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Everything posted by h90

  1. Either a) I think they buy it somewhere, and I guess there are ridiculous service intervals....overly careful intervals, just to prevent some extreme rare events....And no one follows them. b) Instead of the original spare parts they install same same from Somchai who is cheaper and gives 10%. ...... We have such a customer high tech machine parts replaced with backyard spare parts which may work but cause problems somewhere else. Such parts can cost irrational high prices. And most of the time it still works fine..... At a machine that may kill someone you can't do that......Some filling machine that than spill fruit juice over the floor...OK, but not there.....
  2. Well my country had a coalition of the 2nd and 3rd with the 3rd having the PM and no one complained.... But that promise to stay together: I would not believe it.....I recently read the list of Thai PMs and how long they last....
  3. There are rumors but it is Thailand, there are rumors for everything.
  4. I think I read something that if PTP has the prime minister it will not be the Shinawatra lady....They said something from in 5 years maybe....They know it, and don't want to burn her.
  5. +50% more minimum salaries, higher electric and gas costs, worse economic contacts with the biggest supplier of electronics and semi finished goods, worse contacts with the biggest supplier of raw materials..... major companies want cheap labor, cheap energy, low taxes and easy trade....if that comes from an awful dictatorship like China or Vietnam or a shining democracy does not matter. Pita may modernize many things that is also an advantage, but energy and China is big minus. Trade with Myanmar is important for SME. I agree that the junta was not that good...but at least you knew what it is. Uncertainty is also something investors don't like.
  6. yes yes...speed limits and no drunk driving make sense because you protect others.....As you may crash into someone. Not against these rules. But only as example of lost ability to judge.....or other in Germany on the highways without any speed limit are not more accidents than in other countries with speed limits. The people learned to act responsible themself instead of setting the speed control on the maximum allowed speed+tolerance no matter what weather.
  7. I never said that he manipulated the process...you are defending him against something I never said....
  8. he was allowed to say many harmful things already.....damaged foreign relations and confidence in economic....
  9. no small children in school do not need to take responsibility for their fathers and I doubt that the senators are all corrupt or have ill gotten gains.
  10. yes they need together a majority....500MPs and 250 Senators...so they have a finger on the scale but enough MPs can complete overrule the senators even in the unlikely case that they all vote as one block.
  11. can be that the bolt holds forever.....If it is not a maintenance issue than it is a design issue...which would be even worse. In my opinion such things must be designed that even in the worst malfunction no one get hurt....only the system get stuck. For sure now I'll walk with my legs again.....Not useing that mechanical people eaters again...
  12. I am an ex smoker as well....And I would allow people to smoke whatever and whenever they want, when they are >18 years old. Not my business what other people do.
  13. yes I see the negative impact on society. That society is not learning to take responsibility themself but get depended on the state. Like people driving the speed limit....the same if all is clear and dry as if it raining and bad visibility. The forget to judge themself instead blindly follow authorities. And where would it end? If we half the speed limits we would be all even safer and if we shoot people who drive faster, no one would ever drive faster again it would be good for society....the greater good in society is one of the most dangerous arguments...abused by Stalin, Mao, Hitler.... The government should protect our freedom not sacrify something for the good of society.
  14. first of all that individual people who vote different...and you can overrule them, even all. Pita could have done it, if he wouldn't be against Korn and insult BJ
  15. yes I agree...these laws are complete wrong. If I don't wear a seat belt, I don't endanger anyone other than myself. These laws should not exist....I would use a seat belt with or without the law, but don't need someone tell me
  16. A coup that is won....is the new government and the new law....illegal/jail is for the unsuccessful...
  17. he got the most votes.....most votes in the election...has nothing to do with the Senators.... yes that there are bad regimes that got most votes in history is correct...you can use that argument equally against Pita or against anyone? That isn't an argument. And the best proof of free and fair elections is that Prayut lost this time...if he would rigged the election he wouldn't have lost it. With the appointed Senators we agree....I can't understand how someone can write something so stupid into the constitution......
  18. Abhisit is a Word Economic Forum young leader...... Oxford and Harvard is no achievement....building a successful company yourself is.....Thaksin did that....but with lot of corruption. That for sure makes him smart. What did Abhisit as PM....It was one big failure.....including lying in TV, having a blood on the streets and burning buildings and making Russia an enemy for no reason.....that is no sign of being smart. Pita....lets wait and judge in 2-3 years, but the begin is not too good.
  19. young, dynamic, fresh ideas.....most handsome....a real winner.....
  20. but you don't have any arguments why I would be wrong, or? And that Junta got the most votes in the 2019 election.....So it was an elected government
  21. You might be not grown up to decide yourself and wish the government can replace your parents. But many people don't need that and can decide themself what they do in their life.... I don't smoke, drink very little don't use Marijuana but strongly advocate that people can use it whenever they want without any restrictions (beside when it endangers others like drunk driving)....other drugs as well.
  22. the population did not fight back...because they weren't much against it....which also showed as Prayuth won the popular vote years later in the election. Coups are something very common in Thailand...part of the political culture....and not a big drama like it would be in Europe.
  23. no I am accusing the old government for not doing their duty and ask for help as Thailand was without legal government.....so actually they old government seized power that was not theirs. That is not the military fault...caused by Suthep....
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