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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. The headline clearly says "overseas income"...
  2. Things has changed in the last few years, so the 37 or 38 of your previous years don't count here. Unfortunately Thailand needs more tax income – just read the news – foreigners might be a source for income tax. They started with a couple of countries – Denmark and Finland – which are easy to exchange tax-information with, as stated in DTAs, and clear agreements of taxable income.
  3. Yes, I was also surprised. The reason was to show it to me was that they had a lot of people to visit, not only me. Another country fellowman posted that he had also been shown the list and even counted the number of names; the were more resident folks from our mutual home country living in the area than we expected.
  4. It happened also other places in Thailand. They check by country due to different DTAs.
  5. Yes, as answer to your first question. When I shipped my goods from Europe (not UK), my shipping agent advised to to ship a whole container – in myh case only 20-feet – instead of parcels, as it would be both safer and cheaper. He said, I should ship c.i.f. Bangkok and get a local agent to do the custom clearence and thereafter move the container to it's final destination. Furthermore, take a "total loss" insurance, but not partial damage, as that would be both expensive and difficult to claim compensation for any damage. A detailed packing list with values is a must. Check the Thai customs homepage for presently required details and what is not allowed as household. I had a successful shipping and low custom clearance and final delivery costs...👍 However, recently a fellow countryman used a door-to.door shipping with one of the major companies, and it was also reasonable priced and worked well. Things might have changed with custom clearence, so you don't anymore need a local agent that know the custom officers and if they need some little extra money for their afternoon-tea...😉
  6. Indeed foreigners discuss TIN and income tax in other forums than AN and in other languages than English, I know of both German and Danish. And by the way, tax officers also visits foreigners in person to check that they pay their income tax, either at home or here in Thailand. I've had a visit, and so have the more than 20 other country fellows where I live; the tax officer showed me the list with expat-names to visit. I luckily had my stuff in perfect order, they said, but they were shocked over how much tax I pay at home. So, now you are warned, if you stay in the Kingdom for more than 180 days within a tax-year, because then you might have an unannounced tax-visit...
  7. And I take you don't read the AN-news, which states that foreigners need to file a tax return...😉
  8. Not just for an hour or two; it's better to hire one, or preferably two young live-in maids, if you can afford both girlfriend/spouse and maids...👍😎
  9. Yes, indeed I did – and I'm happy for my research – so, I had set a limit for how much money my first gold digger-date could drag out from my savings, before I finished her and found a less gold digging and longer lasting girlfirend...
  10. The local custom office will issue you a TIN; often same office that do vat-registration. You need your passport and photocopies of name page; entry stamp; visa page and eventual present extension of stay-stamp. Now, when foreigner's need to file a tax return, they will probably not ask any questions; before, at some places they would ask why you need a TIN and wish proof of taxable income.
  11. That's what happens, if you so much want mass tourism and don't have the infrastructure in order first...
  12. I'm getting (too) old, because I don't see what's fun in doing that, I even sometime see youngsters doing it in a night club...😟
  13. If you own the condo in your name, you should be "host" and the person that can allow others to be registered in the house book, including yourself, who as foreigner will be listed in a separte yellow house book for aliens. You shall contact the local tessa ban-office and ask if your name is registered as host, and what they require of documentation for register you in a house book. The requirement are slightly different from province to province, but you normally need a certified translation of your passport's name page and two witnesses.
  14. No, it's the bank book-update shall shall be same day; statement and letter are valid for 7 days, same with health check
  15. Sad – very sad – but sounds initially as yet another a "forgot the travel insurance"-matter.
  16. Seems like he deserves at least some of it...
  17. Shows that there were after all not that many wealthy people favouring to stay in Thailand...
  18. You don't need a gym, just walking is fine...👍 These 3 things seems like the most important to my experience... Science states that dance – i.e., music and memorized movement co-ordinated with the music – is on of the best thing for elder folks to keep both body and mind in good condition. However, any activity you enjoy is great – my experience comes from my father that played tennis for 92 years until he was 104 years old – I'm still wat too young to count on, only time will show if my way of exercise works...😀
  19. Yes, they seems to check the TM30-system while you are waiting for approval, after having supplied the paperwork. The check downstairs can only see that you have a copy of a TM30 registration, but not that it's still valid.
  20. Mine was not in 2023, I had to go home a file a new TM30 – I'm "host" of my own house, so I can do it online – and come back, and start all over again. The long time extension-lady specificed said that Samui Immigration don't accept a TM30 if you have been registered for stay outside the province or has left the Thailand. I had a print of the police order to show here, but she didn't care; of course their rules are the rules, it's actually up to an immigration officer to approve entry and stay, but they will normally consult a superior officer.
  21. I read in the Bangkok Post-news 22nd October last year that the number to 73 per day at the end of the year: "As the public hearing has been done, Samui Airport is ready to increase operations to 73 daily flights by the end of this year." Sourcelink: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/general/2888418/samui-tourism-banking-on-tv-show
  22. You need to ask the Immigration Office, to get an answer of that. Surat Thani-immigration can, just like other immigration offices, make their own rules, like the need of medical statement (I wonder what happens if I don't pass my check as "healthy"...). And by the way, now you need to go there three times: 1) To make an appointment and get the documents; 2) To have the documents checked and wait upstairs for a number; 3) Which number you shall use about a week later to be handed over your passport. Last time I did my extension (October 2024) they took my photo with a smartphone when my paperwork was accepted, instead of when I collected my passport with the extension-stamp. In a way, it's a benefit to get an appointment, rather than coming early in the morning, get a number way down in the queue-line and wait for hours upstairs, not knowing if the numbers before you are finished quickly, or takes long time because something is not in the expected perfect order. For example, if you have been outside the province, you need a new TM30-registration, which the lady downstair cannot see, when you have a copy of an older one. Samui Immigration don't follow the police order earlier mention in AN-news, but checks the TM30-status while you are waiting for your passport-pickup-number. Apart from all that, I totally agree in that the authorities are making it too difficult – more and more each year – for expats to extend stay in the country. At same time they wish more people to stay here and spend money. Retirees are actually good business, as they in average spend at least 65k baht a month – some less, and some much more – and furthermore many hold quite a nice sum in bank deposits. A news-story a few years ago stated that here are at least 80,000 retirees. If half of them keep 800k baht in the bank it's 32 billion baht in deposits, and the double of that amount in their spendings.
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