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Everything posted by h90

  1. I hear since forever how cheap transportation will be....And now only a little bit per truck from Lao as they have the train already. Just non of the transport companies know anything....
  2. No one knows what you eat and can sell that information
  3. Some call it a merge of private companies and state. I am not sure if Wiki is correct but I didn't studied politic science
  4. Yes some claim that it is not a cure. But afterwards you can eat "normal"....but not as before. Living a healthy normal life without medication.....Other docs claim it is a cure...... Which is semantic. Both arguments make sense
  5. Yes that is what I had in my mind...she did it as a selfless act but maybe someone makes a profit out of it...as she is sad about her son and didn't think for it....Heard some terrible report about the trade with organs and greedy people who can't wait till the person is dead for sure as the money is waiting.....with a case that a person woke up who was about to cut open.... (But was all in USA not in Thailand, China seems to have problems as well)
  6. I am all for more freedom of speech....But I believe it when I see it....112 is the smallest problem. For higher salary first there need to be a better education system. That seems a difficult thing to do. Being hostile to neighbors, Myanmar and Cambodia and to China and Russia is terrible for economic....
  7. Would need a lot framework first....A referendum with a long public discussion before.
  8. You misread what I meant. I mean she SHOULD get the money, if money was made. Organs is a huge business. If some insurance paid a lot money it should be hers and not some middle man.
  9. I think it is meant for people that tried already with diet and exercise and failed with it.....
  10. no carbohydrates for under supervision from a doctor....for a few month, and than slowly adding complex carbs again. Together with healthy nutrition, of course weight loss they get almost all patience complete off medication. They say if weight gain and eat like before it comes again, so some don't agree to call it a cure. Note only Type 2, not Type 1. Type 1 is something complete different
  11. yes or you can get some bigger problem on the membrane.....That why I didn't wait if it goes away on itself, or wasted time with some doc. And put antibiotics drops in immediately....a day later it was good, and did not come back. I have several different antibiotics at home, keep them till they are a few years over expiration and than throw them away.....I really avoid taking them unless absolute necessary. Which is basically never the case. If the ear pain wouldn't be gone in 2 days I would have gone to a doc....
  12. There is already a cure for Type 2 diabetes.....and even easier to prevent it.
  13. My previous last ear infection was 2002......suddenly it hurt....put in the other antibiotics and within a day it was gone....So I just keep stock....
  14. Wow thanks a lot..... twitter links are now meaningless they can't be opened anymore as Musk closed that for non twitter user
  15. Even I don't want to agree, but I have to...You are correct on the Covid example.....100% correct. I think globally in the 1970-1990 many things were much better and people more happy than in the 21st century. So it legit to be very careful with big changes because they are mostly not reversible. I think we should be grateful that the previous government had no "big projects" (that would be overpriced nonsense anyway). Many things that MFP promised will be a disaster for Thai economy...far worse than "do nothing Prayut"...or it is just empty talk like usual for politician than many people will be very disappointed..... The only good thing I see is that Prayut is out.....
  16. I am over 50 and with every government in my home country I thought the old one was so bad it can be only better...and every time it was worse. I rather keep realistic...and be surprised if it is better than I thought....But I got cynical.....
  17. not so fast.....still time enough to change the plan 3 times..... he is not voted in yet....
  18. I am sure they'll soon show that they can be as corrupt if not more than the previous government ????
  19. if she wants to work and feel well? If she feels unwell she should stay home. You know how many people live.....not so comfortable at home as well. Our accounting worked almost to the last day.....at home there 3 families living together, while in the office is a nice aircondition and rather silent. being pregnant is not a disease....
  20. Theoretically yes.....But if people vote for an Adolf Hitler, also these people who didn't vote for them have the consequences. 28% of the voter did vote for MFP. All others didn't vote or vote different but still have at least to pay for the nonsense this government will do.
  21. But they didn't had big projects...so they didn't do much harm.....But MFP want to change everything and having no clue of anything. To be stupid is no problem if you are lazy....but it is if someone is hard working
  22. I am sure they have learned that already.....else they would been a 1% party.
  23. A wonderful thing would have been if she studied engineering and found a company with the amazing things she developed.... Getting beauty surgeries and show of her body for money is exactly the opposite.....compete for the look of the body and not the abilities of the brain.
  24. What is an late afternoon shift time wise? If she feel well I don't see a problem with light work. Of course she can't lift heavy things, but no problem taking someone blood, IF feeling well. If she feel unwell, she should report as sick that day. There are plenty of woman who can work till they get the baby and almost immediately after again....while others fell terrible most of the time.....
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