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Everything posted by h90

  1. If you put the corps in the water, wouldn't it be easier to weight it down...if underwater soon enough it got eaten and impossible to find something?
  2. Many farangs loose their heads when coming to Thailand....
  3. I don't care....call me cisgender, Mr. or Miss.....I am not part of the team offended.... That being offended is a sign of being insecure....I don't care what other people think about me. And in the office environment...all are middle age man (beside the accounting woman) who all look and act as if the last 20 year didn't happen.... I think these gender issues exist only in the twitter bubble.
  4. I think the caretaker can still pack...because than it will be some PTP PM. Does someone know the big color factories? I want to buy stocks of red and yellow manufacturers as they may get many orders soon. Thailand has four seasons....red season, yellow season, coup season and silent season.
  5. So basically it is a switch....if everyone uses the word cisman and ciswoman for normal ones. Automatically the trans people will feel discriminated if they are called only man and woman....as than everyone will know that they are different than what they were born with. Than in a 20 years they'll demand that they'll be called cis as well and that the cis will be called something else....and the same dance begins....
  6. They are about the same size as MF...and MF get the top position..the PM. So PT gets more of the lower positions. I don't know what the parliament can do without speaker...in my country there is no speaker.
  7. depends on how many ministers are there.....way too many I guess.
  8. the Russian weaponsdealer many years...maybe 20, very upset explained in an interview the commission. For civilian airplanes it is always 5 and 7 % for the decision maker. 5 and 7 is Boeing and Airbus, I can not remember which was the 7 and which the 5%. (for military things it is 10%) For the military he pointed out that it is a kind of standard rate that is always payed, no matter what countries are buyer or seller.... Getting a 5% of 30 airplanes is a nice amount of money even if you need to share it.
  9. most probably old and running costs are too high....and there would be no commission
  10. the plant of it, would be actually very useful....makes fabric that can be used for many things including clothes....someone had jeans made out it years ago. Don't know for Thailand but in Europe it grows like "weed" no pesticides needed.
  11. for my visa and wp...my hand hurts from the many signatures...I don't know how big the pack of paper is....and every year exactly the same...with the same copy of the ID cards of the same staff.....never a serious problem but complete waste of resources.... groundbraking idea if the control freaks don't want to change something......1 year visa like it is now. When it is expired you can online ask for a 1 year extension, with a transfer of 40.000. Than the third year it is the same old dance again..... Reduce the work by 50% and still keeps the nonsense system in place. You could also link immigration and labor together...if only would develop something like computers and internet....
  12. And 100 Million per vote as BJP said will help to convince the Senators and MPs of the opposition
  13. That is a cheap propaganda piece....some news how the marijuana user get aggressive and killers...so we must ban it, else we can't be safe from them on the street. Pure fiction and shame on Thai Visa to post such nonsense.
  14. if you don't ban narcotics....say you can buy Yaba over the counter in the pharmacy. Who will introduce the ten year old to it? There won't be any drug mafia...there won't be a profit selling it. There is less problems with kids and Marijuana or Kratom than with Alcohol. There will be problems but less than there are now....because now you have people who want to have the kids addicted. And with Yaba you picked already the worst of the drugs. I am all for making it a bit difficult...only pharmacy, no promotion only to adults. But the important thing is that addicted people can get it to drain the money from the mafia....
  15. But if they put them all on storage it will remove significant carbon.....it must be many tons every year
  16. Here in the office some unvaccinated some vaccinated...and my parents >80. Vaccinated all are 2x Astra Zeneca...had Covid....very light disease no problem, got good and not a second time. Unvaccinated some but not all got covid and it was light an no problem. My father >80 had it a bit more heavy but didn't need a doctor and needed afterwards weeks till he wasn't so extreme tired anymore. But one of my customer died of covid...and died a terrible death....And a few prominent anti vaxxer also got it terrible bad. The early versions weren't a light disease.
  17. Yes.....I can understand the lust for power and money. But even as evil dictator I wouldn't have a problem if the slaves enjoy their free time.....In Nordkorea is no law for Marijuana, never been...it was an UN agenda and NK didn't care them. Hitler hated smoking and drinking. He wanted to ban smoking for the health of his people. But thought during hard war times it is one of the few things they can enjoy so rather let them. If you see todays radical anti smoker, it makes them look like moderates. This is often people who want to improve the world or society.
  18. And don't forget, he first said that aren't his shares.....that lying makes it worse
  19. Here another link from Prayuts party.....I don't want to defend Prayut, I really dislike him....but he stand in the 2019 election with the Palang Pracharaths party and won the majority of the votes....if you like it or not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palang_Pracharath_Party
  20. Abhisit is more tarnished by being a very bad PM....As well he is one of the selected by the WEF young leader program. The handling of the red shirt protests, the lying and the handling of the Victor Bout case is the maximum of what someone can make wrong. Abhisit is an absolute no go....I think they should not find someone who is similar and cossy with Pita....because than people will vote Pita and not the copy. They need some opposition that is neither radical not military. Reasonable conservative.
  21. Well I guess all numbers are fake.... Before covid I found numbers of tourism in Thailand from 5 to 25% of GDP....someone just writting some random numbers...
  22. not income tax, but with everything they buy in 7/11 they pay a 7% tax, if they drink a beer or smoke they pay a fortune. A rich person can't spend that much more on food than a poor person (yes more but not proportional), so that is a tax that hurts poor much more than rich. At least the basic foods, rice, meat, water etc should be tax free...don't need the McDonalds and the Coke tax free but the most basic one. A beer and a cigarette....the only joy of a poor man has more than 50%. Even Hitler who was radical against smoking and drinking didn't want to ban the only little joy people had in the war times. If you earn 300 Baht per day......
  23. I really want to disagree...... Husband of a staff in the company got offered to PAY 50.000 for getting a job in South Korea where he earns a lot in a few month and comes back. The real story ends with the payment.....he paid and they were never seen again. They have 3 kids, he has no job that why he tried to make some money....they ended with instead of no money with -50.000. We hired him in the company against the rules that we don't take couples..... Hard working good people, but you could sell them a beachfront house in Laos....
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