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Everything posted by h90

  1. and he is just the most flamboyant...the others are the same just it is not that obvious....
  2. yes...the next constitution is already overdue.....
  3. I am always irritated by the "I take full responsibility for...." by politicians....who actually neither pay for the damage nor resign nor any other consequence...just empty words. Very common now in the west
  4. I want Prayut going away...but Pita does his best to let Prayut look like a reasonable PM in compare...... That is a sad state of the political landscape....
  5. Well it is similar to every other country in the west.....You can nominate whoever you want and than there is a vote in the parliament.
  6. Is Prawit only the best the opposition can find? Pita on one side and Prawit on the other side? Only Abhisit is missing to make the failure complete If that is the political landscape than we are doomed and wish for the return of Thaksin.....at least he wasn't stupid
  7. the parlament is who give him a mandate or not...so you don't know that yet. And since when is old fat dim witted a reason for not being top politician? I thought that is a requirement
  8. yes empty words are cheap....he should resign...in any civilized country people would demand a woman beater to resign as politician.
  9. bulling innocent children is something only the worst dictators do. If that is democracy than I don't need it
  10. Marijuana keeps legal and many people out of jail. Arms will less flow to Myanmar, as CIA does over Thailand.....The Generals get arms from China and Russia not from Thailand. China and Russia...major trading partners will be happy and so thousands of SME companies trading with them, tourism and millions of people depending on it. So that all sounds mostly good for me....I take the disadvantage of bad beer in exchange.
  11. doesn't matter, you need >250 MPs to govern......no government can survice without majority....
  12. yes because Suthep made troubles with the elections....but they why doesn't matter. When the government is expired, means there is no government, the old government has to "inform" the king about the power vacuum. Don't know all his options, but the most common would be to install a government of bureaucrats which prepares for new elections. And if someone think that is not democratic, something like 3 years ago we had such a government in Austria, installed by the president. No one complained about it. There can be different opinions on what to do, but one thing is for sure you can't continue to govern, because a) there is an expiration date, if it wouldn't matter than there would be no expiration date and b) think thru what that means, it would open the door for any dictator, every government that may loose can sabotage the elections and remain in power for infinity.
  13. I have the feeling that some of the yellow supporters of Prayut also wake up and realize that Sondhi was right all the way and Prayut is not the saver they have hoped for....so that guy is out. Shinawatras have some respect....the first term of Thaksin was good and everyone agrees that he is smart....just using his brain for the wrong things. (no one thinks that from Pita...the smart thing). So I can imagine they make a deal with Thaksin....I always opposed Thaksin, but when I hear Pita than I see that he is the lesser evil
  14. I think it will be different at the PM votes someone will nominate alternative candidates and the senate will vote for the alternative candidates....and if they are smart (which is not sure) they'll use agreeable candidates so some of the smaller parties will also vote for them....Getting nowhere. Than getting some compromise. If they take a PTP candidate and some vote for them, some senate the greed will take over and PTP will try to seize the opportunity.
  15. I am not sure but it should be enough either MFP or PTP + minor parties+Democrats+BJ to have >250 seats but without the military parties Of course than they need the Senate to get started
  16. and for the B Visa an stool sample...urine sample was already needed last time
  17. Carlsberg had some disput with the company that produced it in Thailand. I liked it, would love to see it come back. Federbraeu I tried only once and it was bad....but maybe that bottle was in the sun before.
  18. And the alternative to it is Shinawattras....Soon people will miss Prayut and not because he was in any way good. Not being Pita will be good enough
  19. obviously not, else they would have voted for it. But there are several other coalitions possible....MFP with several coalition partner, PTP with several coalition partner (both without military parties). MFP with PTP with and without other parties.... And there are many different prime ministers possible.
  20. So the old fox Thaksin killed the premiership from Pita "if Pita fails to take the premiership, Pheu Thai will lead the government". Next step is to ensure that it fails....convince some senators who wanted to vote for Pita that there is a better option that is equal democratic....Alone this article will cause that.
  21. at the time of the coup there was no legally elected government. The government was a caretaker government that was expired already and was unlawful in power.
  22. On this we agree....that senator thing is really bad. If you want a senate like that, you can fill it with retired judges, buerocrates, former PMs, labor union or something similar and from the 250 (I would guess 100 are enough) there could be 1 from the military. And that constitution was written before the Marijuana got legal...And there are several other things in it that sloppy or nonsense.
  23. You most probably know....but I can't believe me eyes every time I see it..... Like staff goes to the doc for having some LIGHT cold (they still come to work (at least before Covid)) and come back with 5 different tablets... antibiotics, pain killer, something to sleep better, something to clear mucus, something to unblock the nose. Whatever the problem they throw in an antibiotics....And they eat that all.....
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