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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. My golf caddy ended up in Dubai on the same scam about seven years ago. Her passport was confiscated but she had her phone and was able to communicate on Line. She refused to provide the required services, but by all accounts was treated humanely. She and two friends that went with her spent days contacting family trying to raise the funds to buy them out of the supposed contracts. I can't recall the exact amount, I think in the region of 500K Baht each. I recall thinking at the time that as the amount was 10 times more than the cost of airfares and accommodation, that the scam was actually kidnapping for ransom, and not about prostitution. Anyway, they all managed to raise the money from friends and family after about two weeks, and was back on the golf course, telling me she was inquiring about going to Korea.
  2. I extended mu OA at Jomtien last week. They did not give me the reminder notice about the need to return in 3 months to show the bank balance. I can't recall when they first started doing this - maybe five years ago? But I have never once gone back to do it, and never had a problem.
  3. Thai drivers do not park their vehicles. They merely cease driving.
  4. So we can no longer expect to see headlines such as "Hilux runs off road, 4 dead and 22 injured".
  5. Asking for a friend who intends on (for reasons that are inexplicable) acquiring a cat.
  6. I'm not particularly paranoid. But when checking into a hotel I always familiarise myself with the fire notices, and on many (probably most) occasions actually inspect the fire exits. Even if staying in an unfamiliar house, I will count the steps to the 2nd floor. I suspect I acquired this habit from travelling on three ocean liner trips of six weeks each when I was 10 thru 13 years old. They had routine "boat drills" to practice for any emergency. We travelled in the deepest and cheapest decks (deck F was way below the water line), so finding your way to the lifeboats could take 10 minutes of multiple sets of stairs on a good day. Believe me, you did not want to be in the bowels of the ship and not know the quickest way out in an emergency.
  7. Is that a 4.54 litre gallon, or a 3.78 liter gallon ?
  8. In my very humble opinion, this must surely be the most epitomal description of Thai logic ever written. I'm sending it to Webster's for their next update. Well done Sir!!
  9. Photos of Patters road deconstruction could easily be mistaken for Russo-Ukrainian war footage. The massage shop signs would be the only giveaway.
  10. It ain't half hot Mum. I believe the correct title for the aforementioned colonialist oppressed persons that sat on the verandah and pulled the string, what moved the sail suspended from the ceiling above the District Officer's or Commandants desk is in fact, Punka Wallah.
  11. Bars per square kilometre (or kilometer, or mile) ?
  12. I wonder if there were similar debates eons ago when our distant ancestors savagely dragged felines and canines from their clowders and packs, and forced them into domesticity. But more importantly, did the caveman ( or indeed, the cavewoman or non-binary caveperson) have a word for virtue signaling?
  13. During the US prohibition period of the 1920's, one of the permissible reasons for obtaining a permit to legally purchase alcohol was "pregnancy". Back to the future.
  14. Have had type O-A for 12+ years and qualify through maintaining 400/800K bank balance. Current extension expires late August 2022. I was wondering if it's possible for an Agent to get me converted to a type O without me leaving Thailand and re-entering on a tourist or stamp entry visa? Happy to pay whatever it costs - I just can't be bothered with the drama of leaving and re-entering etc.
  15. Obviously the driver had more than his fair share of Denisovan genes.
  16. Methinks a Briggs & Stratton 2HP should suffice. Parts are easily available and the pull-cord start is an obvious advantage.
  17. Too many World (insert your virtue signaling fetish here) Days. June 4th was officially Hug a Cat Day. Couldn't catch the stray moggy that hangs around the condo carpark. Sought out some pussy instead. I'm a civic minded person.
  18. I think she used the two essential components of Thai economic forecasting - a rusty abacus and a somewhat cloudy crystal ball. ????
  19. Who remembers the previous bomb scanner debacle? They were actually golf ball locaters, and cost billions. Deja Vu. Or is it simply Back to the Future - Part II ?
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