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Everything posted by Card

  1. So presumably you lied on the questionnaire then?
  2. There are special units that investigate fraud against the NHS, DWP etc. I suggest you Google 'detection of fraud against the nhs' and remember that any neighbour, associate etc who suspects someone is defrauding the NHS might feel it is their duty to report you anonymously and then you are on a list indefinitely.
  3. It only takes 1 clue of fraud for the authorities to then demand access to all relevant data.
  4. Examples for those expats living in Thailand?
  5. Both fraud. No distinction in the courts.
  6. Except there is no everlasting digital trail for those offences
  7. Get yourself several bank credit cards and invest in ISAs before u declare non residency. You won't be able to get them when a non resident but can legally keep them if u have them before u leave.
  8. He wants to inform the HMRC of his future non UK residence. Why should he hide it unless he wants to commit illegal acts? Claiming to be a UK resident for financial gain such as enhanced pension, free NHS treatment etc is illegal fraud and if the UK govt finds out it will chase you until the day you die. That's why. People in UK complain about foreigners going to the UK to get NHS treatment then leaving the country without paying for it. Well that's the same as British citizens who are non residents if they make a trip to the UK and claim they are residents for NHS treatment.
  9. I know exactly how to do it but need advice on the 2 points I mentioned.
  10. Ok. So I forgot it is tether. Any chance of advice on the main issue?
  11. Does anyone know about using a fiat currency,such as USDT, to transfer money between say Thailand and UK instead of through Thai banks or DeeMoney etc? It seems easy but is it: 1. Legal. 2. Efficient in terms of transfer and exchange costs. Please stick to facts and preferably experience, rather than uninformed opinion thx.
  12. Guns and rottweilers are intended to be potentially dangerous and have no major economic value other than that, unlike motor vehicles.
  13. Yeah what about banning the advertisement of alcoholic politicians at election time?
  14. The death penalty should be abolished. It is often based entirely on admissions of guilt, targets the poor, who cannot afford to defend themselves, is usually part of state and religious repression, is an instrument of poor legal frameworks and is irreversible when evidence to the contrary is uncovered. Life without parole is the best option in such murder cases.
  15. It's like saying, it's not guns that kill, it's the owners. Therefore let there be guns.
  16. In any case, the victim is a farang, a Pakistani Muslim probably, so move along please. Nothing to see here.
  17. Just waiting for China's turn after invading Taiwan.
  18. Often took this elevated cycle route for an afternoon's excursion from Lumpini park. Wonderfully clear of traffic and Benjakitti park is marvelous for cyclists
  19. Good idea will check out next week.
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