused by the pine nut itself or the chemicals used in the extraction process. Within about 48 hours of eating these pine nuts, you get a long-lasting foul bitter taste in your mouth for several days or weeks. It affects everything you eat and drink. In 2013, the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology published findings of their tests on pine nuts following complaints in the USA about ‘Pine Mouth Syndrome’. They found “no clear evidence of an underlying medical cause or common trigger” other than the correlation with the consumption of the ChinesePinus armandii species.
  5. 1,400 baht for a 1,500 g 19"x29" goose feather pillow looks interesting. https://shopee.co.th/product/391433879/6479984644?smtt=0.502731991-1634538654.9
  6. This one at 299? https://www.bigc.co.th/besico-memory-foam-pillow-with-cool-case.html
  7. Nope. As an only child, she was raised by her Thai mother and Swiss stepfather.[14] Lisa's mother is named Chitthip Brüschweiler. Her stepfather is Marco Brüschweiler, a renowned chef, currently active in Thailand.
  8. Although China is big, it isn't that big and they clearly have over-build. Government figures show that about 1.6 million acres of residential floor space were under construction at the end of last year. This was roughly equivalent to 21,000 towers with the floor area of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest building in the world. https://businesshala.com/beyond-evergrande-chinas-property-market-faces-a-5-trillion-reckoning/
  9. Correct, China isn't even issuing passports to its own citizens anymore. 'No Ordinary Passports to be Issued': China Restricts Overseas Travel to Curb Fresh Covid Outbreak https://www.news18.com/news/world/no-ordinary-passports-to-be-issued-china-restricts-overseas-travel-to-curb-fresh-covid-outbreak-4044824.html
  10. Have China expanded the 9 dash line to include Brazil???? https://factcheck.afp.com/no-photo-does-not-show-crowded-beach-china
  11. Fantasia, Modern Land and Sinic Holdings are now joining Evergrande in the Chinese real-estate melt down.
  12. Although I like it, let's leave a screenshot and come back in a few years and check it out.
  13. That is all good and true, but Covid-19 death is also on the uptick in Singapore. Not looking to good at all.
  14. In 3-5 years it could be shown time. Taiwan should pick up the phone and purchase a few nukes from Kim in North Korea, that will keep Xi in check. “For our military the current situation is really the grimmest in the more than 40 years since I joined the service," Mr. Chiu said in a speech to Taiwan’s legislature on Wednesday. China Would Be Able to Launch Attack on Taiwan by 2025, Island’s Defense Minister Warns https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-would-be-able-to-launch-attack-on-taiwan-by-2025-islands-defense-minister-warns-11633525206
  15. Is the originator of the Wuflu, China, also on the red list?
  16. Fantasia? 2 billion? What currency? https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/05/china-property-default-risk-for-fantasia-sinic-amid-evergrande-crisis.html
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