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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. It has sadly been the same in many countries - or still is - not that special in Thailand only; but good that eyes are opening to view the problems.
  2. The band Joker Parade is not back - or they play somewhere I don't know, or haven't been to - and Palms is still closed. Chica Loca Bar in soi Sound is open, they used to have reggae bands, sometimes a rock band, but I didn't see any band when I passed. If you wish live music either Old School Bar by the Lake, or Ma-Ha-Te in the road into Chaweng leading to the Central-roundabout, they both have live music and young Thai girls; the latter might not come there to meet farangs, but you never know...????
  3. No Covid-data found for the 16th and 17th April.
  4. Koh Tao is releasing figurs, but not quoted by the source Kohmui.com. The other of my two Thai sources that had been quoting Koh Tao numbers, has not shared any Covid-data for a while. You might be able to search the figurs in Thai language on Google, if you find a site, please share it.
  5. 14th April 2022 No data. 15th April 2022 Samui, +197 new cases Phangan, +27 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  6. You pay for the location where you sit...???? A great mixed fruit shake can be 30 baht by a street vendor, a not as good mixed fruit shake easily costs 300 baht in a 5- or 6-star resort's beachfront café (I talk from multiple experience)... The 4 Seasons-resort, in the area where I live, charge 1,200 baht for a cheeseburger in the coffee-shop - I presume that include french fries - you can have a number of excellent cheese burgers in other places for that kind of money...????
  7. So in reply to @PoorSucker and other interested in the subject, the security guard at Black Bamboo's entrance told me last night that closing time is 3 am, so I would have enough time to enjoy a drink there instead of leaving early at 2:15 am, it seems to be the same closing time for all venues in that area...???? Perhaps more interesting - for some - the for long time closed O'Neil's Bar at the corner of soi Green Mango and soi Sound on the intersection with soi Black - as it appears in the background in my photo from earlier post's photo... - just looks like a closed bar with the roller shutters down. Only last night I wondered, as I remember that O'Niels have no roller shutters, there used to be huge strong steel chains around all loose equipment like bar stools. Then I realized that O'Neil's had gone and a new dark steel construction - quite similar to how Black Club were build - was erected during the lock down. The corner has been quite dark since O'Neil's closed, but now I noticed that there is a closed door on the corner with a text above it saying... Cubanos Samui Ultra Premium Club Urban-Latino Music Perhaps we are soon having a new music and dance venue for ultra premium tango-dancers - I better begin to take dance lessons... - yes it is a quite popular trend to dance tango...????????
  8. I agree with @Tropicalevo, I know people on Phangan rolling their own so-called "Bob Marley-cigarettes", so some kind of rolling tobacco might be available over there to mix with the local, more funny stuff. Have you tried to ask for it - i.e. rolling tobacco - in the shops..? ????
  9. Other from Scandinavia have had problems when checking in visa exempt without a return ticket within the permitted 30-day stay, or a ticket to onward journey out of Thailand. You friend might, or might not, have a problem, even that he can extend his permission to stay when inside the kingdom. If me, I wouldn't take the risk. Solution: Either buy/use a return ticket where the return-date can be changed; or buy a low-fare ticket out of Thailand to show as proof for onward journey.
  10. I wish I also was...????
  11. 13th April 2022 Samui, +237 new cases Phangan, +25 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  12. A difficult transition from being taking care of by the younger family - where numerous children were the retirement savings - to save up enough money for a retirement. The 3.1 million baht for 30 years spending, seems to be based on a minimum salary, i.e. 3,100,000/30/12 = 8,611 baht per month - but saving up 3.1 million baht is hard, if not impossible for many.
  13. It seems like we begin to have a lot of healthy choices in Thailand; both plant based, more natural Covid-vaccine; and now also this great option...????
  14. 12th April 2022 Samui, +268 new cases Phangan, +39 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  15. 11th April 2022 Samui, +136 new cases Phangan, +32 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  16. Relative late,;I left 1:30 am when party was still in full action with all re-opened venues in the Green Mango area open, however the beach pubs announced closing time as 12-Midnight...????
  17. Google seems to give a lot of offers for renting boats, link HERE...????
  18. 8th April 2022 Data is missing. 9th April 2022 Samui, +268 new cases Phangan, +39 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com 10th April 2022 Samui, +193 new cases Phangan, +37 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  19. Chaweng's nightlife the night 9th to 10th April... I specifically waited till the night after the re-opening of Green Mango Club to get an impression of how the nightlife is, when it's a bit more "normal" – and it is pretty much back to normal, but still different, with the same clubs, the same DJ's, the same (old) music, and the same (little older the two years ago) local ladies, plus a huge amount of both expats or regulars, and younger tourists. Henry Africa and Dream Girls – yes, you need to dream a little longer about these girls - are still closed, and so are Hard Rock Café and Hooters, but who would travel 5,000 miles or more to amazing Thailand to visit that kind of places, apart from my friend, who wish to visit every Hard Rock Café around the World, but hasn't been here yet...???? Some impressions from my nightlife-walk between 11:30 pm and 1:15 am The intersection between soi Black, soi Green Mango and soi Sound... Soi Sound, where most bars are open and with good space inside (either most of the waitresses have been rented out, or not enough customers for beer bars, or lack og both)... Beach Road seen from soi Sound facing north... Beach Road in front of Ark Bar... Ark Bar on the beach seems to be under re-construction – the hotel is still closed – so only a smaller temporary "Surf Up"-section is open and far from what it used to be, but the fire show is still there... Beach Road by the entrance to soi Green Mango; it seems that all the usual katoys that normally are standing along the land-side of the Beach Road on the stretch between Ark Bar and Green Mango are back in work... Soi Green Mango with still closed Dream Girls and Henry Africa... Entrance to Hip Hop Hush... Hush was as usual quite packed inside... Soi Green Mango views from the named club, Galaxy with the Russian show-girls is still closed, and so has the two small clubs Down Under and Sweet Sould Café been for long time, from before the Covid-pandemic... And also a packed Green Mango Club, where only the front stage is open... Here Green Mango Club viewed from the rear with soi Green Mango in the back... The upper Green Mango Club-dance platform is full of happy tourists... People are still heading for after party in soi Black, or just heading home that way... However, Black Bamboo is packed as usual in the late hours, but all clubs and bars were open late...
  20. No, a tiny Lomprayah catamaran for commute between the island, a Russian oligarch-yacht by Samui looks more like this (it's name is "A")...
  21. To my knowledge Cambodia, Philippines and Vietnam should be excellent alternatives and probably equal expensive to hook up with women for longer term - i.e. same-same, but different...????
  22. You need to open a bank account and deposit the cash there, which need to mature for two month, before you can apply for extension of stay based on retirement. A cashier's bank check needs clearance, foreign checks might take quite long time, depending if it's a foreign bank or a Thai branch of a foreign bank, the cheque is drawn at. I used before to got foreign payments on cheque from the Thai branch of Citi Bank, which cleared in a few days, before that a foreign bank could take a month or more to clear. The 800k baht deposit can be from domestic source, there is no demand that a deposit sahll come from foreign source, this only applies to monthly retirement transfers...????
  23. Lots of international artists are performing in Thailand in both concerts and local venues, for example guest DJs or international jazz festivals. First of all, your friend needs permission to arrange the festivals and the same authorities might be able to advise about work permit, otherwise talk to the local immigration office, where a venue is going to take place. Your friend might also need some professionel set-up to be arranger of music festivals or partner with a Thai arranger, if your firend is not a Thai national. The artist might need to pay artist-tax of their salary.
  24. I haven't seen any postings about daily new Covid-cases since April 5th and April 7th from my two usual Thai-sources, perhaps it's not that interesting to share any more.
  25. It's been a bit quiet lately with predictions that khun Anutin could be the next prime minister...????
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