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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I wish the Press would stop calling this area South Pattaya and refer to it correctly as Little Mumbai.
  2. It's a world-wide phenomenon that taxi drivers/riders are those least suitable to be drivers. They have no other marketable skillset, and so default to lowest common denominator of taxi driver. In years gone buy they would have normally defaulted to becoming farm labourers, ditch diggers, gas lamp lighters, leech collectors, or army cannon fodder. It's the same with politicians of all flavors. Anybody seeking power is more than likely the least desirable person to be given power. Therein lies the core problem with democracy. We'd all have better governance if our leaders were randomly selected from a phonebook, if phonebooks still existed.
  3. I think Joe was set up. His people allowed this early debate knowing full well how miserable it would turn out for him. The MSM, DNC, and WH have been denying his cognitive decline for 3+ years but they all knew the truth. They knew the jig was up and encouraged this debate to allow time for Joe to be deposed and select another nomination. I don't have any skin in the game. But regardless of the future President's political leanings, for God's sake choose somebody who will stay awake behind the wheel. I'd like to think that if they decide to push that big red button, they were at least moderately cognitive and a little smarter than Homer Simpson.
  4. I don't see how your relation can give them to you. Travellers Checks are signed by the purchaser when issued by the issuing bank, and then must be countersigned in front of the paying bank, with at least one form of identification. No bank would accept a check from a 3rd party rocking up with a check already signed twice.
  5. You don't see many 3 tonne trucks in Thailand. A motorcycle sidecar (Saleng) can carry at least a tonne, and a Hilux or similar can carry 3+ tonnes depending on cubic/weight ratio of the load - and how many additional spring leaves, torsion bars, and diagonal dampers they've retrofitted. Funniest thing I've seen is schoolkids hanging purposely off the back of an overcrowded songtaow to facilitate wheelies on Suk Road. Expediency: the quality of being convenient and practical despite possibly being improper or immoral.
  6. The judge sees himself as the Democrat version of David, and the last hope of killing Goliath. He wants to go down in the history books as the one that dealt the Trump death blow. Wearing his post-modernist neo-Marxist blinkers, he will impose a jail sentence. Let the games begin.
  7. I actually read this. To make myself happy again, I'm going downstairs to slam a bodily appendage in the car door.
  8. Maybe he consumed too much Corona. Should have stuck with San Mig Light.
  9. I have a bridge or two for sale if you're interested. Caveat Emptor.
  10. Another golf ball locator (bomb sniffer) scandal in the making.
  11. Similar to a McD's Big Mac, their pineapple pastries stay fresh for circa 3 years (and counting).
  12. The chances of finding e-coli bacteria in every food sample in every market or roadside food stall in Thailand is about 100%. Restaurants (a building with at least two walls) are not much better. Imodium is your friend.
  13. It was a sad attempt at car surfing. I blame the Sangsom or Blend 285 manufacturers.
  14. Back in the day (2010's), it was standard practice for business owners or the taxi stand mafia to subject your scooter tyre to instant deflation if you parked in "their" territory. I was a slow learner - after 3 flat tyres in a two week period, I figured it out. Somewhat more subtle than giving a kicking to the offender.
  15. It will be interesting to see the ages and co-morbidities of those who unfortunately died of (with) influenza. I won't hold my breath.
  16. Here's my advice. Enter into a relationship only when you have a truly in-depth understanding of TIT, and would be able to write a book about it. Otherwise, enjoy the ride.
  17. Russia has already won. Ukraine is destroyed and poses no future threat as a potential NATO or EU member. That was Putin's primary objective. Any future settlement will cede territories already gained to Russia. And the unexpected outcome of the war from the West's perspective is the fast-tracking of the BRICS+ development. It will be carnage when the US can't fund it's debt because nobody wants to buy T-Bills. Don't think it can happen? It's already happening.
  18. Some manure is finally beginning to stick to the Teflon Thai Baht.
  19. They will soon run out of ... variant names. Bound to go in the direction of the 2SPLGBTQIA++CNBP... alphabet soup brigade. Apologies to all/any of the apparently infinite number of alphabet soup variants I omitted.
  20. Applying statistical logic, they should park the scooters on the pavement (sidewalk, footpath). This would cause much less inconvenience as nobody uses the pavement, especially the Indians. For the same reasons, trains should be made to stop at road crossings, not cars.
  21. Maybe the BIB think you really can get blood from a stone?
  22. Meanwhile, 9% of the world's grain production goes into producing biofuel to satisfy the puritanical climate warriors, instead of using those ghastly carbon-based fuels that feed the plants that create the grain that goes into the production of biofuel. It's a circular conundrum. https://www.vox.com/2014/8/21/6053187/cropland-map-food-fuel-animal-feed
  23. This will seriously affect the Thai Space Program, and probably delay their first moon landing.
  24. ...meanwhile in other news, the last genuine British Conservative leader is reportedly spinning in her grave at the debacle of a joke her party has become, and the decline of Britain into a banana republic. So much for Rule Britannia - the Britons have been enslaved. R.I.P Maggie Thatcher.
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