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Everything posted by h90

  1. I would offer my organs as well...but there were several scandals of people declared death to early to harvest organs. Such an automatic law must go together with very strong protection.
  2. That is bad enough, but worse is what the government can do....track people who go to demonstrations. Check what business owner donated to the opposition. Just switch you off and than even if you win every lawsuit you are meanwhile destroyed. And your drug, alcohol consumption and insurance....Or in German topic: The people should not eat meat....you can limit these purchases
  3. Or a flat rate....and mandatory doctors costs
  4. Than the revenue department will shake them down....
  5. No it is not....I work in technical company and almost nothing comes from inside Thailand...all is imported, the production machines, the semi finished materials, the tools...even the computer in the office.
  6. no it comes more from work....not from school.
  7. usually comes with age....for some it comes never....and some go back in time when they get senile. But some age is important...with 15 everyone is childish
  8. walk to a branch and hope you can walk the 30km and don't get hungry between....because you can't pay a taxi or gasoline
  9. their electric using the cables the country built....and some tricky contract...the first 3 month cheap and than they can adjust to what they think.....can exit the contract only every year on the 30th February, etc....
  10. And some gold.....or other things of exchangeable value. But when I warn against CBDC I am looked at like someone crazy..... Global (so you can't just escape to a other currency) CBDC is a dictators dreams getting true....
  11. I got sober from my politics addiction for years.....only now I relapsed
  12. I needed to pay something with credit card online....every system is different....Kasikorn did not work, BKK did not work. SCB I didn't even hope for, just tried it to have it all tried...worked without a problem. Need 3 bank accounts....something works here something there...large amount withdraw on ATM works with Kasikorn....
  13. PT+the small+BJ+Dems without military should be around 250 as well (didn't count it if they are just above or just below). Direct working with military parties would be difficult to explain of PTP...But also for the Prayut...he can hardly argue to save Thailand from the Shinwatras and than let his party go in a coalition.....So I agree...but Thailand...I saw yellows cheering red shirts when it is against MFP
  14. and transferring larger amounts double checking everything is correct is very inconvenient with a small display and without keyboard. And for the safety concern...like it is now with my Austrian bank, I must confirm everything with my mobile so if someone hack my computer he could not do nothing without stealing my phone as well.
  15. OK...if it was that way I stay corrected.....Still the amount is interesting....I remember the vote for Abhisit....
  16. and even if the phone app is perfect...what is if your phone brakes, or has glitches if all your life is on the phone.
  17. With digital money that canceling of the accounts won't be needed anymore...just a few mouse clicks to deactivate all your money. Any opposition or demonstrations are than past....
  18. and money transfer aren't fast...I think also not cheap
  19. they got 38% the others got together 62%. You need and the "will of the people" is >50%
  20. The "will of the people" is >50% of the votes...in the theoretic case of all other parties together make a coalition it would be 62% and would be more democratic than MFP with some small parties. (Very theoretic). Well I heard that: go up in flames so many times...they are all big drama queens.....And as per my wife...30-40 years ago new parties rise and will change everything a few years later they are gone again. PTP the big exception and the Dems the oldest party I think. All others come and go.... If Pita will be PM the life goes on. If they block him the life will also go on.....and if we have in 2-4 years another coup and another constitution the twitter bubble will be upset but for the normal people nothing much will change...neither to the better nor to the worse. We give too much importance to all of that.
  21. Nope what I heard was about Pita...at least I think so...I did not put my full attention to it...but wouldn't matter...100 Million is current rate.
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