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Everything posted by h90

  1. No one doubts that the government was expired.....You don't need academics to interpret that word.
  2. now you already downgraded it from violence to serious crime and threatening violence..... Threatening violence and violence is something different..... I agree it was threatening violence. If he would have slapped Yingluck it would have been violence...but he didn't. Keeping sitting on your chair and ordering people around when you are expired is also a crime. Imagine your hated Prayut leads a caretaker government that is expired....I am sure you would agree to carry him out of the PMs office together with the chair he glued himself on, right....Same case....Expired illegal government.
  3. I hear from all sides harsh rhetoric...one poster here...forgot which one, often calls for violence. But I see that also on the Russia-Ukraine conflict or Covid....people are much more aggressive than a few years ago.
  4. 250 individuals....who have different opinions and can influence a vote....they can't block an overwhelming majority. No veto power...just votes. That this senator construct is bad: I agree on that. But it is constitution.
  5. Thanks...maybe I put a Tobradex on stock...Just for the case of emergency.....not intending to use it....Thank you for the informations on levofloxacin...
  6. peaceful is what no party want....everyone want some escalation
  7. Really?...parliament makes a majority of parties people did want....There was no "checkmark party you don't want" on the ballot. Everything >50% in parliament is something the people wanted
  8. ChatGPT...write me an article about most dangerous airports. Remove Disneyland and Antarctica airport...there are no airports. OK we print it....
  9. don't be ridiculous, how many times in the past BJT changed sides for cash? Every time they got offered something. Yes they didn't want Korn....they rejected him and than complain if there are not enough votes?? That is silly. The royal thing I don't want to discuss here....but when you listen what they sometimes say...and what the PTP already distance themself from...it is at least provoking the Senate. And it is unnecessary and has no influence on the economic problems many Thais have...Why not bury these ideological things for a few months?
  10. yes OK, than everyone who got bodily harm should be refunded....just there is no one
  11. an expired caretaker government can not organize anything....they are as illegal as the coupmaker....the word is EXPIRED.....
  12. The Senate can not overturn something...there is a vote in parliament and Senate doesn't have too much influence.....60 votes they need...but they told they don't want the votes from Korn....they insulted BJP without any reason.....without doing that they could have the votes without a single Senator votes for them. They might have even gotten the 60 senate votes if they wouldn't be openly hostile against the monarchy. (That silly national day discussion only to anger the monarchists, the silly 112 discussion).
  13. I doubt Thaksin is that silly....having the deal, loosing the speaker and than forever not getting the pardon because they cave in when there is resistance....
  14. the purpose of being elected is to enrich yourself and your friends......no one who has a meaningful position in politics care about the normal people. A person who care about people never reach the top.
  15. no in the 9 years he did not do any progress...and what he did was the same all bad governments worldwide did. He was neither good, nor that bad. History will forget him...in 2 years he'll be as much know as Samak is known by young people.....That is also the place in history he deserves....to be forgotten. Many of the bad things he did, were started at some previous (Thaksin) government and he just continued to make it worse.... And I pretty much worry than in 2 years we'll miss him as the new government will be as bad as him but not as lazy as him.....accelerate all the bad things.
  16. if it is not violent it is not violent...no matter what you "define". unlawful: yes elected government in this case no: it was an EXPIRED caretaker government which had no base in the constitution. Their duty would would have been to report their failure to the King. Who than could install a caretaker government who prepares for new elections. But the government was unlawful glued to their chairs. The right way would have been that the courts remove the government not the military. So the military is still wrong but it is not the way you describe it.
  17. I have no sound here, but on the video I only see him not people cheering him....
  18. yes from the thugs close to the government against the yellow...not from the military.
  19. yes drink a beer at room temperature and without the CO2...than you know the quality. Ice cold and full with CO2 every garbage taste OK.....not my opinion that I learned at university....cover problems with more CO2 and cooler serving it. (since a few years they press some CO2 into normal drinking wine....not enough that it bubbles, but still it helps with taste)
  20. They can keep some taxes.....and no it does not need to go somewhere else, Thailand has bloated bureaucracy......saving money. I dream of having a government that has the idea to cut as many taxes as possible by saving money.....Do you know the government complex in Bangkok...or did you know that there are 77 provinces with local government and politicians give their friends some good payed jobs. I would imagine in bureaucracy there can be cut 75% of all people. Which than would make expenses cheaper as there is 75% less corruption. 500 MPs +250 Senators which mostly vote as a block with all the staff they have...cut it in half. How many army generals Thailand has? We had uprisings in Europe when the royals want to take more than 10% tax. USA had a period without any internal taxes...only import duties. That might be a bit extreme, but ever increasing state expenses by debts, increasing taxes or money printing will result in a disaster....just it needs a few years so the responsible politician is long out of office.
  21. yes there was some increase of tax...must have been 3-4 years ago....
  22. Several..... If no one is injured or died it was not violent. You call it illegal coup or immoral coup, whatever but there was no violence.
  23. Yes hidden.....that is my point...ashamed to show it. I didn't use the word "successful" on anyone.....I don't want to go off topic....but most probably we would agree on K C. (my "self appointed HiSo" should have gave you a hint of my opinion....).
  24. Maybe if some Oligarch invest in Marijuana than it keeps legal?? But they have also the Pharma industry against it as can be a cheap medicine.
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