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Everything posted by h90

  1. yes wrong....a non violent fraud.....nothing someone should go into jail...so painful fee...someone could argue to seize the BMW (I do not, but I could understand it). Some community service would OK....cleaning the toilets at the train stations....as a fee may not hurt someone rich. But not 5 year jail like murder rapist drug dealer etc.... We had a freelance sales who got stopped for drunk driving...a Thai who only spoke English with the policeman and explained the policeman that he is just too uneducated to understand him....He got a 2 week cleaning the street.....all the office had fun calling him, pretending to be a customer who need him visit and today and let him made up some story why he can't......he never again drove drunk.....it worked magic
  2. nice for the elephant.....but for that cost are there no humans who have problems to better invest the money?
  3. very easy to overrule the senate 500+250 / 2: 375 votes needed and that if all 250 senators vote the same which is unlikely 375-151-141-71-25 and here we go with many small parties not even needed
  4. his brother? ???? What Klaus speaks is bad enough...but didn't hear chips in the brain yet
  5. And if you oppose government, they can delete/block your digital money...not your cash
  6. We moved back to pay now the salaries in cash in envelopes again and all I order, if somehow possible is cash on delivery.
  7. And it is a balance. One of our CNC machines is so safe that some adjustments are almost impossible to do. When it get impossible the people start to push something into the doorswitch.....That need some engineering team that has experience with the work itself. A solution would be with open door/cage there is a speed limit of 5%. So you can fix something on a running machine without getting shredded to pieces. Our tool changing turret has that...looks like a slow motion video.
  8. but could be that Hitachi had a subcontractor here....with all Thai and close to some important people to get these contracts
  9. From what year is that law? 1975? "up to five years in jail and a maximum fine of 10,000? 10.000 is way to mild 5 years jail time is way over the top....200 hours community service maybe. I guess the law is from a time where 10.000 Baht was a fortune.
  10. I guess than the system reports it and tries to find the owner...but she uses fake plates. If it is common you can have some police hiding there. But if it is rare it is difficult.
  11. 5 year jail for cheating the toll fee? What would you do with someone parking wrong? execute?
  12. As much we may disagree...I like your humor ????
  13. that is the beginning...soon you'll agree with everything....
  14. but any new government won't do that as well...if there is one point they improve things it would already beat my expectations. Best we can hope for is that they don't make things worse
  15. recently when my parents came, the problem were not the prices in Thailand. The problem was that airplanes doubled the price.
  16. I doubt Prawit can get enough votes and he won't get 250 MPs...without the 250 MPs he can't govern. I could imagine that they let some votes fail and than someone brings the real candidate.....So PTP can say...Pita failed, Prawit no....but we jump in to the rescue or some other obvious scripted story.
  17. No it will simply continue without much changes.....not good not bad.....
  18. yes...the excuses were worse than the watches themself. He should have said "not your business". And that watch story went on forever with new lame excuses. Every 5 year old can lie better....
  19. he had before successful companies, he was a self made business man. Also his first term wasn't bad. Yes he was than terrible corrupt, stole money, killed people. But he is smart, understands business etc. Different than some rich kids who never worked something. That does not make him a good guy....
  20. agree on the education system. But that only helps in the long run. Actually a global problem. While the Thai system is bad, other countries are equally bad.....both in America and Europe. Don't know how old you are, but schools are not that what we remember. If AI is only half as good as they think it will be, there will be a huge problem...from Taxi/Truck drivers to dermatologists.....When I think what I do daily, most of it could be easily done by an AI.....
  21. Most of the 250 are most probably thinking they do their best to protect the country from harm.....if they do wrong mostly out of good intentions. No a child is not responsible. And kids are special....If you catch a murder, do you give the child also a good beating?
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